Build an autonomous and controllable modern industrial system

Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.06.17

Building a modern industrial system is an important part of improving my country's socialist market economy system. The current international environment is complicated and changing, and the domestic shift is in the stage of high -quality development, which makes my country a clearer direction in China's construction of a modern industrial system, that is, autonomous controlling. At the Central Economic Work Conference in 2020, enhanced the independent and controllable capacity of the industrial chain supply chain was listed as one of the eight key tasks. If it is interpreted from the perspective of "chain", the modern industrial system is formed by the "Innovation Chain -Technical Chain -Industrial Chain -Value Chain -Supply Chain -Service Chain". The industrial chain supply chain is the core of the link. Therefore, the establishment of an independent and controllable modern industrial system is firstly the industrial chain supply chain has independent controllable capabilities. It is necessary to fundamentally enhance the technological competition advantage of my country's industrial system and the advantages of the industrial chain supply chain. The demand has given full play to the economic advantages and institutional advantages of our country, and the overall enhancement of my country's independent and controllable modern industrial system competitiveness.

The independent and controllable modern industrial system should have the characteristics of innovation leadership, factor collaboration, structure optimization, complete chain, strong competitiveness, and smooth system. The shaping of competitive advantages has enabled the modern industrial system to have independent development capabilities and international competitiveness. There are four sources of autonomy in the modern industrial system: first, core technology, the second is the standard, the third is the business model, and the fourth is the capital alliance. Among them, core technology is the basis of other sources of autonomy. Therefore, the autonomous and controllable modern industrial system is an industrial system that can "control technology", "control standards", "control market" and "control brand".

Building an autonomous and controllable modern industrial system is a dynamic process. It does not mean that all industries need to be autonomous and controllable, nor does it require independent and controllable industries to achieve autonomous controllable or controlled industries in the same sequence. Autonomous and controllable. According to the general composition of the modern industrial system, it can be divided into four aspects of "element -subject -structure -institutional environment". Compared with the aforementioned characteristics of the autonomous and controllable modern industrial system, for the current "innovation, non -spermatic spermatic spermatic spermatic sperm -free sperm system faced by my country's industrial system "Speed", "There are elements, weak collaborations", "subjects, lack of vitality", "industrial, less integration" and other outstanding problems. To build an independent and controllable modern industrial system, we can focus on the following four aspects.

First, build an independent and controllable industrial technology system for key core technologies in key industries. Focusing on the core elements and building an independent and controllable modern industrial system, it is necessary to take scientific and technological innovation as the starting point to break through the key core technology of key industries. Judging whether a certain technology is a key core technology is mainly determined by the core value, ductility and difficulty of technology. To determine whether a certain industry can achieve the key core technology autonomous and controllable, it depends on the national technology innovation system's grasp of the entire technical system of the technology. Stable high -end R & D talent team. The key core technologies of key industries must first realize the smooth and efficient and organic combination of innovation chain, technology chain and industrial chain, integrate and optimize the allocation of scientific and technological resources, and strengthen basic research and application basic research. On the one hand, multi -channel strengthening investment in basic research talents and funds, creating an innovative environment that is conducive to basic research and development, and stimulating the vitality of innovative subjects. On the other hand, the effective transformation of the innovation chain from knowledge innovation to core technical links. Secondly, aiming at key core technology and cutting -edge common technologies, enhanced independent innovation capabilities, supplemented the technical chain, aimed at key industries, prioritized technical bottlenecks, focusing on the "thin, weak, lack of" links of the technical chain, supplemented the shortcomings and weaknesses of technology , Enhance the drive of key core technology and cutting -edge common technologies for commercial investment, strengthen transnational cooperation in technology chain; promote the market -oriented allocation of funds, technology and information, and focus on the integration of production, university and research. Finally, we must use the "head geese effect" that leads the achievements of sexual scientific and technological achievements. Government, enterprises, financial institutions, colleges and scientific research institutes and other parties collaborate to unblock the results of the results.

Second, cultivate the "chain owner" enterprise and build the "me -oriented" value chain system. First of all, clarify the characteristics and cultivation standards of the "chain owner" enterprise, and systematically build the "chain owner" enterprise cultivation standards from the level of technological innovation capabilities, industry standard formulation, brand effects and market control, strengthening technology -based enterprises and key characteristics of technology -based enterprises and keyability Cultivation of "stuck neck" technology breakthrough capabilities. Secondly, enhance the main position of the "chain owner" enterprise in the industrial chain, to help them have the right to formulate standard formulation for enterprises that have a certain innovative chain and technology chain, and gradually cultivate their formation of products and corporate brand effects; encourage having a possession of having a certain effect on it; The technical advantage will extend to both ends of the value chain, so that the shortcomings of enterprises will be combined, and then the "chain owner"+the industrial organization ecological pattern of small and medium -sized enterprises will be promoted; Value chain status in the technical field. Third, consolidate the basic status of the real economy and physical enterprises, focus on improving the technical capabilities of manufacturing enterprises, build a diversified industrial technology system, reverse the funds from reality, and ensure the effective capital needs of manufacturing enterprises. Establish an educational training and use of a talent system that inspires all -round support to support manufacturing enterprises, as well as market competitive screening mechanisms for manufacturing companies with market competitiveness as the standard. Finally, use the diversification of the technical structure of the large country's economy to support the diversity of enterprises, and to attract more external funds, technology, and talents with the open -country market, as well as the use of new technologies, new products, new services, and new models In the early days of the market's attractiveness and full competition effect, it created a fair market competitive environment for different industries, different types, different sizes, and different ownership "chain owners" enterprises. Third, establish a comprehensive and coordinated development mechanism. First of all, to improve the autonomy of the modern industrial system with factor coordination, so that the factors are "for me" and "for me". This requires elements to configure high -efficiency and high value -added links in the value chain, such as the efficient docking of technology and manufacturing, the healthy interaction of finance and manufacturing, the high degree of matching of human capital and manufacturing, and the digital economy and the real economy. Fully fusion. Secondly, promote the coordinated development of traditional industries and emerging industries, manufacturing and productive service industries. Based on the hardware foundation, supply chain channels, and product accumulation of traditional industries, the scientific and technological changes and yang attributes of emerging formats are combined with the attributes of the emerging format and enable interaction. Formation of emerging industries with huge incremental potential; for the technical and resource blocking points existing in traditional industries, use the technical advantages of new generation of information technology, artificial intelligence and other fields to extend their industrial cycle; accelerate the development of the two industries to integrate new formats and new models, Explore the platform carrier of manufacturing and service integration that allows small and medium -sized manufacturing companies to release more productive services. Third, promote the coordination of the intergovernmental industrial system, and form a domestic industrial value chain network through a reasonable regional industrial division of labor, unblocking all aspects of production, circulation, distribution, and consumption, and guide all regions to based on factors resource resource endowment, industrial foundation and differentiated competition advantages. Form a distinctive local industrial cluster. Finally, the advantages of abundant and diverse types of factors are used to provide a factor foundation for different resource endowment, industrial foundation, technical level, and human capital level. Using the factors of the large country's market, the siphon effect of the market, increase the attraction and gathering of high -end elements such as talents, knowledge, technology, and information, and improve the regional element structure.

Fourth, improve the institutional environment for building an independent and controllable modern industrial system. First of all, deepen the market -oriented reform of factors, optimize the allocation of factors in the real economy, and reform the effective incentive mechanism, market operation mechanism and rule of law supervision mechanism of the property rights of scientific and technological elements; guide financial institutions to increase support for key areas and weak links, and promote technology to promote technology In the integration of capital, develop the industrial chain supply chain finance; explore the establishment of human resources capitalization mechanism, improve the unified and standardized human resources market system; accelerate the cultivation of the data factor market, and promote the close combination of its factors such as science and technology, finance, and human capital. Secondly, eliminate the barriers to competition between regions and promote the qualitative business environment. Establish a fair, unified, and open domestic elements and product service market, establish differentiated resource element price mechanisms, implement a unified market access negative list and a fair competition review system, build a unified market rules; promote new infrastructure and traditional infrastructure Cross -border integration to improve the depth and breadth of data sharing sharing; continue to optimize the market -oriented business environment based on the rule of law. Finally, improve the support mechanism of open industrial construction under global cooperation, increase investment promotion in the weak links of the supply chain of my country's industrial chain, and establish a system of linked preferential policies to attract preferential policies to the proportion of localization. Investment in the national security review, antitrust review, national technical security list management, and unreliable entity list to improve the industrial damage early warning system; improve the industrial "going global" support mechanism, encourage the development of international general contracting and general integration of advantageous industries and advantageous enterprises , Drive the output of equipment, technology, standards, brands, etc., and enhance the compatibility of economic and trade rules with developed economies.

(This article is the major topic of the National Social Science Foundation, "Study on the Construction of an Autonomous and Controlled Modern Industrial System under the Economic Conditions of the Great Power" (21 & ZD099) phased results)

(The author is a professor at the Institute of Economics and Social Development of Nankai University)

Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China

Author: Bai Xuejie

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