Source 丨 Learning Legion (ID: xuexijuntuan)">

Red Bloodline -Today in the History of the Party History and Army | June 18 The Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held

Author:Study legion Time:2022.06.18

"Data-version =" 0 "data-vwidth =" 1280 "data-vHeight =" 720 "transcoding =" 1 "style =" width: 400px; ">

Source 丨 Learning Legion (ID: xuexijuntuan)

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National Railway on June 20th, Beijing to Chengdu to Chengdu to the fastest 7 hours and 31 minutes

The reporter learned from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. that starting at 00:00 on June 20, the national railway implements a new train operation map, the quality and efficiency of passenger a

There are many stories of negotiations for the people in Zhoujiazhuang Village, Tianping Street, Daiyue District, Tai'an City, Shandong Province

Recently, Zhoujiazhuang Village, Tianping Street, repaired the machine wells in a ...