Sudden!A company in Lanzhou exploded, and 8 people were injured and 6 people lost contact!

Author:Wuhan Fire Time:2022.06.17

At 18:50 on June 16th, the sewage treatment workshop of the sewage treatment workshop of Baojia Kiln Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Qinchuan Town, Lanzhou City, Lanzhou City, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province exploded. Up to now, the accident has caused 8 people to be injured and 6 factory district personnel have lost contact.

△ Local emergency and fire department are rescue

The relevant rescue forces of the Gansu Provincial Department of Emergency Management and the Provincial Fire Rescue Corps are carrying out accident rescue and emergency response work on the spot. A total of 420 fire rescue workers, 73 fire trucks, and 6 search and rescue dog disposal accidents were mobilized at the scene. Search and rescue work continues.

After investigation and inquiry, insiders learned that there were high -temperature and high -pressure steam in the workshop, and it was not easy to burn. The building structure was steel structure with an area of ​​about 600 square meters. The company is located in the Qinchuan Fine Chemical Park in Lanzhou New District. It is registered on August 5, 2020. It is mainly engaged in the production and operation of pesticide intermediates and pesticide products.

▌ Source: China Fire Fighting

▌ Editor: Wang Zhi

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