Night Reading | Looking for Grandpa

Author:Henan Legal Daily Time:2022.06.18

Looking for Grandpawen/Li Donghong to find Grandpa is what I have been doing for many years. Finding Grandpa has always been my wish. Grandpa died very early, and I have never seen him since I was born. Looking for Grandpa, I actually want to find Grandpa's grave. My ancestral home was in Cuiqiao Town, Fugou County, Henan Province, south of the town. Most of the people in the south of the town are Li, and they are big surnames. I went home not long ago, and I saw Li Guoqiang, who was 68 years old. He had been working in the county. Now he retired at home. He is also a "south". Over the years, he has been recording the matter of our family and "south". According to him, the ancestors of "Nantou Li" came from Huangpi, Hubei in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the war in Huangpi, Hubei, and the people did not talk about their lives. The local Li Digong, Li Ergong and Li San Gong brothers led their families to the Central Plains and migrated to Cuiqiao Town in Shangqiu, Zhoukou Taikang County and Fugou County. "Nantou Li" has so far rooted in Cuiqiao Town, and it is made of sunrise. After the sunset, after vicissitudes, it has become a big family. Grandpa has three sons, and my father ranks third. Uncle lives in the town, Erbo lives in a neighboring village, his father lives in Song Maang Village, which is the "俺 村" that has been buried in my heart. Now, some of their brothers have left the world. The uncle's home was at the crossroads in the town. At the beginning of my high school, the uncle's family opened a teahouse at the cross intersection. Every afternoon or evening, the teahouse is full of people, most of them are older people and people who are free. They want to put a pot of tea, smoke a few cents a box of cigarettes, spray them, and spray them. Empty, one spray is one afternoon or in the middle of the night. Uncle's teahouse is very close to our high school. In the winter, after going to study in the evening, I went to the teahouse to drink tea in the teahouse several times. Every time I came, the aunt wrapped in my little feet greeted me enthusiastically. Sometimes I saw me hungry and would make a bowl of noodles for me. The memory of Erbo is not deep. He only knows that he has lived in the neighboring Bozhuang Village from the town, married his wife and have children, worked hard, and ended his hometown. My father, when I was young, came to Songmagang Village from the town. In rural dialect, I was "living a mother -in -law". Father, now, is still sleeping on the field. Three father and brothers were not buried with their parents to accompany their father and mother. When the mother was there, I asked Grandpa's grave. The mother said, the one on the south of the town, which one is the specific one, I don't know. I have also asked the elder brother in his 60s, he didn't know. He has never seen Grandpa. However, the mother once told me: "Your grandfather will fight for righteousness in his life, and once organized a 'protector team' during the war, the people were protected by the people during the day and night." The parents are gone, so at present, my seniority is. It is the most elder in "Nantou Li". A few years ago, I returned to the town once, and walked over a 60 -year -old man with a straw hat. He was also "south". When he saw me, he shouted with his throat and shouted: "Isn't this Xiao Donghong." During the chat, I asked Grandpa's affairs. "It's been too long, and I don't remember some things." According to Li Guoqiang, in 1938, after Chiang Kai -shek took off the mouth of Zhengzhou Garden, the Yellow River had a thousand miles and drowned many places in Henan, including our county, our town, and our village. The villagers went out of the fugitives. After the flood was retreated, the sediment was more than two meters thick, covering the original grave of the south of the town. From then on, Grandpa's grave could not be found. Sometimes, everyone's heart needs a place to settle. When I went home last year, I came to the south of the town again. Under a large shade of the trees, I was full of weeds and recorded years. Maybe I can no longer find Grandpa. But I know that Grandpa is under the shade of this tree. Maybe it is the small flower swaying in the shade of the tree, maybe it is a green leaf on the tall and tall tall tree. I found Grandpa. (Author brief introduction: Li Donghong, a native of Fugou County, Henan, graduated from the Department of Journalism of Zhengzhou University. He has successively served as editor and reporter of the Henan Daily, deputy director of the news special release department, deputy director of the new media department. . Once published "Want to Watch Rain", "Anti -Corruption Action", "I'm a Police", "Question of Life", "52 Letters Written to Mother" and other 5 minister novels and prose collection. Among them Henan Province "Five One Engineering Award".

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Edit: Yang Shufang

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