Jiaodong Airport is put into operation for one year: "Type 4 Airport" exhibits a new wing, "International Hub" is flying

Author:Qingdao Daily Time:2022.08.12

In -depth matching Qingdao's urban development strategy, accelerating the "world -class, leading domestic" Northeast Asian International Hub Airport

Jiaodong Airport's one -year flight exceeded 107,000 flights

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News On August 12, Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport, the first 4F international airport in Shandong Province, ushered in the first anniversary of the transfer operation. Data show that over the past year, Jiaodong Airport has accumulated more than 107,000 flights, with averaged 295 times a day, and the highest peak was on September 30, 2021, reaching 508. Based on Qingdao, Radiation Jiaodong Peninsula, Jiaodong Airport is accelerating the "world -class, domestic leading" Northeast Asian International Hub Airport.

The prevention and control of the epidemic, safety production, operation control, and service quality are all the basic disks to maintain the development of the airport. Over the past year, the impact of the impact of the domestic and local multi -round epidemics, Jiaodong Airport has strictly implemented the requirements of "the epidemic should be defended, the economy must stabilize, and the development must be safe". Difficulty, promoting development in adversity, the software and hardware facilities are running smoothly, the service guarantee system is smooth, and the main business of aviation transportation has steadily improved, and it has achieved a leap from high standards to high -level operations. At present, Jiaodong Airport has 138 domestic passenger routes, and 5 international (regional) passenger routes, which are Shouer, Busan, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Macau; 4 domestic freight routes such as Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and international freight routes Nine, Tongda Tokyo, Lieri, Moscow, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seoul, Toronto, London, Bernemouth and other places.

Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport Aerial panoramic view

In March of this year, the Qingdao Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone was approved. This is the 14th approval of the comprehensive bonded zone in Shandong Province, and it is also the first space -type comprehensive bonded zone in Shandong Province. The comprehensive bonded zone is the highest form of customs special regulatory areas. It is the special customs special regulatory area with the highest level, the most preferential policies, the most complete functions, and the most simplified procedures. It has become an important carrier and platform for my country to open to the outside world. Provide important driving force. Qingdao Airport Comprehensive Bonded Area is located on the northwest side of Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport, which is connected with the airport freight area, which can achieve seamless connection and functional complementarity with the airport. The Qingdao Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone focuses on attracting aviation pointing industries. Based on air freight and bonded logistics, it focuses on the development and maintenance of aviation research and development and maintenance, aviation equipment bonded trade, bonded manufacturing, distinctive cold chain, cross -border e -commerce, international financial settlement, etc. industry. After the completion of the Qingdao Airport Comprehensive Bonded Area, it will become a comprehensive airport special customs special regulatory area that integrates port clearance and bonded services. It is of great significance for Qingdao to deeply integrate into the construction of the “Belt and Road” and accelerate the construction of the “Belt and Road” international cooperation platform. It plays an important role in promoting the development of the service area and accelerating the construction of the Qingdao International Shipping Hub.

The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to the development of the aviation industry and use it as one of the city's emerging industries. This year, the city introduced the "Implementation Opinions on Supporting the Development of the Aviation Industry" to build a "world -class, domestic leading" Northeast Asian International Hub Airport, adhere to the "customer and cargo", and propose to improve the intercontinental and remote international linkage nature 2. Increase the airport's non -peak hours, the construction of an aviation passenger transit hub, and the establishment of the Asian Airlines freight channel, etc., have created a good policy development environment for improving the development of the aviation transportation industry. The 13th Party Congress of the city proposed that in the next five years, it is necessary to enhance the function of the Jiaodong International Airport Portal, to open and encrypt domestic and foreign passenger freight routes, and build an important international transit port in the country.

Jiao Mingwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Qingdao Airport Group, said that at the new starting point of the first anniversary of the turnaround, the target of the "world -class, domestic leading" Northeast Asian International Hub Airport will not shake the target, seize strategic opportunities, and turn danger into danger to into On the premise of resolutely observing the prevention and control of the epidemic and the bottom line of safety production, give full play to the endowment of Jiaodong International Airport, in -depth matching the city's development strategy, solidly promote the "four transformations", and strive to build the integrated development of the Jiaodong Peninsula, the service is in line with the service convergence The "new power source" of the "Belt and Road" is to make a contribution to the endowment of the "vibrant ocean capital and wonderful and pleasant city" for Qingdao to build an international portal hub city in Qingdao. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai Journalist Zhou Jianliang)

Qingdao Daily August 12, 2022 Edition 1 edition

In the past year, Jiaodong Airport has deeply matched the urban development strategy and empowers the momentum for Qingdao's high -quality development.

"Type 4 Airport" shows the new wing "international hub" is flying flying

■ In April this year, Jiaodong Airport opened the first cargo aircraft to Los Angeles.

■ At present, there are 138 domestic passenger routes and 5 international (regional) passenger routes

■ A total of more than 107,000 flights in the past year, 295 times a day

■ Passenger throughput has reached 60,000 per day/day, and domestic passenger volume has basically returned to the level before the epidemic

■ In May and June of this year, the shipping capacity of the whole cargo increased by 153.5% compared with the same period in 2019

Time flies, and the "machine" is turned on. Today, Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport ushered in the first anniversary of the transfer operation.

Time back a year ago.

On the morning of August 12, 2021, Liuting Airport, which accompanied Qingdao people for 39 years, was closed. The first 4F -level airport in Shandong Province, Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport, was launched. "Overall relocation, one night transfers", with a modern, high -quality large aviation hub. On December 4, 2021, a Boeing 747-800 aircraft flying from Frankfurt, Germany landed steadily, becoming the first largest civil aviation transportation model in Jiaodong Airport, the Fede of Form Film. Essence In the summer of this year, Passenger flow of Jiaodong Airport continued to grow.

A new airport, "Xinxin" a city.

The airport is a comprehensive service platform for people's smooth behavior and smooth flow. It has a large traffic and brand effects that have gathered in a huge traffic. It has become an important engine that drives the development of urban economic development. It is of great significance to form a radiation driving effect in large range.

Based on Qingdao, radiation Jiaodong Peninsula -In the past year, Jiaodong Airport has gradually become an Internet celebrity landmark that shows the vitality of Qingdao's development. Promote the advanced development of the city and better undertake the development opportunities brought about by the national superimposed strategy.

Looking at the entire industry, the first batch of "Fourth Airport" demonstration airports that "safe, wisdom, green, and humanities" through construction and operation are all contributing the Qingdao model to the high -quality development of the industry.

Strong passenger transportation

Since the summer of this year, Passenger flow of Jiaodong Airport has continued to grow. The people in the terminal have come and go, and from time to time, some people set off or arrived from here. At present, the passenger throughput of the airport has reached 60,000 per day, and domestic passenger volume has basically returned to the level before the epidemic.

The passenger flow is bustling, and it is not easy to come. Affected by the epidemic, since March this year, the number of civil aviation flights has continued to decline. Since May, with the implementation of multiple rounds of civil aviation bailout policies and the general improvement of the national epidemic prevention and control situation, civil aviation production operations have the bottom of the rebound and gradually recovered. After entering June, the recovery of civil aviation transportation production accelerated. Recently, international passenger routes in Tsingtao to and from Osaka, London and other places will resume restoration.

Panorama of Luggage Hall of Jiaodong Airport.

Passenger transport is the core main business of the airport. Since the transfer, Qingdao Airport Group and Shandong Airlines, Oriental Airlines, Qingdao Airlines and other main bases such as airports have continued to strengthen the launch of flight capacity, optimize the allocation of resources at all times, developed the middle -range product, "easy to enjoy" and "Lu Fei" Become a well -known brand in the industry. In the first half of this year, Jiaodong Airport timely, Huahabin, Dalian, Shenyang, Chengdu and other 8 domestic passenger routes were opened to 7 domestic passenger routes including Tongliao and Chizhou. With the strong support of airport customs and border inspection stations, 5,100 square meters of Macau flight entry -specific channels are efficiently built to ensure that the Macau route is resumed.

At present, Shanhang has exceeded 50 capacity in the Qingdao market, with more than 70 flight routes. In the past year, a total of 29,435 flights were implemented, more than 322 passengers were transported by transport passengers, 17,761 tons of shipping transportation and transportation, nearly 10 new routes, more than 10 encrypted routes, more than 1,000 flights per week, entering and leaving, entering and leaving The normal rate of Hong Kong is 95.87%, which has initially formed the layout of "running through the north and the south, radiating the West, connecting Japan and South Korea", and the market share ranks first in the industry. Xu Chuanyu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman, and President of Shanhang Group, introduced that for a long time, Shanhang has actively served the planning and layout of the national and Shandong comprehensive three -dimensional transportation network construction plan, and revolved around the company's strategic goal of "based on the foundation of Jiqing and to build an international regional hub for Japan and South Korea". , Continuously highlight the strategic positioning of the central hub of Qingdao, continue to increase its capacity in Jiaodong Airport, optimize and improve the intra -line route network centered on Jiaodong Airport, coordinate passenger and freight business, continuously improve flight design, and improve transit service capabilities. Provide convenient and smooth aviation channels for Qingdao's economic and social development and Qingdao citizens.

Over the past year, thanks to the new software and hardware upgrade of Jiaodong Airport, China Eastern Airlines Shandong Branch has launched a number of "smart travel" services. Such as self -service duty, self -service consignment, "face recognition" boarding, "Eastern Airlines Mini Program self -service renovation", and the full process tracking of luggage RFID, which greatly facilitates passenger travel. It also took the lead in opening up the domestic "joint value machine and direct luggage" business, becoming the first airline to open this business at Jiaodong Airport. Eastern Airlines Shandong Branch also opened a transfer counter at Jiaodong Airport to save passengers for 15 minutes and reduce walking distance of 800 meters.

In the past year, the scale of Qingdao Airlines' fleet has expanded from 30 before the transfer to 32, which has continued to optimize the airline structure at Jiaodong Airport.

According to statistics, over the past year, Jiaodong Airport has accumulated more than 107,000 flights and averaged 295 daily. At present, Jiaodong Airport has 138 domestic passenger routes and 5 international (regional) passenger routes; 4 domestic freight routes and 9 international freight routes.

Make up the freight shortcomings

Aviation freight integration integration transportation, warehousing, distribution, information and other service functions are important support for the modern industrial system. The development of aviation freight is of great significance for promoting the formation of strong domestic markets, in -depth participation in international division of labor and cooperation, ensuring stability of supply chain, major strategic service implementation, and achieving high -quality economic development.

Jiaodong Airport digs deeply for freight potential to achieve transformation and development.

Before the transfer, there were few freight routes, and it was the shortcomings of Qingdao Airport. Since turning the market, Jiaodong Airport seized the opportunity period of international air freight development, and used the use of "orderly flowing to domestic flights at the moment of international flights", "letting go of freight aircraft restrictions during the day" and "encouraging passengers to change goods" and other Civil Aviation Administration. Industry policies, accelerating the shortcomings, the vitality of the aviation logistics industry has become a new growth point for the transformation and development of Jiaodong Airport. In 2021, Qingdao Airport completed a total of 237,600 tons of cargo and postal throughput, an increase of 14.9%year -on -year. Among them, the cargo and postal throughput of international and regional regions was 96,300 tons. In the case of severe foreign epidemic situation, it has made important contributions to the international supply chain and industrial chain stability in the international logistics trade channel.

Since this year, this strong development momentum has continued. In April, Jiaodong Airport opened a full cargo aircraft route to Los Angeles, and the freight charter route from Chicago was opened in June to further meet the urgent needs of the Qingdao air freight market for the US freight aircraft routes, enhance the economic and trade exchanges between Qingdao and the United States, and to Qingdao and hinterlandland. High value -added and high -end product import and export provides strong support. In May and June of this year, the growth rates of Jiaodong Airport ranked third and sixth in the country, respectively. The shipping capacity of the whole cargo increased by 153.5%compared with the same period in 2019, and the carrier capacity of "passenger renovation" increased by 118%compared with the same period in 2020.

Construction of "Type 4 Airport"

In 2019, the Civil Aviation Administration of China announced the first batch of "type 4 airports" (Ping An, Wisdom, Green, Humanities) Demonstration Project. Jiaodong Airport ranked among them and became the first batch of future batch of future airport benchmark demonstration projects in China. Over the past year, Jiaodong Airport has achieved strong operational guarantee, exquisite intelligent production management, convenient and efficient travel, and environmental ecological green and harmonious through the entire process, full elements, and comprehensive optimization.

Jiaodong Airport ground collection sparse transportation system is convenient and open

Building a "type 4 airport" is the basic condition. The airport group has improved the safety management system, pressing the responsibility of stressing the solid safety, and establishing and improving the five mechanisms such as the safety "whistle". Clear "zero" and other series of operations. Starting from December 21, 2021, Jiaodong Airport has launched the Security Channel No. 20, 21, and 22 as the "Easy Security Inspection" passenger channel. It is supported by "information+technology", which has changed the traditional security inspection "one -size -fits -all" and passenger passive acceptance. Passengers can take the initiative to participate in two -way choice to provide passengers with a safer, more convenient and more comfortable security model.

To build a "type 4 airport", wisdom is the driving force for innovation. In recent years, the civil aviation industry has developed rapidly, airports and airspace capacity pressures are huge, and the operations of airport operations are becoming more and more complicated, and passenger service demand has become more diverse and personalized. To improve operational efficiency and service quality, the airport must make full use of modern technology and advanced facilities, and the concept of smart airports came into being.

Jiaodong Airport realizes high -speed rail, subway and terminal "direct connection

73,000 subways are stopped here, and 3.76 million passengers arrive or leave here by subway; online car rental is connected to 4.698 million vehicles, with an average daily area of ​​1,270 vehicles. More than 6,000 times; the average 1.5 minutes can be found in parking spaces, more than 10 transfer methods "direct" airport ... In the past year, under the support of Hisense Intelligent Transportation Technology, the level of traffic service at Jiaodong Airport has gradually increased. Passengers travel to travel. Experience has improved significantly. Jiaodong Airport Construction Airport Bus, taxi, high/subway and other transportation methods that integrate various transportation methods. The full process of waiting time for waiting time for the release of the traffic and the recommendation of transportation methods is easy to travel services to enhance the passenger travel experience.

Smart scenes are not only applied to comprehensive transportation centers. In the flight area, a "smart upgrade" is quietly unfolding. In July of this year, the first domestic "car road collaboration" unmanned driver was launched at Jiaodong Airport. This test is to implement the spirit of the Civil Aviation Administration's "Application Road Map (2021-2025)" and other related documents such as the Civil Aviation Authority. Innovative work. After the project is completed, it will realize the unmanned operation of vehicles such as connecting and bird -repellent operations in Jiaodong Airport flight area. Enhance the level of safety and technical prevention in the operation of the apron, and achieve intelligent guarantee, intelligent scheduling, fine management, and efficient operation. At the same time, it provides data and experience support for the verification of unmanned driving technology in the industry.

Building "Type 4 Airport" is an important connotation. The green airport is an important manifestation of the civil aviation industry's practice of "carbon peaks, carbon neutrality", and has become a common choice for the development of global airports. In October 2021, the high standards of the Demonstration Project of Sponge Airport, Green Lighting Demonstration Project, and Green Airport Project at the Jiaodong Airport Sponge Airport Passing and acceptance passed the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development. Among them, Jiaodong Airport Sponge Airport Demonstration Project proposes the goal concept of building the first "sponge airport" in China, and has established technologies such as sponge airport technology system, motor vehicle rainwater ecological collection and utilization, and water resources cycle utilization. The effect of consumption reduction and protection. Green parks and green lighting demonstration projects are promoted and applied to new technologies, new processes, new materials, and new equipment, and effective technological integration and technological innovation have been carried out. Including the "Land -saving Evaluation Report" approved by the Ministry of Land and Resources, the multi -cabin large section (3.6 meters × 12.5 meters) comprehensive pipeline corridor technology and high -speed rail subway integrated by the airport design and application of gas (single -cabin) sewage into the corridor The comprehensive transportation zero transfer system, the country's first series of innovative achievements such as the intelligentization of LED lights in the running and stopping lighting lighting system, and multi -purpose lighting controlled the integrated lighting system, which has achieved a good economy , Social and ecological benefits. Building a "type 4 airport" is an important guarantee. The airport has a huge platform effect and brand effect that gathers huge traffic. The driving growth of transportation production by airport business is an important trend and law of the development of the industry, and it is also the successful experience and practices of international advanced airports. Since the transfer, Jiaodong Airport has created specialty business brands with "homogeneity of the same city" as its core, and has focused on solving common problems such as high commercial prices and poor experience in domestic airports. Trading has become the first airport in the civil aviation industry to implement the "San Tong". Here, it is not only a travel service station, but also a commercial complex that integrates air travel, retail, catering, leisure, and amusement, and is committed to becoming the "urban living room" of the Jiaodong Peninsula.

In terms of passenger services, Qingdao Airport Group continues to promote and carry out various public welfare and voluntary service activities, practice the spirit of volunteer with practical actions, and send true service to passengers. "Benbin Polite" service brand, "love mother's hut", no companion wheelchair passenger "door to the door" service, etc., and other shiny service brands, open green channels for hematopoietic stem cells, ensure that medical teams have gone from Hong Kong aid to Shanghai, etc. The service guarantee all shows the tender service and mission of the airport people. On the eve of the "August 1st" Army Festival this year, Jiaodong Airport also took the lead in opening the green channel of retired soldiers across the country. When retired soldiers checked on duty and luggage consignment procedures, they could enjoy priority services with preferential certificates and Rongjun cards.

Create an international aviation hub

At present, affected by factors such as outbreaks, the development of the airport still faces many challenges. However, in danger, a series of favorable factors are accumulating thickness, and Jiaodong Airport is entering the opportunity period and window period of accelerated development.

In the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" of Civil Aviation, Jiaodong Airport has been given the heavy responsibility of "optimizing the regional aviation hub function and supporting the construction of local economic and trade cooperation zones for China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization". In 2019, the State Council proposed in the "Overall Plan for the Construction of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone" that relying on Jiaodong Airport to expand the "empty+empty land" cargo collection model, and carry out the mixed carrier of the entire shipping section of the entire cargo aircraft, Develop international transit, international distribution, international procurement, and international logistics business.

The "Qingdao City Implementation of the Outline of the Construction of Traffic Power" issued recently issued by the "Outline of the Construction of a Powerful Country" issued a target task for "building an international aviation hub" Quick passage in the area. Continue to consolidate the Northeast Asian market, steadily develop intercontinental and long -range markets, and improve the capacity of transitting service. Strengthen the collaboration of the aviation market of Jiaodong Economic Circle and cultivate world -class airport groups.

Jiao Mingwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Qingdao Airport Group, said that Jiaodong Airport will deeply match the city development strategy and anchor the "world -class, domestic leading" Northeast Asian International Hub Airport target. , Improve the function of expanding the portal hub.

Based on improving the function of the portal hub, actively increase the international and domestic routes along the “Belt and Road” and the SCO national routes. "Great arteries" explore the creation of international aviation hubs and free trade ports in the SCO Demonstration Zone.

Based on the geographical location of the two -way mutual benefit of the city and the linkage of land and abroad at home and abroad, accelerate the planning and constructing the flight system, rely on the "five major transit channels", strive to do a good job of flights, timely transit connections, open up service barriers between airlines, build the service barrier, build Become an important international transit port in Northeast Asia.

Based on the integrated development of the Jiaodong Economic Circle, give full play to the geographical advantage of Jiaodong Airport in the hinterland of the Jiaodong Peninsula and the advantages of the "vertical zero transfer" transportation hub, accelerate the construction of the terminal and cargo stations in different places, strengthen the same railway, highways, and highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, and highways, and highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, highways, and highways, and highways, highways, and highways. The strategic collaboration, capital cooperation, platform docking, and resource sharing of seaports have improved the siphon effect on the supply and freight supply of the Peninsula area, and strive to create a multi -type joint transportation center for the integration of "land, sea, air and iron mail".

Based on the integration and development of the "Hong Kong Products City", give full play to the role of the airport's radiation driving role in accelerating the process of regional urbanization, actively integrate into the construction of Shanghe Super Port, promote the development and construction of the Jiaozhou Urban Economic Zone, and the development of the airlines.Logistics, commerce and trade exhibitions, "dual -move and dual quotes" and other aspects of coordinated efforts and advantages complement each other, making new contributions to the development of the air in the development of the air in the air in Qingdao and expanding the aviation industry.Everyone in the past is a prologue.Starting from a new starting point, Jiaodong Airport is expected in the future.(Qingdao Daily/Guanhai Journalist Zhou Jianliang)

Qingdao Daily, August 12, 2022, 3rd edition

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