Help the "Hundred Days Action" High -tech Public Security implements a warm -hearted police project

Author:Straits Herald News Time:2022.08.12

In order to solve the problem of "seeing difficulties" in the summer of the children's auxiliary police, and strengthening the ideological and political work and logistical support of the Minu auxiliary police, when the "Hundred Days Action" was carried out in summer public security, the Public Security Bureau With the purpose of me ", the first summer care classes of the" Hundred Days Action Warm Police Love Police "were opened. The "Summer Totor Class" time began on July 11, lasting to August 21, and a total of more than 20 police officers participated.

It is understood that high new points

It is understood that the High -tech Branch hired a professional childcare teacher for the summer care class, and tailored the content of rich and interesting courses for the police baby. Various and lively outdoor expansion of puzzle growth exercise activities, take care of the children's lives with intimate and meticulous service, and enlighten the children's hearts with all -round and multi -level guidance and practice.

"The summer courses implement 1+x mode. '1 'is the basic service of summer custody, integrating special courses, social practice, occupational experience, research travel, etc. The educational content extension can be improved; Mainly including classic recitation, kitchen music DIY, non -genetic inheritance, Chinese and English picture book pavilions and other colorful courses. "Mr. Yan Weihui said

"Love the police must love in the key point." Ye Jinhe, director of the Political Work Office of the High -tech Zone of the Zhangzhou Public Security Bureau, said that in order to make the summer vacation custody quality, the summer care class commissioned professional institutions to set up a special place as a police baby custody center to hire hires Teachers with rich teaching experience and buying on -campus liability insurance are purchased to provide children with safe and satisfactory hosting services for children. Let the Minu auxiliary police be devoted to the "Hundred Days of Actions" and security and stability maintenance work with a fuller enthusiasm.

"Summer vacation is going to work. The child is not restricted at home. When I watch TV all day long, I am worried about what the child should do. I just organized the summer care class to solve our custody problems." The police said, "The child is very happy to come back. There are many interesting and fun activities, and the teacher is very good. Not only is it good to eat and live, but also a professional teacher design to help children grow up. As a parent, I am very satisfied. I hope that such units will be welfare every year. "(Huang Xiaolanwenwen /picture)

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