Heavy rain strikes!They gather on the front line of flood anti -rescue!

Author:Ministry of Justice Time:2022.06.18

Rain raid! Mountain floods outbreak!

The road is flooded! Traffic is blocked!

Ganjiang No. 1 flood formation

Since June 12

Jiangxi Ganzhou Longnan, Quannan, Dingnan,

Huichang, Ruijin, Xinfeng, Yudu and other places

Encounter continuous heavy rainfall

Some townships are seriously affected

When the people's life and property are threatened

Ganzhou judicial executives quickly assembled

Fighting day and night is on the front line of flood resistance

Longnan City Judicial Bureau

All the judicial administrative police of Longnan City moved to "flood" and went deep into the front line to carry out flood relief. They checked the situation of geological disasters, and they were in danger of the masses; they actively transferred the affected people and arranged the masses at the temporary safety resettlement point; they encountered water bridge, regardless of difficulties, transported materials for the people of remote mountainous areas; Silver ... They also have wives and children, and they have the elderly. At this moment, the family is also encountering floods, but they do not care about it, and strive to enter the flood -resistant disaster relief to ensure the safety of the masses!

Judicial Bureau of Quannan County

The Judicial Bureau of Quannan County organized a hard work for the first time to help the front line of Zhecun Village of Zhecun Township to assist in the flood prevention and disaster relief work. Party members and cadres were sold out first, and visited the situation of crops and infrastructure damaged due to heavy rain, and guided the villagers to scientifically, orderly, and safely respond to emergencies. At the same time, they give full play to the pioneer model and fighting fortress of party members and cadres, actively participate in voluntary operations in the grid area, investigate and carry out dirt removal and dredging work on the drainage ditch of the stagnation section of the grid area to ensure the grid area The drainage system of the road section runs normally.

Dingnan County Judicial Bureau

The staff of various judicial institutes invested in flood resistance for the first time. While the village work team did a good job of normalizing assistance, they actively assisted the village to "two committees" to do a good job of flood prevention in the village. Huang Jianlin, the director of the Tenjiu Jiulia Institute, learned that after several people who were unwilling to transfer, they came to work with their colleagues to work patiently with their colleagues. Shortly after they transferred the masses to a safe place, the houses of these people were instantly buried because of the collapse of the surrounding mountains. This time the timely transfer successfully maintained the safety of the people's lives and reduced property losses.

Yudu County Judicial Bureau

Facing the storm, the three village team members of the Tudu County Judicial Bureau struggled all night to fight the first line of disaster relief, investigated road conditions and adventure, and used practical actions to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people. In addition, the county judicial bureau also established a volunteer team consisting of 15 party members and cadres and 11 middle -level cadres. The first time they rushed to three assistant villages, the upper households carried out the disaster farmers' persuasion and investigated the affected people of the masses. Essence Safety transfer of 18 households, 206 affected farmers, distributed more than 500 flood prevention and flood prevention brochures, and assisted in the two levels of rural levels to set up warning signs at the point and river landslide in the rural level.


Article Source 丨 Jiangxi Judicial Administration

Edit 丨 Cao Ke Guo Ao

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