On August 16th, 4 cases of new local diagnosis were added in Sichuan, and 4 cases of non -symptoms were added

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.08.17

At 00-24 on August 16th, there were 4 new local diagnosis cases in Sichuan (2 cases in Chengdu; 1 case of Nanchong and 1 case of Ganzi asymptomatic infected), 4 cases of new native symptoms (4 cases of native infection ( 1 case in Chengdu, 1 case of Mianyang, 1 case of Leshan, and 1 case of Nanchong), 1 case of new overseas input diagnostic cases (in Chengdu, transfer to diagnosis for those who were asymptomatic in the past), and 9 cases were added to the asymptomatic infection overseas ( In Chengdu), 16 cases of new cure discharge were added, and there were no new suspected cases and no new death cases.

► The specific situation is as follows:

4 cases of new local diagnosis (2 cases in Chengdu, 1 case of Nanchong, 1 case of Ganzi):

Two cases (1 case of Nanchong, 1 case of Ganzi) is a diagnosis for those who are asymptomatic without symptoms;

1 case is a person from other provinces, and it is found in the monitoring of the key group of "Inspection in Sichuan";

1 case is returned from the province to the Ronglong person, and found in the isolation management and control;

They were diagnosed on August 16.

4 cases of new natives of infection (1 case of Chengdu, 1 case of Mianyang, 1 case of Leshan, 1 case of Nanchong):

1 case is an input -associated case in Chengdu, and found in the closed -loop management throughout the process that there is no social activity trajectory;

1 case is the close contact of the confirmed cases of Mianyang City, and found in isolation and control;

One case is a person who returned to Ledshan in other provinces and found in isolation and control;

One case is a person who returned to the south to the south and found in the monitoring of the key population of the "Inspection of Sichuan";

All were diagnosed as asymptomatic infections on August 16.

1 case of an overseas input diagnosis (in Chengdu): in Chengdu: in Chengdu):

In order to be isolated from Taiwan from Taiwan on August 14, the diagnosis was confirmed on August 16.

Nine cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (in Chengdu): in Chengdu):

One case is an isolated from the UAE on August 9 from the UAE;

One case is an isolation of Rong from Egypt on August 9;

One case is an isolated from Pakistan on August 10 from Pakistan;

One case is an isolation from Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China on August 14;

The 3 cases were isolated from Nepal from Nepal on August 14;

Two cases are isolated from Taiwan on August 15 from Taiwan.

All were diagnosed as asymptomatic infections on August 16.

(Specific cases of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections shall be notified by the relevant cities (states) Health and Health Commission)

Kind tips

1 Please consciously do personal protection. Wear masks, vaccines, wash hands, and gather less.

2 Do not go to high -risk areas to measure acid in time, take the initiative to scan the code bright code, cooperate with the inspection itinerary, and have the history of living in the field of foreign countries.

3 If you have discomfort such as fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, etc., please go to the hot kidnappers in time.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan Journalist Wang Jingyu Source Health Sichuan official micro -responsible editor He Qixie Editor Liu Yonghao

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