The road of a community in Shijiazhuang was rolled, and residents were inconvenient!Reporter visits on the spot

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.06.17

"The road potholes in front of the building are uneven. I go out every day to buy food. When can I flatten the road?" Speaking of the road in front of his own building, Shijiazhuang Qiaoximin South Street Sanjian Dormitar No. 2 Dormitory Building 2 resident Grandma Song Guofen was distressed.

Grandma Song said that there are two manhole covers in front of Building 2, and each manhole cover is more than ten centimeters higher than the ground. Although it is repaired, the surrounding and the original roads have not kept flat. The old man was injured. Grandma Song helplessly called the Yanzhao Metropolitan Daily Sunshine Gang Sunshine Hotline for help. On June 14, the reporter conducted a field visit.

The two well cover in the front of the building, go out to stop the road

Grandma Song, 82, told reporters that a dozen years ago, the community carried out the water meter home and renovated. After the reconstruction was completed, the two manhole covers in front of her Building 2 were more than ten centimeters higher than the ground. It is these two manhole covers that have brought a lot of inconvenience to residents.

"In 2019, an old lady in her eighty -year -old surnamed Zhang fell here and hurt the tail vertebra." Grandma Song said that she was very disturbing.

However, what is afraid of coming. Grandma Song said that one day in the fall of 2020, she went out in the morning. Because she was anxious to walk in a hurry, her legs were not high, and she didn't pay attention to it. Grandma Song's hospitalization infusion improved for 15 days, leaving a four -five -centimeter scar on her feet. Grandma Song's 87 -year -old wife was also traveling. Due to the hindrance of the manhole cover, the old -fashioned radio in her hand broke in the stumbling.

The well cover frequently caused trouble, and Grandma Song, who had a carelessness, reflected to the Leju Property and the Western Neighborhood Committee of the Si Middle Road.

"Later, the property wiped a circle of cement on the edge of each manhole cover." Grandma Song said that although this is better than before, the height gap between the manhole and cement and the ground is still not small, and the travel of residents is still affected. As a result, Grandma Song once again reported to the property and neighborhood committee. The property wiped a layer of cement between the two manhole covers, but the road was still uneven.

Grandma Song said that the reason for uneven road surfaces is not only there. Last year, the illegal building in front of the community unit was cleaned up. Large -scale mechanical cars rolled out of the door 2 to depression in front of the door 2, which caused the situation of uneven potholes on the road.

The road surface is uneven, the old man is easy to bump

On the morning of June 14, the reporter came to the three dormitories of Xiumen South Street for field visits.

In front of Building 2 is a brick road, about 3 meters wide. There is also a platform left by more than 20 centimeters higher than the ground in front of the building. On the way, the reporter saw the two manhole covers said by Grandma Song. These two manhole covers are dual -open rectangular metal manhole covers. The entire manhole cover is about 0.5 meters wide and 1 meter long. The gap in the middle of the manhole cover is not strictly closed, and the whole manhole cover looks uneven. A circular to a lap of about 20 cm width around each manhole cover, which makes the edge of the manhole cover and the ground a slope of about 30 degrees, and a thick layer of cement is also passed between the two manhole covers, but this section of the road surface and the edges The road surface is high, making the entire road still look uneven.

As Shijiazhuang just rained the previous day, there were still many stagnant water on the road in front of Building 2. "This is the large -scale mechanical vehicle that was demolished by illegal construction. If it encounters heavy rain, the water accumulation is far worse than it is now." Grandma Song said.

There are two units in Building 2. The two units where Grandma Song lives is on the east side. With inside, the position of the two manhole covers is the only way for Grandma Song to enter and exit the community. The reporter noticed that Grandma Song was unstable and highly raised when she walked, and it was easy to bump with the manhole cover and surrounding cement. This is not the way for young people, but there are hidden safety hazards for elderly people like Grandma Song.

Grandma Song told reporters that she moved here in 1983. She is already an old resident of 39 years. There are many residents in the community. In recent years, she has been picked up by her children because of the deterioration of the community. "Now, there are six elderly people in the two units, all of which are in their eighties. This road has threatened everyone's travel safety.

Grandma Song said that after the last injury, the neighborhood committee and the property had sent people to visit, and they also expressed apologies and comfort, but the problem has not been completely resolved. "The property also said that I want to use the opportunity to reinforce the north building to reinforce the road in front of Grandma Song, but the residents of Beilou have not moved.

Seeing that Futian is approaching, the rainy season is coming. Grandma Song looked at the well cover and the large and small pits on the road, showing deep concerns: "I have me and my wife at home. I go out to buy food every day. If you can't find the media, you must help me. "You must help me."

Residential Committee: It has been reported to the office on the problem of rolling roads

On June 15, the reporter contacted the property company of the three dormitories of the property company of the three dormitories.

Manager Qi of Leju Property told reporters that Grandma Song had reported a lot of times. "The property can not be repaired three times. It is said that after the construction unit was completed when the construction unit was dismantled, the road surface was uniformly recovered. I do n’t know why. Until now, the high platform that is higher than the ground has not been dismantled. "Manager Qi said that they entered the community in 2019, and they entered the community in 2019. At present, the property fee can only be charged 30%, and the power of the property cannot do such a large area of ​​maintenance. "We have also reported to the neighborhood committee and office, but there is no news." Later, the reporter interviewed Zhang Wei, the secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Four Middle Road West Community and Director of the Residents of the Sanzhong Road West Community. Zhang Wei is no stranger to this matter. "The old man said that the water meter well was a bit high, and it rained to save water. We contacted the property and wiped it with cement and repaired it several times. We dare not move casually, "Zhang Wei said. Zhang Wei said that the high platform left by Manager Qi Qi during the demolition of illegal construction was that the high platform did not dare to smash, and he was afraid to affect the safety of the building, because the building was too old.

"The building in front of Building 2 is a D -class dangerous house. I originally wanted to deal with this road if I reinforced the dangerous house. I will report it to the office." Zhang Wei said.

On June 16, the reporter contacted Zhang Wei again. He said that he had reported to Xiumen Street Office that the water meter well needs to be higher than the road to prevent water from flooding the water meter. In the next step, he considers to contact the property rights unit of the water meter well to see how to solve this problem. Regarding the problem of rolling mechanical vehicles that were demolished on the road, Zhang Wei said that because of the high platform left by the demolition of illegal construction, the current work of demolition of illegal construction has ended. Rest up the rolled roads first.

Source: Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

Reporter: Lu Weili intern Lu Shiwen

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