Shenzhou Answers | Jilin: The can see the change of revitalization

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.18

Xinhuanet Changchun, June 18th. Question: Shenzhou Answeed | Jilin: The change of development of development

Reporters Chen Jun, Chu Xiaoliang, Zong Wei, Duan Contin

The factory workshop, the machine roars; the black land, a green green. From the ice and snow to the blooming flowers, after more than two months of fighting, Jilin Province made a full "war" epidemic, achieved staged results, and the order of production and living order recovered in an orderly manner.

Rolling stones go up the mountain, climbing the hills over the hurdles; In recent years, Jilin Province anchors an anchor industry, requires potential investment in projects, benefits to transformation and upgrading, and competitive to the business environment.

Investment, landing projects, conspiracy development ... Looking back at 2021, Jilin Province's annual GDP increased by 6.6%; new registered market entities increased by 50.6%, ranking third in the country. In the first two months of 2022, the investment in fixed assets in the province increased by 17%, ranking nineth in the country. After the epidemic improved, the resumption of work and re -production was rapidly advanced.

Standing on the new starting point, a series of new poems in the northeast rejuvenation are writing, and the hard -to -end song of a high -quality development of a song is constantly playing.

Project energy storage: focusing on high -quality investment, the old industrial base frequently "Naixin"

Jilin in February was still cold. There were many tourists in major ski resorts in Jilin Province, and it was extremely lively. In Vanke Songhua Lake Ski Resort in Jilin City, there are more than half of tourists from outside the province. Mengjia Village, Fulin District, Jilin City, is a well -known "coaching village" -More than 60 young people have obtained ski teaching qualification certificates. In the snow season, they turned into ski coaches with monthly income exceeding 10,000 yuan.

This is the foggy scenery of the Changbai Mountain Forest District taken by the drone. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

The villagers are rich, the village is beautiful, and the change of Mengjia Village is the opportunity of Jilin Province to seize the Beijing Winter Olympics. Relying on the advantages of ice and snow, it attracts the epitome of the settlement of high -quality ice and snow investment projects. During the Spring Festival holiday this year, the province received 9.3414 million domestic tourists, an increase of 13.9%year -on -year; domestic tourism revenue was 8.385 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 12.4%.

Ski enthusiasts take the cable car in the ski resort of Jilin Governor Baishan International Resort. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

New industries, new technologies, new energy ... On the vast black land, it focuses on the construction of new projects and large projects that focuses on high -quality development, and the potential energy has accumulated.

On February 8th, the Spring Festival holiday just passed, and the large -scale engineering vehicles were neatly arranged by the Songhua River in Jilin City. The transformation and upgrading project of China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Company, which lasted three years and after more than a dozen rounds of planning, was officially launched. The total investment was 33.9 billion yuan. It is the largest industrial project in Jilin Province in recent years.

Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Company's hydrogen refinery workers conducted inspection in the factory area. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

Not only "big", but also "new" and "green". After the project is put into production, 2.8 million tons of chemical materials with high production content, high added value, and low energy consumption can be increased each year to achieve the strategic optimization of the province's chemical industry layout. Green electricity "guarantees to reduce carbon emissions.

In western Jilin with rich wind and solar resources, wind power generators and solar panels form a "green electric ocean". Here, the "Three Gorges on the Land" project is being promoted nervously. At present, Jilin Province's new energy installed capacity has exceeded 10 million kilowatts, and the capacity of under construction and grid -connected projects is equivalent to the sum of nearly 10 years. Green power steadily remitted into the grid. It is expected that by 2025, the province's new energy installation capacity will reach 30 million kilowatts.

Attracting "new projects" and "green projects" settled, with existing industrial facilities, storage for high -quality development -reviewing the development of Jilin Province in recent years, this path is very clear. The new project is implemented, storage and storage, and stronger development confidence. In 2021, Jilin Provincial Industrial Investment increased by 11.4%year -on -year, and the average growth rate of two years in 2020 and 2021 was 46.1 percentage points higher than in 2019.

Based on the national strategy, relying on existing advantages, aiming at high -quality development ... Investment during the construction period can effectively stabilize the economic market, and new growth points can be formed after production. After the epidemic improved this year, the project construction work has been promoted rapidly. On April 28, the province's 432 or more projects of more than 50 million yuan were concentrated in resumption, with a total investment of 364 billion yuan. At present, Jilin Province is fully promoting more than 30 key projects including Audi FAW New Energy Vehicle and Jihua Transformation and Upgrade, and accelerate the construction of a number of major water conservancy projects, high -speed rail, and highway projects to stabilize and expand private investment, and accumulate the potential energy.

Structural storage: anchoring multi -point support, trying to play the "symphony"

The car is the "business card" of Jilin Province, and FAW Group is the leader of the industry's revitalization. Jilin Province seized the advantages of traditional industries, optimized industrial layout, and played "symphony".

Robot trolleys pass through, ultrasonic equipment inspection products, robotics handle quickly and orderly assembly ... In the modern production workshop of FAW Group, a passenger car is quickly assembled and shaped from Changchun to all parts of the country. Last year, affected by factors such as "lack of cores", the automotive industry across the country faced huge challenges. In order to help companies break through, Jilin Province established a special class to support FAW Group to solve the problem of "lack of core" and fully protect production. In 2021, FAW Group's annual operating income was 707 billion yuan, and the province's caliber vehicle output was 2.421 million units, accounting for 72.4%of the total output, which effectively drove the development of upstream and downstream industrial chains.

Workers assembled vehicles in the FAW Liberation Total Workshop in Changchun, Jilin. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang took the "long board" of the advantageous industry, and Jilin made an article in the "new student". On the streets of Changchun, from time to time, you can see the red flag E-QM5 new energy replacement taxi passing through. The power station in the city can quickly replace the battery for the vehicle. Relying on the advantages of the automotive industry, Jilin Province has continued to expand to the new energy industry. Hongqi New Energy Vehicle Base, BYD Power Battery Project, Audi New Energy Vehicle Production Base ... a new energy vehicle industry cluster is breeding.

While strengthening traditional advantages such as manufacturing and biomedical industries, it continues to expand the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to form multi -industry support. Today's Jilin Province, rail buses manufacturing, high -performance fiber and composite materials, satellite and applications, biomedicine, and other industrial clusters have given birth to the Chinese Standard EMU, carbon fiber silk, "Jilin No. 1" satellite and other cutting -edge satellites. Products to achieve transformation and upgrading.

Visitors visited the "Jilin No. 1" optical remote sensing satellite and other models at the scene of the Northeast Asia Expo. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

Then enlarge the vision to all parts of the province, and the industrial layout path of coordinated development gradually became clear. Jilin Province fully implements the "one master, six doubles" high -quality development strategy, and builds the "one master" with the leading role of provincial capital Changchun, and continues to enlarge the "Changchun Economic Circle". "Corridor", "Two Development and Open Economic Belt" along the border area, the "six pairs" of the east ice and snow and the wetland wetland "two tourism lines" in the western grassland wetland.

This is the corn taken by the core demonstration area of ​​the country of raw materials (corn) in Siping City, Siping City, Jilin Province. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

Under the leadership of this strategy, the role of Changchun's "leading sheep" has continued to increase, and cities and states have also accelerated their development. Consolidating the foundation of the chemical industry and marching to the new material field, Jilin City, in 2021, the output value of the standard industrial industry increased by 24%; Songyuan City, where the oil and gas industry and the new energy industry continued to work, GDP increased by 8%in 2021; focusing on protecting black land and development In Siping City, modern agriculture, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in the city increased by 8.2%year -on -year ...

Looking at the province, driven by the continuous optimized regional development structure, the advantageous cluster industry has gradually formed a "corridor" and "line". The characteristic function areas are forming "Tao" and "belt". The development of green resources is forming a "base". "Coordinated" development is becoming more and more obvious.

Confidence storage: Optimize the "water" of the business environment and attract the "fish" of the market entity

Affected by factors and other factors, the economic development of the Northeast has been weak, but in recent years, the growth of market entities in Jilin Province has made people feel a warm current. In 2021, there were 636,000 newly registered market entities in the province, of which 38,000 were registered with foreign companies, an increase of 78.9%. Entering 2022, the number of market entities also continued the growth momentum.

What Liu Jinpu, the person in charge of Changchun Kanto Lao Liu Trading Co., Ltd., did not expect that his specialty shop can be transformed into an enterprise, and he was rewarded with his intention to operate, and he expanded his business to other provinces.

This is the scenery of Changchun City shot by drones. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

A series of specific measures to stimulate the vitality of market entities and promote the high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises, cumulating a total of about 100 billion yuan for the real economy cost reduction. In response to the impact of the epidemic, as of the end of May, the province had a total tax refund of 14.73 billion yuan, and used "real gold and silver" to help the enterprise cross the difficulty. The financial leader of Changchun Fengyue Company stated that the taxation department applied for more than 30 million yuan in tax refund in one day.

The expansion and quality of the market body is a comprehensive reflection of the development of environmental optimization. Jilin Province has continuously established a working mechanism for optimizing the business environment, focusing on the pain points and blocking points of the enterprise, and the results of the evaluation of the business environment as an important reference for the selection and appointment of cadres. In the corporate community of Jilin Province, a WeChat group named "Changchun New District Enterprise executive" is famous. In this group, every department in Changchun New District involved in corporate services has a special person "staring". At the critical stage of re -production and re -production after the epidemic, environmental dispels, material supply, nucleic acid testing ... The needs of enterprises in the group will be connected to a few minutes, responded in a timely manner, and quickly promote the solution.

Citizens walk in Changchun Friendship Park. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

The more difficult it is, the more we must take care, the more concerned, and the more help. Faced with the impact of the epidemic, Jilin Province quickly launched 43 specific measures, including increasing the support of inclusive small and micro loans, reducing financing guarantee fees, and increasing a series of precise support measures for college graduates' expansion subsidies, and fully strive to do their best Help enterprises overcome the impact of the epidemic and overwhelm.

The annual output of 20,000 tons of lithium battery negative material projects in Longchang New Energy in Panshi City was originally planned to be completed in the second half of this year. The sudden epidemic situation brought great difficulties to the enterprise. Government departments at all levels of Panshi City organize special classes to provide on -site services. It can be completed in August.

In the interview, many entrepreneurs stated that in recent years, the increasing market entities in Jilin Province have continued to expand, and enterprises from other provinces have continued to settle in and injecting confidence in them.Even due to the impact of the epidemic, in the first quarter of 2022, the new registered market entities in Jilin Province still reached 120,000, an increase of 19.3%year -on -year.The high -speed rail train passed by Wo Ye, Princess Ridge, Jilin Province.Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Nan Zhang Nan

In the new era, new journey, new opportunities.

Today's Jilin has a strong development momentum and rejuvenates.The 12th Party Congress of Jilin Province, which is about to be held, will depict a better future for the development of the province!

Plan: Chen Jun Liu Jian Qian Tong

Supervision: Chu Xiaoliang Zhou Hongjun

Execution: Zong Wei Zhu Yonglei Wang Jianmin

Text Reporter: Chen Jun, Chu Xiaoliang Zongwei Duan continues Ma Xiaocheng

Coordinating: Duan Zhai Zihe

Video: Jiang Mingming Constantqi Section continues to Xu Chang

Poster: Shao Shouzhi

Photography: Xu Chang Zhang Nan

Xinhua News Agency Jilin Branch Xinhuanet jointly produced

[Editor in charge: Zhai Zihe]

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