@The highest temperature will rise to above 35 ° C for three consecutive days

Author:Published by Shanxi Time:2022.06.17

June 16th

The strongest high temperature process since this year

Taiyuan global

Most of Luliang, Linfen, Yuncheng and Jincheng

The part of Xinzhou, Jinzhong and Changzhi, and

The part of Datong, Shuozhou and Yangquan

A total of 69 counties (cities, districts)

35 ° C and above high temperature weather

Taiyuan Wan Berlin the highest

Dama 39.6 ℃

High -temperature live map

High temperature is fierce

And there is no meaning to stop for the time being

9:26 on June 17th

Shanxi Meteorological Station changed to release high -temperature orange warning

Early warning area:

Taiyuan, Linfen, Shuozhou, Yuncheng, Xinzhou, Luliang, Jinzhong, Jincheng, Datong, Changzhi, Yangquan.

It is expected that the highest temperature in the early warning area for three consecutive days will rise to above 35 ° C. On the afternoon of the 17th, most of the counties and cities in Yunfen, Taiyuan, Luliang, Jinzhong, Xinzhou and other places will rise above 37 ° C.

Relevant units and personnel are requested to prepare for prevention.

Defense guide:

1. Relevant departments and units implement the guarantee measures for heatstroke prevention and cooling in accordance with their responsibilities;

2. Try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature hours. Personnel who work under high temperature conditions should shorten the continuous working hours;

3. Provide heat prevention and cooling guidance to old people, weak, sick, and young people, and take necessary protection measures;

4. Relevant departments and units should pay attention to preventing fires caused by excessive electricity loads such as electric wires and transformers.

In the next three days, Shanxi Province will still be high -temperature

The scope expands



Remind everyone to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling

Try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature hours

Except for high temperature

Tomorrow day

There will be some parts of the northern part

"Over time"

Remember to carry the rain gear

Source | Shanxi Meteorological Public Account

Edit | Feng Yuxian

- END -

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