Ahead of advance and judging the instructions in Hanshou County Multi

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.08.15

Since August, Hankou County has continued to have high temperatures and rainy weather in the country. The water level in the river and lakes has continued to decline. The water storage of reservoirs has continued to decrease. There are different degrees of drought in 21 townships (streets) in the county, and the total area of ​​crops is about 115,000 mu.

Ahead of the Command in advance

As early as the end of July, the drought, just expanded the county party committee and the county government, and paid great attention to it. Zhou Gong, the secretary of the county party committee, and the county party committee deputy secretary and county magistrate Wang Shiyu's instructions in front of him, many times went to Cuijiaqiao, Junshan Shop, Jiangjiazui and other Yichan townships. Essence A total of more than 1,800 party members and cadres in 17 townships (streets) with outstanding droughts and 21,000 people fighting for drought resistance, which launched a "drought -resistant harvest" battle.

Overview of scheduling level management

The county and departments at all levels in the county strictly follow the principles of "bounty, post -production, keeping key points, and efficiency", focusing on drinking water and strengthening field crop management as the focus, and implementing "overall scheduling, hierarchical management, approval operation" on water sources at all levels. , Coordinate the arrangement of life, production and ecological water. Among them, three medium -sized reservoirs, 13 large and medium -sized pump stations, key culverts in 5 dikes and key control gates in the inner river lake. Starting in late July, the county defense and the director of the defense office are approved. Reservoir, small machine ports, and small culverts are managed by various townships (streets). They are responsible for the unified management and dispatch of existing water sources, maintaining the order of water, avoiding water disputes, and ensuring the maximum benefits.

At the same time, control the water level of the canal system in accordance with the standard drainage level increased by 0.5 meters, and pay close attention to the water level of the internal and external water systems. Turn on the Zhaojiahe, turning water mouth, Jiangjiazui and other more than 20 culverts along the embankment. The water raising fields of large pumping stations such as Yanwang Lake and slope, providing sufficient irrigation water sources for 70%of the county's arable land in the county.

Cadre joint point department linkage

In the past few days, Hanshou County has invested 21 million yuan in drought -proof and drought -resistant funds, enabled 641 drought -resistant pump stations, invested more than 5,100 sets of drought resistance equipment, 650,000 degrees for drought resistance, 86 tons of oil, and poured 210,000 acres. Each responsible unit actively carried out drought resistance, and the water conservancy department strictly implemented the "Thousands of Water Conservancy Cadres to the Field" action deployment of the Provincial Water Resources Department, organized 4 special classes, and sent 12 cadres to the town to coordinate the protection of insurance and insurance; the meteorological department; Encryind the meteorological forecast and make a good preparation for artificial rainfall; the agricultural sector to conduct in -depth in the hardesty area to carry out the technical guidance of supplementary seeds and renovation; the emergency department actively investigate the disaster, organize relevant units to strengthen drought resistance, electricity, and oil supply, and provide self -rescue for drought resistance and self -rescue. Fully guaranteeing, ensuring the strong and orderly situation of the county's drought resistance in the county.

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