220 million yuan central subsidy!The only province!Zhuzhou will build ...

Author:Zhuzhou Published Time:2022.08.19

On August 16, the Provincial Environmental Protection Industry Association released news that Zhuzhou received 220 million yuan in central subsidy funds to support the "14th Five -Year Plan" second batch of systematic promotion of sponge city construction demonstration work.

In May of this year, the second batch of systematic systems in the country's "14th Five -Year Plan" was announced by the promotion of sponge cities. 25 cities were selected and Zhuzhou City was "on the list".

In accordance with the relevant documents issued earlier, the second batch of sponge city construction demonstration cities that have been successfully declared, and the central government provides fixed subsidies to the demonstration cities according to regional regions. Therefore, recently, the Ministry of Finance has reached a subsidy of 6.12 billion yuan in urban pipeline networks and sewage treatment subsidies in 2022, and each subsidy of 220 million yuan for east, central prefecture -level and above cities; Yuan; Eastern county -level cities subsidized 140 million yuan; western county -level cities subsidized 200 million yuan.

In 2012, Zhuzhou took the lead in building the first sponge -type road in the province (Yunlong Avenue)

The central subsidy funds mainly support the construction of various types of projects that are directly related to the construction of sponge cities, including sponge cities construction related to waterlogging and waterlogging facilities, rainwater storage facilities, urban green space, wetlands, wetlands, wetlands, wetlands, wetlands, wetlands, wetlands Projects and other projects such as permeability road square.

Zhuzhou City is the only city in our province. The city plans to coordinate the promotion of the "spongeization" and urban renewal collaboration of the old industrial cities, the urban circle ecological co -governance, the systematic governance of "flood and pollution", and refined the entire element. The total investment is expected to be 8.29 billion yuan.

Source/Hunan Daily


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