It's hot and don’t want to enter the kitchen. Try these 3 steamed vegetables. Simply steaming is finished. The whole family loves to eat

Author:Tongue in the food line Time:2022.08.11

The weather is getting hotter every day, and cooking is getting harder and harder for everyone. 5 minutes of cooking and sweating for two hours! The sultry kitchen is like a huge steamer, which is so hot that people can't get angry. If you also worry about this, you might as well try to make steamed vegetables, simple, effort, delicious and delicious.

The steamed dishes are simple and easy to make without losing deliciousness, and to a large extent retain the nutrition of the ingredients itself. More importantly, you don't have to stay in the kitchen to "steam the sauna". It is easy to do and eat more comfortably.

The younger sister brought you three frequent steamed vegetables. The method is simple, rich in nutrition, and it is not delicious! You can eat delicious dishes without sweating in the kitchen ~




1. Lotus root steamer ball

2. Bean skin rolls of vegetable chicken breast meat

3. Cordyceps flower steamed chicken leg

Steamed lotus rogue meat ball

Lotus root feels crispy and tender, delicious and delicious, and has high nutritional value. It is a kind of food that is suitable for all ages. The balls made of lotus root are delicious without fried, and the nutrition of crispy and juicy is not lost ~


Main ingredients: 80 grams of lotus root, 250 grams of pork minced pork, 40 grams of carrots

Accessories: 2 slices of ginger, 1 onion, 2 petals, 20 grams of red pepper, 2 spoons of corn starch, a little edible oil, a little salt, a little pepper, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 3 spoons of raw soy sauce

Do a way

1. Put pork, ginger, and green onions in the meat grinding machine to make meat, add soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, corn starch, pepper, salt, and stir until sticky.

2. Add the chopped lotus root and carrots to mix well, make a ball -shaped, put it in the plate.

3. Open the water in the water, steam on high heat for 12-15 minutes.

4. Add 2 spoons of raw soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of corn starch, half a bowl of clear water, stir well into ingredients, chopped red pepper and garlic.

5. Take out the steamed meatballs, pour the soup in the plate for later use, and stir -fry the chili and minced garlic in the oil pan.

6. Pour the ingredients and the soup that are filled and cook until it sticky.

7. Pour the cooked sauce onto the meatballs and sprinkle with green onions.

Lotus root meatballs have delicious taste, tight and non -greasy taste, and the crispy taste of lotus root, the meat aroma and a faint fragrant fragrant combination perfectly, absolutely rice artifact ~

Bean skin rolls of vegetable chicken breast meat

When the bean skin rolls, vegetable chicken breast meat, low fat and oil -free, delicious and not fat, very suitable for eating during fat reduction.


Main ingredients: 1 piece of chicken breasts, 1 thousand sheets, an appropriate amount of fungus, an appropriate amount of corn particles, a little carrot

Accessories: 1 spoon of starch, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of raw soy sauce, a little black pepper, 1 teaspoon of salt, appropriate amount of green onion, 1 tablet for ginger

Do a way

1. ️ Cut the fungus and carrots are chopped and for use, and the corn kernels are washed and spare.

2. ️ Stir the meat in the grinder of the chicken breast, put the fungus, corn, carrot, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, oyster sauce, raw soy sauce, starch, black pepper, salt, and stir well.

3. Put the stirred stuffing on the bean skin and roll up.

4. Put it in a steamer for 20 minutes, take it out for steaming, and cut the block after cooling.

The fresh aroma of chicken, the bean flavor of the bean skin, the fragrance of the vegetables, mixes together, the aroma is tangy, and it is drooling ~

Cordyceps flowers steamed chicken leg

Cordyceps flowers steamed chicken legs are really steamed dishes. The steamed chicken leg meat is super tender and smooth, the soup is delicious, nutritious and low -fat ~

Main ingredients: 2 big chicken legs, 100 grams of Cordyceps flowers

Accessories: 3 slices of ginger, 4 red dates, 1 spoon of corn starch, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of raw soy sauce

Do a way

1. Cut the chicken legs, add cooking wine, oyster sauce, raw soy sauce, salt, corn starch, ginger shreds, and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Put the Cordyceps flowers and mix well, put the red dates, put it in the pot after the water is boiled, and steam for 20 minutes.

3. Time arrives, take it out, and the delicious Cordyceps flower steamed chicken is ready.

The chicken is tender and crispy, and the taste of the two ingredients penetrates each other. It is really delicious! The sweet soup is not let go, it is also very delicious for bibimbap ~

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