Light up the "Night Economy" and activate "Night Consumption" -the new gameplay of the night tour

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.08.13

Technology -driven, outdoor concerts, musicals such as outdoor concerts, musicals, folklore, food and other night market consumption, new gameplay and new scenes show a new summer leisure experience.

"Night State Tide" makes the summer cultural tourism consumption "hot"

Cheng Jia

▲ Photo of the interviewee of Liangma River night view

Taste Night Market Food, Purchase Special Products, Appreciating Folklore Performance ... Light up the "Night Economy", activate "Night Consumption", focus on new hotspots and new trends in consumption in many places in the country, and further promote night cultural tourism consumption through a series of hard core measures. Energy -level iteration upgrades make the night economy a new highlight and engine of the development of the cultural tourism industry.

Create an immersive experience enhanced scene consumption

On the night of Youth Road in Chaoyang District, Beijing, the outdoor trend night market of Daiyang Dayue City became lively. The food of the outdoor night market, the enthusiasm of the grassland music festival, the colorful image week, the book fair ... Chaoyang Dayue City, as one of the 24 "Night Jingcheng" announced by the Beijing Commercial Bureau, actively responded to Beijing " The call for prosperous night economy "conforms to the new pattern of the economic development of the capital at the time of the capital, lights up the" Night Jingcheng "with multiple night cultural consumption activities, and embraces the integration of new winds in the integration of cultural and business travel with products and scenes.

Chaoyang Dayue City has launched different types of entertainment experience activities. It experiences the night economy through scene experience, and "circle powder" young people. Since the launch of the original event of the "Great Yue Consumption Season" event in Chaoyang Dayue City in July and the "2022 Urban Ideal Life Festival", the content of the sector is broadcasted on the basis of the two consecutive years, and the night view of different youth cultural labels will be held. Shadow and night party campaign directly driven the passenger flow of Chaoyang Yuecheng on weekends by 25%, and sales resumed to the same period last year, and continued to drive consumer vitality recovery. Another original event "Summer Waves" was presented in August, bringing diverse experiences such as the lane night market and surfing beer garden to urban residents. According to the relevant person in charge of Chaoyang Dayue City, Chaoyang Dayue City Night Cultural Tourism Consumer Club has brought together rich formats such as Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, Champions Ice Rink flagship store, local boutique coffee, and independent designer brand. Various cultural activities on the field are densely staged. As of now, there are 102 cultural merchants in Chaoyang Yuecheng, and the number of business merchants at night is 543. In 2020, the annual operating income of cultural merchants was 850 million yuan, and the annual operating income of cultural merchants in 2021 was 1.6 billion yuan. The passenger flow was 5.766 million in 2020, and the passenger flow was 7.612 million in 2021.

Experience the charm of non -heritage and folk customs, inheritance, promote traditional culture

The colorful "night economy" has become another engine of releasing consumption potential and promoting economic development. Relying on deep historical and cultural resources to strengthen regional culture, traditional food, non -heritage culture and rural folk customs, the mining The integration of innovation allows non -heritage culture and folklore to glow, and bring a "zero distance" traditional cultural experience to the public.

Red Street Night Market, located in Longshou Village, Xi'an City, is a well -known "treasure" night market. More than 50 meters of streets have gathered more than 50 snacks. In June of this year, Xi'an launched the third "Chang'an Night · My Night" Night Tour Carnival event, recommending 14 night tour routes and 20 night special cultural tourism consumption space. The cultural block of Xi'an Yihu Culfu not far from Xi'an Bell Tower is also the "new favorite of friends in the circle of friends" of young people. Relying on the Centennial Qinqiang Opera Society, the district, with the characteristics of Qinqiang culture, has created a cultural pedestrian street that integrates Qinqiang performing arts, old -fashioned foods, and new retail of Guo Chao. Demonstration block.

At night, walking into the historical and cultural leisure district of Xidanli in Nanjing, the social scene of fashion transformation is dazzling. "Ganzhai Yayun" to build a blockbuster cluster group in the night tour project of the Boutique Museum. With the "Jiangnan Famous Lane" Qingguo Lane History and Cultural District as the core, the "World Cultural Heritage" Beijing -Hangzhou Grand Canal Tianning section as the link, radiating Changzhou Shopping Center, the historical and cultural district of the North Bank, Tianning Zen Temple and other well -known articles Traveling business projects are painted for Changzhou's "Longcheng Ye Weiyang" city night tour brand. When entering the night, the gathering area as the "cultural living room" of the night tour in the center of the city has created a cultural land standard night tour, a nightbage purchase, rich night food, creative night show, the theme night stay, cultural night show, leisurely night reading, slow enjoyment of night The nine high -quality cultural travel formats of the Jian and Art Night Championships, discovering the release of the city's consumption space, and lighting up the city's "night economy"; in Tongli Town, Suzhou City, the gathering area integrates tourism, catering homestays, cultural and creative shopping, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts, night performing arts Specialized neighborhoods and other formats and products, covering, living, traveling, traveling, purchasing, entertainment, presented the most Jiangnan and most memorable night consumption experience. Create the "Night Show" with Jiangnan Silk Bamboo Heritage, presented the "Night Banquet" with the Ge Jiangnan Gift Gift, upgraded the "Night Buy" with the bustling streets of Jiangnan, enriched the "night entertainment" with the joy of Jiangnan wine, and opened the "Night Market at the Night Market with the Jiangnan Creative Stall. ", Provides" night stay "with the dream of Jiangnan pillow, and" night travel "with Jiangnan water and land traffic, and the" night tour "is reproduced with the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan.

Tang Chengcai, a professor at the School of Tourism Sciences of the Second School of Foreign Languages ​​and Director of the Regional Tourism Research and Planning Center, said that in the process of promoting the development of night cultural tourism, in -depth excavation of local non -heritage folk culture, creating in immersive scenarios, folk customs activities planning, and creating creation It has strong ornamental, experience, and entertaining night non -heritage folklore and tourism product system, which can better promote night economic development. Give full play to gather effects to promote integration and development

The bright "night economy" reflects the "soft power" of the city. Chenghuang Temple Folk Culture Plaza is a night market cultural square unique to Changzhi City, Shanxi Province. With the gathering effect of food streets, it will promote the development of "night economy". According to the person in charge of the square, in recent years, the square has actively promoted the integration and development of consumer formats such as "night tour+night entertainment", and created special food districts such as "Chenghuang Temple Snack Street", "Shangdang Famous Eating Street", "City God Temple Folk Culture Food Plaza" There are nearly 400 shops and stalls, which are distributed in three different areas throughout the square. At the same time, with the theme of "Surprise on the day, the activities of the week and Zhou Dynasty, and the celebration of the moon and the moon", we will carry out rich and diverse activities such as art festivals, food festivals, model shows, and blind dates; Let the "night economy" not only on the tip of the tongue, but also create a tourist place that integrates "leisure, entertainment, food", injecting cultural elements into new vitality into the development of the city.

Tortoering the lively Yinchuan City Dajun City Square, enjoying the gourmet and atmosphere of the north of the South China Sea, it is a romantic night that belongs to Yinchuan. Merchants in the market "move their heads" and explore to build new consumption scenes. In the Dazhucheng Market, merchants use car trunk to support the "booth" to sell products such as flowers, small accessories, dolls, etc., attracting many young consumers to visit. As a new landmark of Yinchuan City's "Commercial+Cultural Tourism Complex", Jianfa Dazhuang City has integrated business, culture, tourism, and leisure through the shaping of multicultural themes, and strives to create public culture, fashion business, art, art, art, and art. The living room of urban conferences such as exhibitions, leisure and entertainment, etc., opened a new space and new dimension for the integration of Yinchuan's cultural tourism industry. At present, Yinchuan has 80,000 square meters of night economic areas. Through the "block+box" model, it continues to drive the night's economic vitality, insist on promoting small stalls to complement large merchants, develop the first store economy, stay economy, etc. You can achieve food, drink, purchase, entertain, and live, forming a closed loop.

Nowadays, the night economy is constantly pushing out, forming a multi -night consumer market, including night food, night tour, night performances, etc., which truly allows the popularity of the business district to get together, light up at night, and consume at night, so that the cultural life of the masses enriches the cultural life of the masses. Essence

Walk in modern light and shadow

Zhang Xin

▲ Photo of the Yellow Crane Tower interviewer at night

When the light and shadow and history are encountered, the Yellow Crane Tower has launched a thousand -year historical scroll with the elephant of the four seasons. , Depict the past and present life; when the light and shadow integrates technology, Beijing Happy Valley is immersed in the "new national tide", focused on the "Yuan universe", and created an ultra -immersive global scene experience for young new generation consumption groups, unique space -free borders ... Relying on tourism resources, the main body of the night travel through sound and light technology and new media light and shadow art to empower the spirit of the city, activate historical memory, and create an immersive experience.

"Under the integration and innovation of the cultural tourism industry, the traditional cultural tourist scene ushered in the transformation, and the city night tour is pouring into the cultural tourism market, forming a new consumption hotspot. Among them, lighting design and creation played a core role." Previously, before Wang Qiyan, a professor and doctoral supervisor of Renmin University of China, and director of the China Leisure Economic Research Center, believes that with the continuous improvement of the consumption level, the cultural travel industry has achieved multi -directional, multi -level development, and the attention of cultural tourism night tour. After that, the high -speed iteration of sound, light, and electricity technology created unlimited possibilities for the design of night tour products.

Two years ago, "The Yellow Crane Tower on the Night" was launched as the first night tour project of the Yellow Crane Tower Park, bringing a new experience of urban night tour to citizens and even tourists from Wuhan. Taking the Yellow Crane Tower Park as the carrier, around its unique historical and culture, fusion of light and shadow technology and art creation, and classic attractions such as the main building of Yellow Crane Tower, Cui Yan's Poems, Poetry Gallery, and Goose Pond, showing the yellow cranes Lou's past and present life, Xin's restaurant, yellow crane and white cloud, etc., realized the use of Huanghelou Park in the real scene to tell the story of Huanghelou's own stories, and also realized the innovative development of digital technology and cultural tourism integration.

The main building's light and shadow performing arts "Crane Dance", which also uses modern sound, light, electricity, and projection imaging technology. Through architecture with animation light and shadow special effects and rendering of light design, the yellow crane tower at night can be presented in three dimensions. Liu Fei, the general planning and director of the "Yellow Crane Tower on the Night", introduced: "The original intention of the design was to weave the 'Dayu's water management' '' 'turtle and snake locks'' Sun Quan Jiancheng '' Huanghelou has repeatedly destroyed the story of the "return of the crane", allowing tourists to witness the various experiences of Huanghelou in the fantasy light and shadow in the fantasy light and shadow, so that tourists can cross the light and shadow for thousands of years. "

Wang Yan, a media person who was traveling on a business trip in Wuhan, lamented: "Standing on the yellow crane building, looking at the flow of the traffic under his feet, watching the lights on both sides of the strait, and deeply feeling the pulse of the city's rapid development. It's just a visual effect, and it comes from an ancient and modern dialogue. "Cultural Tourism light shows the night sky of the city with lights, which improves the happiness of urban residents to a certain extent. To a certain extent, the development of the cultural tourism industry in the scenic area has also been promoted, which has driven the great improvement of the local economy.

It also uses technology to create light and shadow, and the innovative cultural tourism night consumption model is also Beijing Happy Valley. During the 2022 National Tide Festival, Beijing Happy Valley launched the "Gai Shi Hero" urban space interoperability device experience show, which aims to create the "Qitian" of the Chinese -themed Park Railway Performing Arts IP. Use the traditional "Qitian Dasheng" classic mythical story to subvert and reshape, and use the logical thinking space design of "cultural technology+digital artistic". More than 10 kinds of performance art, including Chinese kung fu, allows tourists to participate in the simulation reality scene of the theme of space themes with "heroes" and experience the national tide culture.

As the "post -95s", Guo Meijun is a heavy enthusiast of the Happy Valley theme park. She said that every time I come to Happy Valley, there are different surprises. This time, "The Heroes of the World" is in line with the aesthetic taste of young people, the story interpretation and scene settings of the plot, bringing a strong sense of participation and substitution. I hope that more cultural tourism projects can focus on traditional Chinese culture.

"In the dark night, the light and shadow along the Liangma River is like a fire tree and silver flower, such as the starry river. I prefer to use the cruise ship and the gallery bridge as the carrier, feel the deep heritage of the Grand Canal culture belt, and feel the international style of the two sides of the Liangma River River River River River. . "Beijing resident Wang Jiajia said that the night fell. With the Yueying and light boat, from the Yansha Wharf to the Lanang Wharf, the sense of technology and the beauty of light and shadow brought a unique urban experience to pedestrians.

In 2021, the "Chaohuaxi" of the Liangma River's style of Waterfront opened a new model of night landscape, with a total length of about 1.8 kilometers of cruise routes connecting 8 important viewpoints such as Platinum Palace and shell theaters. Among them, the Platinum Palace Boat Gate, as the first domestic light and shadow performing arts in China, created the theme dream space with the clue of "Baijun", and used the first perspective of the Royal Ma Guard as the narration and the light and shadow as the carrier. Such as "Dream", "Fun Ma", "Shipping", "Waterfront", "Fantasy Scenery", describing the deep heritage of the Liangma River and the Grand Canal Culture Belt, injecting the context of the route. Zhao Yanjie, the person in charge of the project, said: "Since the Liangma River has achieved navigation, the increasingly upgraded consumer demand of tourists has new demand for consumer scenarios. To this end, we have designed and launched this project. According to statistics, the number of tourists after the project is launched on the day after launching the number of tourists. It can reach more than a thousand people. "

According to reports, the design of this project has always penetrated the concept of environmental protection and low -carbon. All the light and shadow shows use environmentally friendly and energy -saving lamps, and use the method of scattered light shops to point the light to the water surface or scattered in the sky. The electric boat made the ship go as if walking in a silent night dream.

The development of sound and light technology has accelerated the development of the night travel industry. The cultural tourism light show is in the model of "technology+cultural tourism" to enhance the participation and interaction of tourists, and promote the traditional tourism industry Upgrade. Wang Qiyan said that in the future, whether it is night tour or cultural tourism light show, it will emphasize the two -wheel drive of culture and technology, and integrate the in -depth application of technologies such as AR and VR. Deep integration and innovation.

Explore the new form of night concert

Liu Xiao

▲ 2021 Nanxi River Rocktown Music Festival panoramic organizer Figures

Data show that young groups especially love night travel, and they have higher demand for the quality and cultural connotation of night tour, and pay more attention to the content and experience of night tour. The trend of youth is being reshaped at night tourism formats, so many night tour products also have more catered to the tastes of young people, such as immersive night concerts and other entertainment products. Because of their strong sense of live and substitution, they are very "body and substitution. The immersive and immersive entertainment experience is closer to the preferences of young tourists.

Although the cause of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic has led to a decline in the number of night cultural tourism activities, many tourists still yearn for the atmosphere and interactive experience of the night tour. At present, the night music festival has gradually emerged, and gradually shows strong resource integration and tourism driving capabilities. Many night concerts and musical holdings are becoming an important force in stimulating the development of night cultural tourism.

In recent years, the hosting location of the night concert is no longer limited to first -tier cities, but sinks to small and medium -sized cities with local cultural characteristics. Such as Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, relying on Nanxi River Landscape, Pastoral, and Ancient Village to vigorously develop the night cultural tourism economy, take music as the starting point, lock young consumer groups, develop and cultivate international, fashionable, and young night cultural tourism products Create a night cultural tourism IP with the characteristics of Nanxi River — "Night Traveling Nanxi", which has taken a road of integration and development characteristics of cultural tourism, and lights up the rural "night economy".

Today's "Night Tour Nanxi" covers the five -in -one rural night view and industrial form of "night tour, night reward, night food, night entertainment, night stay". , Iwadou Ancient Village, Furong Ancient Village), formed a "Moon Plate" with two night -night economic agglomeration areas with Nanxi River Beach Music Park and Lishui Street. Since the Night Tip of Nanxi River · Donghai Music Festival in 2017, many well -known music labels have been introduced, and Nanxi Jiangxingchao Music Camp and Nanxijiang Coart Art Camp have been introduced. In addition, in April 2021, Nanxijiang's first local brand music festival -Nanxi River Rocktown Music Festival gathered many powerful singers and bands, which strongly drove the local tourism popularity. The two -day high box office, its attention has continued to rise, achieving brand announcement and economic benefits. Dai Qiang, director of the Propaganda and Marketing Division of the Nanxi River Tourism Economic Development Center in Wenzhou City, has been committed to the promotion of night music for a long time. In his opinion, "Night Music Festival is not only an ordinary music festival, but also inspires Yongjia's full -scale night tourism. Vitality. Since the date of participation in the lineup of the Rocktown Music Festival, the star lineup, viewing strategy, and scene scenes have attracted the attention of online media for several months. The total reading volume of the entire network has reached more than 300 million. The high attention to the festival is also constantly stimulating the potential of night tourism consumption. "Dai Qiang said," In addition to experiencing night concerts on the spot, music fans can also pay attention to And understand the characteristic landscape culture and customs of the local Yongjia Nanxi River, taste food, visit attractions, etc., will help the economy and word of mouth transmission. "

In March of this year, the FUN SIX Six Kingdoms Music site project kicked off in Xishuangbannazhuangzhuang, which further enriched and enhanced the content of night culture and tourism consumption. It is understood that the FUN SIX Six Kingdoms Music site project is currently the first open -air music site in the country to operate in the country. It organically combines the characteristics of young people's entertainment habits and large -scale music festivals. Essence "We hope to integrate some ethnic culture and modern electronic music to create new business cards and urban landmarks for the economic consumption of Xishuangbanna Night at night. In the project design, we combine the popularity of Zhuangxi Shuangjing to focus on the outdoor comprehensive entertainment space scene Integrate the international EDM music with the local ethnic minority culture and the national characteristics of the six nations, to incubate and derive more cultural space and brand IP with music and national culture, and strive to achieve a good experience in the culture of Xishuangbanna in China, and output from abroad The vision of national cultural IP. At present, Zhuangxi Shuangjing has become a super model that drives local employment and entrepreneurship, opens new channels for cultural tourism special products, empowers non -genetic inheritance innovation, and increases the charm of urban charm.

Try to drive the night tourism consumption at the night of the night music festival. In 2020, the first Changxing Lake Beach Music Festival is based on Changxing Lake, with flowers and fireworks as gifts, and music as an invitation letter. , The lively "three" economy. This is the "three" economy (at night, the countryside, and the network) in Hunan Province, which enriches the "night" state and allows a large -scale music firework event for the "Night" to light up. The relevant person in charge of the event organizer and the Guankou Street Office said: "Combine the" three "economy and organize a music festival in Changxing Lake, the purpose is to create a boutique attraction of the Liuyang water and land style. , Shape the first beach music festival brand in Hunan and Jiangxi, thereby promoting and promoting Liuyang and creating a new concept of creating a leisure tourist area in Xiangjiang and Jiangxi. "

Tang Chengcai, a professor at the School of Tourism Sciences of the Second School of Foreign Languages ​​and Director of the Regional Tourism Research and Planning Center, believes: "The form of night concerts not only brings consumption to the local night cultural tourism industry, but also brings new cultural concepts. Realize the diversified integration of urban culture, the continuous expansion of the way of tourism and vision. "The holding of the Night Music Festival, while improving the sense of gain and satisfaction of the citizens' local night cultural life, it also provides foreign tourists with a kind of tourist tourism. New thinking, new attempts for vacation.

"China Culture News" on August 13, 2022

The 4th version published a special report

"New Play of Night Tour"

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Editor -in -chief: Chen Xiaoyue


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