Woman!Sanya Single Single Single Single Broken 1000!The first report of the Xinjiang epidemic was diagnosed, asymptomatic has exceeded a thousand cases!The first domestic new crown oral medication urgently aid

Author:Broker China Time:2022.08.12

Broker China Wang Lulu/Organization

Sanya single day newly broke 1000, Sanya Second Cryon Hospital was delivered to use

At 0-24 on August 11, 471 newly confirmed cases and 567 non -symptoms were added in Sanya. From 0:00 on August 1st to 24:00 on August 11, a total of 2,161 confirmed cases were found and 271 cases of 271 were asymptomatic.

According to CCTV, on August 11, a total of eight transportation of Sanya had a flight returned by Sanya tourists due to the epidemic. These flights landed on Chengdu, Xi'an, Changsha, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hangzhou, and 1386 tourists took these flights. return. It is reported that 569 detention tourists returned to Shanghai on the 10th, and 551 stranded tourists returned to Xi'an, Chengdu, and Shanghai on the 9th. As of now, more than 2,500 tourists have returned one after another in Sanya. Next, relevant departments of the Hainan Provincial Government and multiple departments of the Sanya Municipal Government will continue to strictly abide by the regulations for epidemic prevention and do a good job of retention tourists and return to work.

In addition, on the evening of August 11, the Sanya Second Cryon Hospital project passed acceptance and delivery. Sanya Second Cryon Hospital is located at Jianglin Road International Expo Center, Haitang Bay District, Sanya City. The construction area is 212,000 square meters and provides 2,000 beds.

Picture source: CCTV News

It is understood that on August 6, more than 600 builders who had served as the construction task of Wuhan Huoshan Hospital were put into construction. In order to avoid cross -infection, the contractor combines the actual situation of the overall building, and the entire venue is planned. The west side of the main entrance is the pollution area, including the patient area in the cabin, the ambulance washing area, the sewage treatment, the temporary storage of the sewage, the patient's in -depth hospital, and the CT, PCR mobile medical equipment and other functional areas. These include the rest area of ​​the medical staff, the office area, the material library and connecting the inlet and exit of the medical staff.

The delivery of Sanya Second Cryon Hospital will enhance the emergency response to the emergency response to the epidemic prevention and control of Sanya, and provide protection for the prevention and control of the epidemic and the treatment of patients.

More than 10,000 medical and health personnel in 19 provinces support Hainan, and a group of specific immunoglobulins are transported to Sanya

The current situation of Hainan's prevention and control situation is severe and complicated, and the current epidemic is in a period of rapid progress. In order to control the epidemic as soon as possible, the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism comprehensive group sent 10 working groups to stay in cities and counties where the epidemic occurred, and more than 10,000 medical and health personnel in 19 provinces across the country supported Hainan. This includes nearly 8,000 nucleic acid detection and sampling personnel assigned by the state, as well as related testing equipment to improve Hainan's nucleic acid detection capacity to 2.4 million daily pipelines to support large -scale nucleic acid detection.

CCTV journalists learned from the Hainan Provincial Health Commission that on the afternoon of August 11, a group of specific immunoglobulins in Beijing's aid Hainan were sent to Haikou Meilan Airport by a special person, and the Hainan Blood Center sent a cold chain car and a special person. It was sent to Sanya for treatment for patients with new coronary pneumonia.

It is reported that according to the "Notice on Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (Trial Sixth Edition) issued by the National Health and Health Commission" The Sixth Edition "issued by the National Health and Health Commission, it is clear that the treatment of severe and hazardous cases can be treated with recovery period. Playing plasma therapy with a recovery period to restore plasma through clinical infusion and rehabilitation or make it into a specific immunoglobulin as one of the effective methods for treating new coronal virus infections, which can greatly reduce the mortality of patients with severe severe patients.

Xinjiang's this round of epidemic reported the first report of the diagnosis yesterday.

At 00 to 24 on August 11, 1 new confirmed case of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region transferred to the diagnosed case for the asymptomatic infection for Hutubi County, Changji Prefecture; 410 newly added infected infections, of which, Yili Prefecture Yining City 136 cases, 73 cases in Yining County, 9 cases in Yizhou District, Hami City, 67 cases in Hutubi County, Changji Prefecture, 1 case of 1 case of Wusu City, Tasheng area, 19 cases of Gaochang District, Turpan City, 1 case of Xinhe County, Aksu area, and worshiping 1 case in urban counties, 40 cases of Tianshan District, Urumqi, 17 cases of Shaybak District, 13 cases of water mill ditch, 13 cases of high -tech zone, 2 cases of Dazan City, 2 cases of eighter areas, Bole City, Bole City, Bole City. There were 3 cases of Heada City, 2 cases of Korla, Baska, 2 cases of Takashi County, 4 cases of Kashgar City, and 2 cases of Yicashi Prefecture.

Beginning on July 30, local infections appeared in Xinjiang. At 00 to 24:00 on July 30, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (including Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) did not add new reports to confirm the diagnosis; 10 newly added infections, including 8 cases of the fourth division of the Corps, 2 in Yili Prefecture, Yili Prefecture example.

Since July 30, Xinjiang Yili Prefecture reported asymptomatic infection, new crown pneumonia epidemic occurred in some prefectures in Xinjiang, especially in the past four days, from 146, 122, to 380, 410, every day has been three -digit growth every day. Essence

It is worth noting that since the this round of the Xinjiang epidemic, the number of confirmed cases in a single day has been 0 for 12 consecutive days. It was not until yesterday that one of the confirmed cases was reported, and those who had no symptoms had been converted into a confirmed case. The cumulative number of infected infections has exceeded 1,000 cases.

Cui Yan, deputy director of the Health and Health Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said that the result of the epidemic in Xinjiang, the results of the virus's gene sequence showed that the BA.5.2 evolution branch of the Omikon mutant strain was showed. According to the data of epidemiology, the virus is more hidden than before, and the infectiousness is stronger, and the transmission speed is faster. Our gathering epidemic is mainly units and families. Since the epidemic, the number of positive infections in Xinjiang has exceeded 1,000 cases. At present, there are multiple communication chains in Yili, Urumqi and other places in Xinjiang. The epidemic is still in a stage of development. There is a certain risk of social communication, and the prevention and control situation is very complicated and severe. Urumqi City reported and investigated three cases of suspected, raised prices and disrupted market cases

On the evening of August 11, Wang Songyuan, director of the Urumqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Xinjiang, reported to investigate and deal with three cases of suspected prices to disrupt market cases:

(1) A daily life supermarket in Shayi Barc is suspected of disrupting the market price. From 8 am to 8:30 on August 10th, the vegetables sold in the store significantly exceeded the daily profit margin and suspected of raising the price to promote the high price of the goods; there is still a problem of food during sales. According to the "Price Law of the People's Republic of China" and "The Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", the Barc District Market Supervision Bureau plans to make an administrative penalty of 100,000 yuan.

(2) A vegetable and fruit shop in the Economic Development Zone (Tutunhe District) is suspected of not being marked and raised the price. On August 10, all the vegetables sold in the store did not clearly marked the price. The income price of tomatoes was 4.8 yuan/kg, the sales price was 8 yuan/kg, and the sales price exceeded 66%of the purchase price. Essence The Urumqi Market Supervision Bureau has instructed the Economic Development Zone (Tutun River District) Market Supervision Bureau to investigate the illegal act of the store in accordance with the "Price Law of the People's Republic of China", and it is planned to make administrative penalties for revoking business licenses.

(3) A convenience store in Tianshan District is suspected of coaxing the price. On August 10, during the sales of 13 kinds of vegetables such as potatoes and cucumbers, the store had illegal acts suspected of raising prices. The Urumqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau had filed a case for the illegal behavior of the store in accordance with the Price Law of the People's Republic of China. Administrative penalties to revoke business licenses.

The first domestic new crown oral medication per bottle is 270 yuan per bottle, and it has arrived in Henan, Xinjiang, Hainan and other places

According to the surging news report, the reporter learned from Fosun Pharmaceutical that Fosun Pharmaceuticals and real creatures actively responded to the needs of governments in various localities, and emergency mixed with anti -new crown pneumonia small molecules oral drugs Azf's fixing in many places in the country. Recently, Henan has been shipped successively. , Hainan, Xinjiang and other places.

Fosun Pharmaceutical mentioned that according to the price of medical insurance hanging networks in various places, Azf's fixed table is priced at 270 yuan per bottle, 35 tablets per bottle, and 1 mg per tablet. Compared with the new crown therapy drugs currently on the market, the price of Azf's fixed tablet price It has a great advantage.

Azf is the first domestic new crown oral medicine. It is also my country's first approval to have completely independent intellectual property rights and global patent 1.1 category of anti -new crown pneumonia.

On August 9, the General Office of the National Health and Health Commission and the Office of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued a notice saying that the medicine was included in the "New Coronatic Virus Pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan (ninth edition)". According to the "diagnosis and treatment plan", Azf's fixed tablet is used to treat adult patients with COVID-19). The amount of usage is swallowed by the entire space, 5mg each time, once a day, the course of treatment is not more than 14 days.

According to the above usage, and each dose, the patient needs to take 5 tablets a day. The treatment requires 70 tablets for 14 days, that is, the amount of two boxes, the cost of 540 yuan.

Shanghai: No newly added positive infection on the 11th is related to this Hainan epidemic.

The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission notified this morning (August 12): At 0-24, August 11, 2022, 2 cases of new local new coronary pneumonia were added and 5 asymptomatic infected infected, of which one of the confirmed cases and Four asymptomatic infections were found in isolation control. 8 cases of new overseas input new crown pneumonia and 14 asymptomatic infections were found in closed -loop control. On the 12th, Shanghai released a public account to respond to the problem of netizens' care:

1. Is the increase in the increase today is related to the two of yesterday?

Answer: Streaming shows that seven positive infections have the same relatively closed space (Shanghai Xuhui District Weiqiang Footbathing Store), and there is a clear relationship between epidemiography.

2. The results of the flow traceability of the two cases reported by Shanghai yesterday reported from the social infection of the positive infection came out?

Answer: The current traceability work is in progress.

3. Is it true that the newly added epidemic is related to the Hainan epidemic?

Answer: The existing flow results show that as of now, no newly added positive infection is found yesterday. It is related to this Hainan epidemic.

4. The published data is not right with the data in the table? What about the residence of the case of Xuhui District?

Answer: The number of confirmed cases in the hospital is announced in the form.

Lhasa, Tibet, will be launched in the main urban area today

According to CCTV News, on August 12, the Office of the Leading Group of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Evalence Work Leading Group Office issued an announcement:

In order to effectively and effective the current epidemic and block the risk of the spread of the epidemic, Lhasa's leading group in response to the new crown pneumonia's epidemic situation decided that from 3:00 am from August 12, 2022 to 3 am on August 15th, in the main urban area of ​​Lhasa The basic units are carried out to disinfect and kill, and combined with the needs of epidemic prevention, more accurate and more conveniently penetrated into the grid community to conduct nucleic acid testing. Please ask the general public to have no special urgent matters, not going out, do not go the door, and not gather. provide assurance. Thank you for your understanding, support, and cooperation for the majority of citizens. Please forgive me! In the meantime, the majority of passengers can hold a 48 -hour kernel detection negative proof.


At 0-24 o'clock on August 11, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 704 newly confirmed cases, including 56 cases of overseas input cases, 648 local cases: 595 cases in Hainan, 22 cases in Guangdong, 22 cases in Guangdong, and 22 cases in Guangdong. There are 9 cases in Inner Mongolia, 7 cases in Tibet, 5 cases in Fujian, 2 cases in Shanghai, 1 case of Henan, 1 case of Chongqing, 1 case of Sichuan, 1 case in Guizhou, 1 case of Yunnan, 1 case of Shaanxi, 1 case of Xinjiang, 1 case in Xinjiang, including 11 Examples are transformed from asymptomatic infected to confirmed cases (7 cases in Guangdong, 1 case in Hainan, 1 case in Sichuan, 1 case in Guizhou, and 1 case of Xinjiang).

There are no new death cases. No new suspected cases.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 1305 cases of asymptomatic infection, of which 102 were entered overseas, 1203 cases in the local area: 614 cases in Hainan, 410 cases in Xinjiang, 60 cases in Zhejiang, 43 cases of corps, Tibetan Tibet, Tibetan Tibet 20 cases, 14 cases in Guangdong, 11 cases in Jiangxi, 7 cases in Inner Mongolia, 6 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Shanghai, 5 cases in Guangxi, 4 cases in Hunan, 1 case of Henan, 1 case of Chongqing, 1 case in Sichuan, and 1 in Shaanxi.

Source: National Health and Health Commission, CCTV News, Surging News, Beijing Daily, etc.

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