Knowing policies and enjoying policies!@, Please collect this leisure policy guide

Author:Tengchongwen Brigade Time:2022.08.19

Small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households

Is the "vitality source" of the market economy

It is a "storage pool" that absorbs employment

It is an important foundation for the economy


The economic situation at home and abroad is complicated and severe

The economy is facing new downward pressure

Difficulties in small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households have increased significantly

In order to promote the implementation of the "Yunnan Provincial People's Government on the Implementation of the Policies and Measures of the Economic Praise" and the effect of further improving the awareness and arrival rate of helping enterprises' relief policies and measures, the General Office of the People's Government of Yunnan Province compiled with relevant departments " Guidelines for the Relief Policy of Small and Medium and Micro Enterprises in Yunnan Province.

"Policy Guide" focuses on 7 aspects of financial and tax support, cost reduction and efficiency, financial credit, stable employment, rent reduction, innovation and entrepreneurship, and enterprise training. Sumid summary.

Provincial -level establishment special funds to promote the development of small and medium -sized enterprises

Reduce small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial household payment fees

Implementation phase reduces the policy of reducing unemployment insurance rates


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