In the middle of a dozen volumes of sponge scattered, urban management team members assist the loading to restore transportation

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.12

Jimu Journalist Lu Chenghan

Video editing Lu Chenghan Shen Jiazheng (internship)

Correspondent Yang Jing Hu Rongjun

Intern Shen Jiaxian

On August 11, on the streets of Changqing Street, West Lake District, Wuhan City, a dozen bundles of sponge suddenly scattered on the road on a tricycle to block traffic. The urban management team members who inspected this immediately helped the owner pick up the sponge, re -loaded the car and fixed, and restored the traffic order.

On the morning of August 11, when Xiang Hao and Zhu Hongyan, a member of Changqing Street City Management players in the East and West Lake District, inspected the road section near the unity of the unity of the unity brigade, they found that a tricycle was parked in the middle of the road. Transportation is blocked.

Sponge is scattered on the road, urban management helps to load the car to restore traffic (the picture is provided by the correspondent)

Seeing this, the two players stopped immediately, reminding the vehicle to slow down, and assisted the owner to lift the goods scattered on the ground one by one as soon as possible, and then help the goods reinsert the goods firmly. With the assistance of the two players, the three -wheeled owner quickly re -loaded the sponge and fixed, and the on -site traffic order quickly recovered.

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