A workshop in Lanzhou New District, Gansu, has exploded, and 8 people have been injured and 6 people have lost contact.

Author:Henan Fire Time:2022.06.17

According to CCTV News, at 18:50 on June 16, the sewage treatment workshop of Baojia Kiln Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Qinchuan Town, Lanzhou New District, exploded. As of now, the accident has caused 8 people to be injured, of which 2 were seriously injured and 3 People were injured and three people were observed, and 6 other factory districts lost contact.

The relevant rescue forces of the Gansu Provincial Department of Emergency Management and the Provincial Fire Rescue Corps are carrying out accident rescue and emergency response work on the spot. The Gansu Provincial Health and Health Commission has opened a green channel, and medical experts rushed to the scene to guide the treatment of wounded.

After investigation and inquiries on the spot, the workshop has high temperature and high -pressure steam, which is not easy to combust. The building structure is a steel structure with an area of ​​about 600 square meters. The company is located in the Qinchuan Fine Chemical Park in Lanzhou New District. It is registered on August 5, 2020. It is mainly engaged in the production and operation of pesticide intermediates and pesticide products.

On -site screen, Tuyuan CCTV News Client.

This is the accident scene shot in the early morning of June 17. Tuyuan Xinhua News Agency

In the early morning of June 17, fire rescue workers were searching and rescue. Tuyuan Xinhua News Agency

Henan Fire Reminder here

Factory companies must attach great importance to fire safety

Always tight fire strings

Effectively prevent various types of fires and explosions

How to eliminate factory fire hidden dangers

Clarify the person in charge of fire safety and fire safety responsibilities, and take responsibility for the rectification of the fire hazard.

Regularly maintain the factory's fire protection facilities, fire extinguishing equipment and fire safety signs to ensure that it is intact and effective.

Ensure the smooth flow of evacuation channels and safe exports. Do not occupy the evacuation channel or set up obstacles affecting evacuation on the evacuation channel or safety exit, shall not be closed during business, production, and work.

Forbidden to use bright fires with fires and explosions; if you need to work on fire in special circumstances, you should go through the corresponding procedures and configure sufficient fire protection equipment to remove the nearby combustible materials.

Do not connect to the dormitory, production workshop, factory and other places, use electrical equipment and use electrical equipment privately to prohibit overload for electricity.

Rejecting the "three -in -one" venue, it is strictly forbidden to exist in the factory where employees' accommodation and production and operation are integrated.

Employees must achieve "four understanding and four meetings", that is, to understand the danger of fire, to know how to prevent fires, know how to save the fire, and understand how to escape. , Organize evacuation escape.

Employees must conduct fire safety training before entering the job. Special types and key job employees with fire risk must conduct fire safety training and hold a certificate.

Organize the formation of fire extinguishing and emergency evacuation plans that meet the actual units, and at least half a year to organize employees to carry out the drills for escape and self -rescue and save the initial fire.

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