The "Zhenghe Mediation Room" of the East and West Lake East Mountain set up a police -civilian bridge to add color to the Fengqiao Police Station

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.19

Jimu Journalist Lu Yuan

Correspondent Dong Hongxiang Fangyuan

"Call the 'Zhenghe Mediation Room', they can catch it!" Seeing that Ms. Li and Wang Dad were "furious" in the vineyard, they couldn't make a handy, and there were people around them.

The "Zhenghe Mediation Room" respected by the masses was established in March 2021. It is named after the name of Lin Zhenghe, the Outstanding Old Auxiliary Police Station of the Dongshan Police Station of the West Lake District Bureau of Wuhan Public Security Bureau.

Mediation In contradictions (Correspondent Photo Conferring)

The small sesame trivial matter of the people is a top priority for the grassroots police station. At first, Lin Zhenghe's mediation method was to move legal terms, discussing things and calming the situation. "But this method is too hard, the parties do not understand, the degree of cooperation is not high, and it is easy to arouse the larger contradictions in the future." After the mediation of dozens of contradictions, Lin Zhenghe gradually explored the "improvement of its own quality cultivation, The method of quickly dealing with urgency and contradictions and thinking compared with the heart "has won the trust of the residents of Dongshan. The short things of Dongshan's parents and the short family of the west family like to find the" positive and mediation room "and say that they can solve the puppets in their hearts.

In August, there were more than a hundred disputes in residents

Ms. Li and Wang Dad were getting bigger and bigger. After receiving a call from the residents, Lin Zhenghe rushed to the vineyard for more than ten minutes. After stopping the "fire" of both parties, I understood the ins and outs of the matter. When Ms. Li rushed to the unit with an electric car, she rushed to the unit. Seeing that it was almost 9 o'clock, she speeded up the speed and touched the grape rack in the field. This time, the "horse honeycomb" was stabbed. Going to the road, the two sides moved to dry.

Lin Zhenghe pushed his heart to his father's heart to push his heart: "You mistakenly imagine it as a fact. Ms. Li is going to work in the unit. How can you treat her as a thief?" The shelf is required to compensate Ms. Li, and Ms. Li asked her father to compensate her misunderstanding. Lin Zhenghe criticized Ms. Li, "Why don't you call the police when you are wronged? Instead to destroy the grapes? Grapes from germination to results, you have to pay hard work. You have to confirm your father's mistakes and clean up the damaged grapes."

Lin Zhenghe's words, when it comes to the heart of Daddy and Li Nu, they calmed down. Ms. Li helped Dad Li re -reason the grape rack. Dad Li also forgive Ms. Li.

"Lin Jieyou, some people played by the gas station, no one could persuade, and you had to come!" At about 10 am on August 10th, the hot alarm came, and Lin Zhenghe immediately arrived at the scene. Seeing a middle -aged man pointed to two young men, they said that the two of them hit one, stabbed their necks, pulled out their clothes, and did not lose money! The two young people said that the middle -aged man rose to the chair and smashed them. Both of them smashed them.

"It's all caused by the irritation of the sky, calm down and drop the fire!" After Lin Zhenghe had no trauma, he visited the witnesses at the scene and retrieved the video. At the time, a few drops of oil were chatting. When the two guys Xu, who were cheering behind, couldn't stand it, and said two words, the two sides developed because of the corners.

Lin Zhenghe's bitterly persuaded: "You one requires 10,000, and one party requires 50,000. The basis for the hospital's inspection and treatment certificate. But you have no injuries to the bones or trauma. Throw the money to the hospital for nothing. Later, do you still delay work and farm, can you draw it? "Finally, under Lin Zhenghe's mediation, the two sides shook hands.

"Summer is hot and hot, and various contradictions and disputes occur." Lin Zhenghe said that in August alone, he mediated more than a hundred similar disputes.

Find the "internal fire" to resolve the contradiction between aging aging

A scolding of a knock on the pot, bombing in the most prosperous market in Dongshan, the upset and irritable dissatisfaction surged on the street.

Talk to the residents (corresponding to the correspondent)

Lin Zhenghe and his colleague Peng Jinqiang rushed to the scene and saw the second daughter -in -law of Chen Dad's family. He was busy looking forward to asking for the reason. The house's demolition funds were caused. The first compensation for the first compensation of Chen Dad's second son had received most of it. This year, the fish pond of Chen Dad's house was collected again, and the compensation funds were all given to the eldest son. The second son and husband were uncomfortable, so he took the pot to the downtown area and scolded. Lin Zhenghe and Peng Jinqiang did not work for several jobs. In order to completely resolve the family contradictions of the Chen family, Lin Zhenghe contacted the cadres of the brigade and the "three -party linkage" mediation of the "three parties" to do the work of the eldest son of Chen's father, compensating the second son's house of 20,000 yuan, and calming a "inner inner for many years. fire".

Efficient solution to "urgent expectation" to add color to the maple bridge police station

"The contradictions encountered in the process of regulating the daily law enforcement management process need to be investigated in 'early' and resolve 'thorough' to really do small things without going out of the village. In the sprout state. "Lin Zhenghe's positioning of the mediation room was clear and clear, and the contradiction was resolved to the maximum extent in practice.

Chat with residents (corresponding to the correspondent)

"Lin Zhenghe's prestige in Dongshan residents has a high prestige and has a weight." Lin Xinghua, director of the Dongshan Police Station, said that Lin Zhenghe joined the Dongshan Police Station after retiring from the troops in 1991, from the original security players to the police, to the police to the police, and then Captain auxiliary police officer, his job has changed with the changes of the times, but his enthusiasm for Dongshan, the fertile soil, has never changed. The 30 -year -old auxiliary police career has made him look at Dongshan's folk customs and people's warmth and warmth. "Contradictions are not intertwined, there is no accident in peace, and there is no shortage of service '. This is not what we do!" Lin Zhenghe has worked for more than 30 years, adhered to the concept of "people -centered", inherited the experience of maple bridge, practiced the experience of Maple Bridge, and practiced the experience of Maple Bridge, practicing the experience of Maple Bridge, and practicing the experience of Maple Bridge. At the beginning of the people, it became a bridge to resolve contradictions and the hearts of the police. Dongshan Police Station adheres to the leadership of party building, social grass -roots governance as the starting point, deeply integrates resources and strength of the area in the jurisdiction, and extensively participate in the adjustment and resolution of social contradictions, and efficiently solve the various "urgency and sorrows" of the masses. With the reconciliation of righteousness and grounding, a total of more than 600 contradictions and disputes were transferred, the mediation success rate reached 97%, and the average of various contradictions and disputes fell by 40%.

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