The 300,000 -to -house purchase money was burned into black charcoal, and the bank staff was afraid that they would make them ash ...

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.08.11

5 years accumulated 300,000 yuan to buy a house. Who knows a fire bake money into coke.Ms. Zhou, Xianning, Hubei, asked the Chongyang County Sub -branch of the People's Bank of China with a try mentality.On August 9, with the efforts of the provincial, municipal, and county -level people's banks, experts appraised the damage coin of carbonization, and bank staff worked hard to exchange for the parties to exchange for 1.4755 million yuan, recovering nearly half of the losses.At the scene, when I saw the dark damage coins, the appraisal experts carefully checked, and the staff who counted were more careful, for fear that they would touch them into gray.(Hubei Daily All Media reporter Zhou Peng Correspondent Fang Daxing)

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