The city's "lifeline" is guaranteed ...

Author:Hefei Daily Time:2022.08.12

Hydropower supply,

It is the "lifeline" of the city's smooth operation.

Recently, high temperature weather,

The use of water, electricity, and gas demand rises.

To ensure the normal production and living order of the city,

Relevant units in our city

Form the plan in advance and the deployment work,

Stabilize the "lifeline" of the city.

Water supply

Daily water supply capacity 2.33 million cubic meters

The city's water supply is safe and stable

In response to the continuous high temperature weather, the amount of water was used, and Hefei Water Supply Group planned in advance and deployed scientifically to comprehensively strengthen various tasks such as water production, water quality monitoring, operation dispatch, emergency repair, and water supply services. At present, the city's nine water plants and 7 -seater pressure stations have stable operation, and the daily water supply capacity of the urban area is 2.33 million cubic meters. The city's water supply is safe and stable.


The staff of Hefei Water Supply Group is monitoring water quality

It is understood that on August 10th, Hefei daily water supply reached 2.139 million cubic meters. The seventh time this year refreshed the highest record of history, becoming the highest peak of current water supply at present, surpassing the water volume of Swan Lake in Hefei City (about 2 million cubic meters).

According to the relevant person in charge of Hefei Water Supply Group, the city's 129 pipeline network water quality monitoring points and 509 water quality online instruments 24 -hour monitoring key indicators to ensure excellent water supply quality. The city also passed the pressure monitoring point of 73 pipeline networks in the city. It monitors the pressure of the pipeline network in real time in real time. It scientifically dispatch water supply and reasonably adjust water supply pressure to ensure that the amount of water and water pressure are stable. Increase the inspection of key water supply facilities to ensure the safe and stable operation of the water supply pipe network.

Listening work is "auscultation" for urban water supply pipelines

Power supply

200 million degrees per day for the power to keep power

They guard the coolness behind the back

On August 11, the reporter learned from Hefei Power Supply Company that the city's daily use of electricity is about 200 million kWh. The power supply department of our city went all out to work together to keep the city's power supply safely and stable.

Since the summer, the 26 members of Hefei Power Supply Company's power -stop operation classes take turns on duty at the job 24 hours, and complete the access and fault repair of new users of more than 50 places in high temperature and heat every week. Reconstruction and other work.

At 11 am on August 9th, at the intersection of Xi You Road and Huolongdi Road in Shushan District, the employees of the State Grid Hefei Power Supply Company Operation Center in the insulating suit took high temperature to perform non -stop power operation. Li Yan reporter Li Yu Photo

In high temperature environment, their whole body is soaked, and sweat can be poured out of gloves. Li Yan, a reporter from Li Yan, Li Yu

The Hefei Power Supply Company stopped at 35 kV Bingzi on August 10, and took the first time in Anhui Power Grid to adopt the joint operation of the five -Zhongzhong -China -voltage electric vehicle for electricity preservation. "Zero Powerout".

5 Taichung Pressing Motor Motor Jointly Carrying for Electricity Conservation

The citizens enjoy the coolness brought by the air conditioner, and behind it is the strict adherence of many electric employees. Since the high temperature in mid -June, nearly a hundred front -line employees of the Hefei Power Supply Company Transformation and Maintenance Center have taken turns on duty at the job 24 hours. During the peak load peak, they used drones, infrared temperature measurement, intelligent robots and other equipment to assist artificial patrols, accumulating more than 43,000 infrared temperature measurement pictures, and timely elimination of 27 hidden dangers, further enhanced the reliability of urban power supply this summer.

Protective gas

Tighten the safety "screw"

Ensure that the city's civil use is not worry -free

Faced with high temperature and heat, Hefei Gas Group adopted multiple measures to fully protect the city's users with no worry about summer gas in summer.

Zheng Yutao, the pipeline of Hefei Gas Group Management Network, is recovering gas delivery for users (source: Hefei Gas Group)

Summer is a critical period for engineering projects to seize the construction period. In order to tighten the safety "screws", the group further strengthened the inspection of the pipeline network and strictly prevent the third -party damage accident of the pipeline. Maintenance work to ensure that the equipment runs normally.

In addition, various departments strictly implement the emergency response plan for summer gas supply, and emergency response will be initiated in a timely manner. While doing a good job of various gas supply protection work, the group also focused on deployment of heatstroke and cooling, flood prevention, lightning protection, etc., and effectively "stabilized" safety production and employee labor protection.

In summer, it is a high incidence of gas accidents in the household. Hefei Gas Group reminds users: Remember to use the gas to "open and three levels", that is, the kitchen window is often opened, and the fasters switch, front valve, and kitchen door; cooking In the process, please do not stay away from the cooker; if you encounter gas leaks, please call the blue flame hotline 65133333 in time.


"Concentrated Refrigeration"

Continue to improve service quality

In the summer of 2022, the centralized refrigeration work has been operating at more than February. In the hot weather, the supply of vapories has also risen sharply. The maximum supply of stea -supply in a single day has reached 11012 tons/hour. In order to do a good job of ensuring summer supply, Hefei Hot Electric Pipe Network Running Company continued to improve the quality of cooling and service.

At present, Hefei Thermal Power Group has comprehensively sorted out the heating pipe network of 587.3 kilometers and improved the frequency of inspections. Unimpeded. In high temperature weather, strengthening the investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards in the key links of 16 stations has been strengthened. At present, the lithium bromide crew, cooling tower, pump, control cabinet, etc. in the station have been comprehensively inspected.

Employees of Hefei Thermal Power Group are checking the equipment (source: Hefei thermal power)

At the same time, pay close attention to the changes in outdoor temperature, according to the characteristics of different centralized refrigeration communities, combined with the actual operation of the station building, adjust the operation mode and operating parameters of the refrigeration unit in a timely manner, and improve the user's cold experience. Continuous high temperature weather has led to the rising withdrawal withdrawal. Hefei thermal power carried out "summer convenience services" work, and one community was arranged every weekend to actively docking users for home maintenance services. Water preservation source

"Dongpu" and "Big Fang 已" have completed two rounds of hydration for two rounds

Hefei Waterfront has a well -preserved water source guarantee

Since the summer of this year, water affairs departments at all levels in the city have quickly acted, actively taking effective measures, keeping internal water, leaving outer water, and do everything possible to do a good job of water source protection.

The Municipal Water Affairs Bureau sent five working groups to ensure that 5 counties (cities) in the city guide localities to do a good job of leading, raising, water transfer and rural water supply guarantee work. The city has invested a total of 70 million yuan in drought resistance, 32,867 drought -resistant people were invested, 1,284 fixed pump stations were opened, and 7029 sets of mobile drought resistance equipment were put into 1,359 motorized water transport vehicles.

Xu Han, a large number of grain households in Gangang Town, Feixi County, is irrigating seedlings. Photo by Song Yanjun, a reporter from Ma Jiagui

The favorable timing of seizing the high water level of the Yangtze River, and promptly implement the "leading river to the nest". At present, the water level of Chaohu is about 8.7 meters, the water storage capacity is 2.4 billion cubic meters, and the major inland water levels are about 8.7 meters.

In response to the situation of less precipitation during the rainstorm this year, water affairs departments at all levels quoted water in advance, through the four major channels of Lu River, Wadong, Qiannan, and Shulu, Luima Mountain irrigation district, along the lake along the river pumping station, etc. Effectively ensure the needs of urban and rural residents' lives and agricultural irrigation water.

The northwest station of Guan Ting is working hard to fight against drought. Photo by Ding Jia'an

Since the beginning of this year, the city has completed two rounds of urban water supply and hydration from Dongpu and Dafang Reservoir from the Shihang Hangzhou Irrigation District. Safety. At present, the third round of urban water supply and hydration are being carried out.

Text | Chen Wei Zhu Xin Yu Yang Li Yan Wang Qin All Media Reporter Hua Xinhong Zhao Junsong Huang Ziyan

Edit | All media editor Wu Qingpei

Produced | "Lakeside Point" Rong Media Studio, "See Hefei" Rong Media Studio, "Shanshan is not late" Rong Media Studio

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