Fuzhou Fisheries Administrative Penalty Flow of China Capita for Ecological Compensation

Author:Fuzhou News Network Time:2022.08.12

Barrels, scooping seedlings, pouring buckets ... On the morning of the 11th, at the shallow beach of the wetland of the mouth of the Minjiang River, more than 50 people including fishery law enforcement officers, illegal actors, and volunteers released 5,000 artificially breeding Chinese seedlings to conduct ecological compensation. Lin Buda, the captain of the Fuzhou Marine and Fisheries Law Enforcement Detachment, said that the move is the first time in the country.

Everyone released the artificially breeding Chinese seedlings and carried out ecological compensation. Reporter Lan Yuping Photo

This discharge activity was due to illegal acquisitions and operating the use of national second -level aquatic wild protection animals. On July 25, the Municipal Marine and Fisheries Law Enforcement Detachment seized the hotels operated by Chen Moumou illegally purchased wild protection animals such as China. After the education of law enforcement officers, Chen Moumou admitted his mistakes and punished, and paid 10,000 yuan for ecological restoration.

The Chinese hoe, which is shaped like a horseshoe, is a "marine life fossil". It has survived for 480 million years and has high scientific research and medical value. It is common in Changle and Lianjiang in Fuzhou. In recent years, factors such as excessive predation and habitat damage have caused the number of Chinese crickets to decrease sharply. In February 2021, China was listed as a national secondary protection animal.

"Administrative penalties are not the purpose. It is our original intention to strengthen the masses' awareness of protection and protect natural resources." The relevant person in charge of the city's marine and fishery law enforcement detachment told reporters that after in -depth research, the detachment decided to take the flow of Chinese seedlings to the wetland to flow Chinese seedlings to the seedlings of Chinese seedlings. Form, compensation for damaged marine biological resources.

It is understood that the 5,000 Chinese seedlings that were released this time came from China ’s artificial breeding test project base from Luoyuanjianjiang Town. The base has been carried out by the Provincial Institute of Freshwater and Aquatic Products. At present, tens of thousands of Chinese seedlings have been successfully breeded, and the natural layout and high -quality incubation of China in the artificial environment are initially realized.

At the release site, the base technicians conducted full guidance to ensure the survival rate of China. The above -mentioned person in charge said that such a proliferation release is conducive to expanding the wild natural population of China, further protecting aquatic wildlife, and restoring marine ecological resources.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Marine and Fisheries Bureau, from the first time in 2021, the ecological restoration of the fishery administrative punishment was carried out, and the first time it used to purchase carbon exchange to make up for the fishery ecology, and then the release of Chinese seedlings in this release, Fuzhou was constantly exploring "law enforcement+ecological ecology Repair the new model of administrative law enforcement of fishery, establish a normalized ecological repair mechanism, and strive to maximize the restoration of the damaged marine and fishery ecological environment. (Reporter Lan Yuping Correspondent Dong Yan)

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