Maoming Dianbai introduced 13 measures to provide organizational guarantee for the economic steady quality and improvement

Author:Black Publishing Time:2022.06.18

The Organization Department of the Electric and White District Party Committee has a policy and measures for the central government and Guangdong and Maoming City to stabilize the economy. In accordance with the requirements of the Economic Powerful Economic Area of ​​the Power White District Party Committee and the district government, based on the organizational function 2. Give full play to the advantages of the organization, and recently issued the "Electric White Zone to play the advantages of the organization to help the economy to steadily improve the quality of the quality and improve the quality of the quality". Steady into quality.

—— Strengthen organizational overall planning to stabilize the market entity

Stabilizing the economy must stabilize the market entity, and to protect market players is urgent. Focusing on how to better serve the market subject, the electric white area has done an article.

Green buildings, agarwood and fragrance spices, and cultural tourism are the three pillar industries of electricity and white, and they are also the top priority of the economy. Therefore, electric and white set up work classes for the three major industries, and actively select outstanding cadres to provide strong work for special classes. The "seven one" working mechanism of the January and January 1 notice "promoted the project early, completed, and early results.

The Dianbai District Party Committee is mainly responsible for leading the leading team to investigate the construction of fragrance fragrance bases and the development of agarwood industry

In addition to the three leading industries, electric and white also targeted the "chain -long" service mechanism around the five major industrial clusters, including prefabricated dishes, specialized new agriculture, dentures, southern medicine, and new energy batteries. This mechanism is the head of the district party committee as the chief chain, the deputy secretary of the district party committee and the head of the district as the first chain, the leaders of other district leaders or the main leaders of the industry authority as the chief of the industrial cluster, and work together to promote the steady development of the industrial cluster.

Within a wider range, the corporate service officer system is playing a significant role. Electric and White selected 130 companies as a service object in the entire district. Serving enterprises, be a good enterprise "store primary two", and at the same time, accurately, efficient, and directly enjoy the implementation of various types of beneficiary enterprise policies, and promote the steady growth of enterprises.

Electric and White also actively played the "two new" party organizations' substantive role in the company's stability and stability, and continued to carry out the "stabilization of enterprises to be able to serve as a pioneer", give full play to the advantages of grid -up enterprises, warm heart to help enterprises, grids, grids, grids, grids, and grids Long and grid staff have advanced service to promote practical problems such as market development difficulties, difficulty in industrial chain, difficulty in logistics transportation, and direct policy reaching difficulties.

Electric and White District adheres to the leadership of party building, strengthen the construction of work style, and promote the high -quality development of economic and society

—— Strengthen talent leading to stimulate the vitality of the industry

Talent is the first resource for economic and social development. In order to ensure the high -quality development of the economy and society, electricity and white from the level of talent cultivation, strength aggregation, and talent cooperation, to consolidate the foundation for industry development.

At the level of talent cultivation, electric and white planning various types of training courses on the three leading industries, as well as special industries such as marine economy and food processing, increase their efforts to train special industries and skills, and continuously cultivate and strengthen industrial talent teams.

At the level of strength aggregation, Electric Bai actively promotes the members of the district committee's talent work leading group to effectively perform its duties, and give corporate support from all parties such as financial institutions, private capital, and investment institutions from credit, investment, and services. Optimize the process of rewriting the talent policy, accelerate the support of funds, establish a "one special class" mechanism for talent services, and help enterprises directly meet the policy dividends.

At the level of talent cooperation, Electric and White continues to play the intellectual supporting role of consultants, rural revitalization consultants, and think tank centers. Essence Pay attention to dugging and expansion needs, promote the joint construction, research, research and research platforms of schools (institutes, institutes), and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Establishment of the Party School of the District Party Committee of Dianbai District Think Tank and District Love Research Center

—— Incentive responsibility as a hero with real performance

In order to inspire and urge leading cadres to take responsibility in the process of economic development, electric and white also have measures in terms of systems and assessments.

At the institutional level, the selection of people who have re -achieved the actual performance of the electric white trees, pay attention to the first -tier inspection and identification of cadres, and strictly implement the "Maoming Dianbai District to stimulate the role of cadres to act and promote the implementation rules of leading cadres to" be able to go down and down ". ) "Comprehensive analysis and assessment with work performance and style performance.

At the level of assessment, the "test competition" mechanism of electricity and whiteness will carry out the "cadre tackling, organizational inspection, and performance competition" activities to promote the implementation of key projects, the policy of major benefits of enterprises, solve the problem of corporate operations, resolve major risks, etc. Improvement of quality and improvement is the indicator, evaluate the effectiveness of the performance, the results of the inspection are linked to the cadres' annual assessment, evaluation of excellent evaluation, work style evaluation, performance distribution, promotion of job grade, and promotion. Strengthen the joint dispatch and inspection of key projects, and further promote the speed and efficiency of project construction.

In order to help leading cadres to improve the ability to grasp the laws of economic laws, study the economic situation, stabilize economic growth, and prevent economic risks, Electric Bai also organizes a series of special training for stable economy, and through setting up a professional teaching module Good experience and good practices. At the same time, relying on the three -level party school, cadre forum, and "attack exchange meeting" of districts, towns and villages, we can help cadres to grasp the ability of cadres to master more crisis and turn danger into peace.

Electric White District opened government affordable vegetable supply points to ensure people's livelihood

——In integration of organizational resources to stabilize employment to protect people's livelihood

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Bao people's livelihood is a basic support and an important pillar of stability. In order to accurately and effectively protect the employment of people's livelihood, electric and white integrate organizational resources, give play to the functions of party and mass service centers at all levels, adhere to the combination of government purchase services and volunteer services, and rely on party building joint meetings to promote community party organizations, state -owned enterprises, organs and units, "two two, two, two New "organizations and other exchanges and interactions provide comprehensive services in terms of employment training, help rescue, and policy consultation. Combined with the construction of modern communities, in the second half of 2022, 300 full -time community workers were recruited to enrich the community forces.

In order to help agricultural production steadily grow, electricity and white precision policies, make full use of organizational advantages to increase agricultural capital overall planning, strengthen the construction of industrial parks such as agarwood, shrimp, silk seedlings, and solidly promote the transfer of agricultural production custody, the transfer of rural contracted land management rights, and rural areas. Reform, actively carry out high -quality new professional farmers and various types of agricultural science and technology training, and timely quote the policy subsidies such as reducing farmers such as reduced ship removal and sows; grasping spring farming and spring seeds, re -cultivation of farming land, pig production, proliferation and release of flow releases 2. Construction of high -standard farmland; stabilize the area of ​​grain planting, stabilize the safety supply of important agricultural products, and keep the bottom line of food safety. Increase the efforts of helping the town in the town, make every effort to accurately implement the monitoring of poverty, and keep the backline of the poor returning poverty.

Nahuo Town, Dianbai District, cobies in accurate agricultural and sideline products to help steady growth

In addition, Dianbai is also continuously strengthening party building and epidemic prevention in the transportation industry, and accelerating the full coverage of grass -roots party organizations at key freight companies. Carry out risk classification and group packaging and group packaging, organize professional training and epidemic prevention emergency drills to ensure smooth transportation of people's biological materials, emergency materials, and production materials.

[Southern Daily, Southern+Reporter] Deng Jianqing

[Correspondent] Yang Bingjiang Liang Zhihong

Source South+

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