From August 1st, implement it!

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.06.18

Improve the management system of foreign invasion species to strengthen the prevention and control of the whole chain

——The person in charge of the Department of Science and Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry answered the reporter asked about the "Administrative Measures for Migraphic Invasion Species"

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the General Administration of Customs jointly released the "Administrative Measures for Migraphic Invasion Species" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Department of Science and Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Question: Please introduce the background of the "Measures".

Answer: The prevention and control of foreign species invasion is related to national food security, biological safety and ecological safety. In recent years, with the increasing frequent commodity trade and personnel exchanges in my country, the spread of foreign invasion species has become more diverse and concealed. Most invasive species can find a suitable living environment in my country. Once it is fixed, it is difficult to eradicate the difficulty and seriously affect the invasion land. The ecological environment damage the sustainable development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. The "Biological Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", which was announced on October 17, 2021, clearly stipulated that "the country strengthens the prevention and response of foreign species invasion to protect biodiversity. In conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council to formulate a list of foreign invasion species and management methods. " In order to effectively strengthen the management of foreign invasion species, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, together with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the General Administration of Customs, systematically sort out the relevant legislative situation at home and abroad, conduct in -depth expert seminars and field investigations, and widely listen to relevant departments, industry experts and the public in the public. Opinions, on this basis, studied the "Measures".

Question: What are the overall considerations of the "Measures" for strengthening the management and improving the responsibility mechanism of foreign invasion species?

Answer: Foreign intrusion species refer to foreign species that introduced colonials and bring threats or harm to ecosystems, habitats, and species, affecting my country's ecological environment, and harming the sustainable development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. The general consideration of strengthening the management of foreign invasion species is to adhere to risk prevention, source control, comprehensive governance, collaborative cooperation, public participation, highlight key areas and key links, establish and improve management systems, strengthen joint control, joint control, group prevention and group governance, comprehensively improve The management level of foreign invasion species. The first is to strengthen the supervision of the entire chain. The "Measures" provisions for the prevention, monitoring and early warning, and reimbursement of governance to the source of foreign invasion, and further strengthen the prevention and control of foreign invasion species from various links, and build a full -chain prevention and control system. The second is to clarify the division of responsibilities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in conjunction with the relevant departments, established the inter -coordination mechanism of the prevention and control department of foreign invasion. The local people's governments at or above the county level were responsible for the prevention and control of species invading species outside the administrative area in accordance with the law. The third is to guide the public to participate. Strengthen publicity and education and science, and encourage the public to participate in the prevention and control of the public in accordance with the law. Any unit or individual shall not introduce, release or discard foreign species without approval.

Question: What are the specific requirements of the "Measures" about the source of the source?

Answer: The "Measures" mainly put forward clear requirements for strengthening the source prevention from three aspects. The first is to regulate the management of species. Due to special needs such as variety cultivation to introduce foreign species such as crops and forest seeds seedlings, and aquatic seedlings, they shall apply for import approval and quarantine approval in accordance with the approval authority. If it belongs to the first introduction, the introduction unit shall conduct risk analysis and submit a risk assessment report to the approval department. The second is to strengthen port prevention and control. Customs should strengthen the prevention and control of the port, crack down on illegal introduction, carry, send, and smuggle foreign species, and deal with the discovered foreign invasive species in accordance with the law. The third is to strengthen domestic quarantine. The competent departments of agricultural rural areas at or above the county level strengthen the supervision of quarantine supervision of cross -regional transportation crops and forest seeds seedlings, plant products, aquatic seedlings, etc. to prevent foreign invasion and spread.

Question: How does the "Measures" be stipulated by the monitoring and early warning of foreign invasion species?

Answer: In order to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of foreign invasion species and timely grasp the condition of foreign invasion species, the Measures mainly provisions three aspects. The first is to carry out investigation and monitoring. Establish a census and monitoring system for foreign invasion, organize a national census every ten years, build a national foreign invasion monitoring network, and carry out normalized monitoring. The second is to issue early warning forecasts. The competent departments such as agricultural rural areas, forestry grasslands, and customs at the provincial level shall strengthen monitoring information sharing, analyze and judge the occurrence of foreign invasion species, spread the trend, timely release early warning forecasts, and guide prevention and control. The third is to regulate information release. The overall situation of foreign invasion of foreign invasion was uniformly released by the relevant departments of the agricultural and rural ministries. The occurrence of external invasion species in relevant areas shall be released by relevant departments of the State Council in accordance with their responsibilities and power. Relevant departments of the provincial agricultural and rural authorities uniformly released the situation of invasion species outside the administrative area.

Question: What are the clear stipulations of the "Measures" on the reimbursement of governance?

Answer: In order to effectively promote the restoration of the governance of foreign invasion species, the Measures stipulate that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the State Forestry and Cao Bureau shall formulate the prevention and control strategies for the prevention and control of foreign invasion species in accordance with the division of responsibilities. Prevention and control treatment plan and implement prevention and control measures. The governance of foreign invasion of plants can adopt measures such as artificial removal, mechanical removal, spraying green agents, and release of biological natural enemies according to the actual conditions of the seedling period, flowering period or strong period. The treatment of foreign pests to invade diseases and insect pests should be adopted to adopt measures such as anti -disease insect species, seedling treatment, physical removal, chemical elimination, and biological control to effectively prevent the spread of pests and insect pests. The governance of an invasion of aquatic animals should take targeted fishing and other measures to prevent its further diffusion of harm. In addition, the "Measures" requires measures such as planting local plants and flowing local species according to local conditions to restore ecosystems to the occurrence area of ​​foreign invasion species. Question: The "Measures" will be implemented from August 1, 2022. How to do a good job of implementing the next step?

Answer: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will work together with relevant departments to seriously grasp the promotion and implementation of the Measures and Organizations, and strengthen the management of foreign invasion species. Focus on three aspects. The first is to do a good job of publicity and interpretation. Adopt the combination of online and offline, organize training on management personnel at all levels, do a good job of interpretation of the "Measures" terms, and improve the supervision and management capabilities in accordance with the law. Production and distribution of popular science propaganda materials to enhance public awareness of prevention and control. The second is to promote the census of foreign invasion species. In areas such as farmland, fishery waters, forests, grasslands, wetlands, and major entry ports, accelerate the implementation of census census for foreign invasion species, and understand the number, distribution range, and degree of harm of foreign invasion species in my country. The third is to strengthen the governance of foreign invasion species. Dividends and divide the species to formulate prevention and control guidelines, clarify key periods, key areas and main measures to prevent and control, strengthen policy support and technical guidance for governance work, and take comprehensive measures to effectively manage foreign invasion species.

Source | Xinhuanet

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