"Party Construction Reading" CPC Liancheng County Party School Party School officially joined the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" party building reading cooperation mechanism

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.08.14

The Party School of the Communist Party of China officially joined the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" party building reading cooperation mechanism

Party building reading


The Tao Foundation Foundation is a foundation for the official registered registration of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. An important aspect, for many years, has been committed to promoting services to the whole people's reading activities, and has a good reputation in the industry. The special fund of party building reading is mainly to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the general secretary's series of important speeches on reading learning, and promote the widespread development of party building reading activities. Recently, with the direct care and support of relevant leaders, the Tao Fund Fund Party Construction Reading Special Fund officially hosted a series of reading and learning activities for the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" series. State organs, central enterprises, provinces, cities, counties (districts) and other party schools (administrative colleges), cadre colleges, Marxist colleges, new era civilization practice centers (institutes, stations) and other units jointly conduct relevant party building reading and learning activities, and and and also, and also, and related party building reading activities, and also, and reading, and learning activities, and reading, and reading activities, and reading activities, and reading activities, and reading activities, and reading activities, they also conduct relevant party building reading activities, and and also conduct relevant party building reading activities. Create the "Party Construction Reading Demonstration Base" when the conditions are ripe.

Recently, with the approval of relevant departments, it has officially agreed that the Party School of the CPC Liancheng County Party Committee to join the "Changan Street Reading Club" party building and cooperation mechanism for reading cooperation mechanisms, and jointly organized the "Changan Street Reading Club" series of reading learning activities.

Liancheng is located in the western part of Fujian Province. It is located in the three provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, and Jiangxi. The total area is 2579 square kilometers. There are 248 villages (communities) in 12 towns and 5 towns and 5 townships. The total population is 350,000. Essence In recent years, the county has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, in -depth implementation of major decision -making and deployment of the Central and Provincial Party Committee and Municipal Party Committee, insisting on inheriting red genes, people's supremacy, development of the first priority, and bottom line of thinking. ", Do full and comprehensively strengthen the party's construction, accelerate industrial development, build international landscape tourism and resort cities, make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood," four articles ", and strive to compose a chapter of Liancheng chapter in comprehensive construction of socialist modern countries. , Winnamed "China Liancheng White Duck Hometown", "Outstanding Tourism County of China", "Hometown of Chinese Hakka Folk Culture", "Chinese Hot Spring City", "Chinese Hakka Famous City", "Chinese Hakka Selenium Capital", "the first batch of ecological civilizations in the country The honorary titles such as model cities "" Hometown of Orchids "and" Capital of the World Sweet Beats ". The Party School of the Liancheng County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China (Liancheng County Administrative School) [The following referred to as the Party School of the County Party Committee] is a school leading the party leadership of the party, an important department of the county party committee, the main channel for training the party's leading cadres at all levels, and the strengthening of party members and cadres to strengthen The melting furnace of party spirit is a public welfare institution directly under the CCP County Party Committee. Since 2019, the party school of the county party committee has based on local reality. With the opportunity of the quality assessment of the county -level party school, it has vigorously promoted the improvement of cadre education and training to improve quality and efficiency. A total of 5,687 party members and cadres who have received educational training have continuously made a cadre team that has a happy Liancheng and a high -quality development beyond the cultivation of high -quality development.



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