Shenzhen Public Security helps reunion, and the grace of finding relatives is unforgettable

Author:Shenzhen Public Security Time:2022.06.17

——The Director's mailbox to help the masses find relatives who have lost contact for 27 years

"In 1995, my sister never returned after going out to work with others. I want to ask for help ..." This is a Ms. Yang sent to the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau's "Director's Mailbox, follow -up of the case". For the content of the help letter, ask for help to find her sister who lost my contact for 27 years.

Ms. Yang's sister lost contact with a girl in the same village in 1995. After many years, her mother has never given up her search, hoped again and again, disappointed again and again, and often washed her face with tears. Ms. Yang began to look for online platforms such as video, Weibo, and Finding. One day after the Spring Festival this year, she accidentally learned that the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau had a "director mailbox", so she wrote this help letter with the psychology of trying it. What she didn't expect was that the Shenzhen police quickly contacted her and asked her sister's specific situation and information.

A few days later, the Shenzhen police contacted her again and provided him with a multi -comparison and screening photo. After identifying her and her family, it was determined that she was her sister who had lost many years.

On April 25, after work, Ms. Yang's family finally met her sister, and the whole family cried. This reunion waited for 27 years. Ms. Yang wrote excitedly in the letter: "I also want to thank my motherland, thank you for selfless dedication! Tribute to you! Shenzhen Public Security helps reunion, the grace of seeking relatives is unforgettable!"

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