Carry responsibility and come with honor!Gulang County to Lannuyanic acid sampling medical team smoothly triumph

Author:Look at the ancient waves Time:2022.08.14

On August 14, 56 Gulang County supported the Lanzhou epidemic prevention and control nucleic acid sample medical team members successfully completed the task, successfully triumph, and Gulang County held a warm welcome ceremony.

At the scene, the cadres and the masses, the representatives of the medical staff, the family members of the medical staff of Lanzhou, and the police officer of the public security police queued up early, and the bright red banner was pulled on both sides of the road. The police car opened and the police lights flickered. Everyone shouted enthusiastically and sincerely greeted the "white warrior" triumph.

Faced with the epidemic, 56 medical staff in Gulang County, with deep love for the party, the motherland, and the people of the province, retrograde the anti -epidemic line, and the family showed everyone. The feelings of the country. In the more than a month of samples of nucleic acids in the provincial capital, all medical staff interpreted the lofty spirit of "respecting life, saving wounds, dedication, and lovelessness" with hard work with hard work, unity and blood, and successfully completed various tasks of work tasks With actual actions, the medical staff of the Gulang County medical workers and professionalism were fully demonstrated.

Chen Yuyu, deputy dean of Dingning Town, Gulang County, said: "I am honored to participate in the sampling work of the Rannuclear acid acid. It can be successfully completed this task, which is inseparable from the joint efforts of our team and the government's logistical support and support. Although the work is very hard, we are also very moved. As a medical worker, I will work harder to contribute to the health of the people in the county in the future work. "

Ma Yunye, the head nurse of the emergency department of Gulang County People's Hospital, said: "As a medical worker, I am honored to participate in the support of the Lanzhou epidemic. In this nucleic acid sampling process, although the daily work is particularly lucky, However, the Lanzhou people cooperate with our sampling work, and we are particularly moved. In the future work, I will fulfill their duties and contribute their due power to Gulang's medical care. "

Reporter: Dong Haixia

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