Garden is another classroom for children

Author:Sichuan Literature and Art Pub Time:2022.08.10

May you have a dream garden

When I was very young, I had my own garden.

In the hometown, the endless paddy fields, wheat fields, forests, and lakes, with the transformation of the four seasons, presents fascinating various colors, various breaths, and various attitudes.

In this world, I have rapeseed, peach forest, sunlight, rain and mist, white snow, and also have reeds, thrush, fireflies, fat -headed ducks and cow wats.

In this world, I, a little child, full of happiness and laughter often, the time of growth is so rich, so luxurious, so vast.

In this world, dog tail grass, mulberry, wild peony, thorn pear, apple trees, bees, sparrows are everywhere, everything, they are my garden.

In other words, I have a vast world other than homework. This world is my emotional exit.

This export guarantees that when I was severely squeezed in my childhood, I was so angry that I would be punished and scolded by my mother when I was motionless.

Go out and run crazy for a while, wash a lot of clothes by the river, dry on the grass, lie in the grass piles and watch the clouds upstream of the sky, until you sleep unknowingly -how can there be a childhood shadow in such a day? Essence

I have seen a question on a website: The children in the past were scolded or even beaten, and there were many homework, but why would they be depressed and jumped off the building? Is there no glass heart?

There are many answers in the comment area below. The most answered the most of them are: the children in the past have emotional exit.

This export is: in addition to family and schools, there is a world outside. This world is fields, forests, social, and friends.

So we need a garden. Even if there are only a few weeds and one grapes in this garden, even if there is only one cricket, two earthworms, and three pigeons in this garden.

We have to have an exit with the heavens and the earth and the four seasons. This exit is our shelter.

When the homework is unprepared, when the tutoring class is as many as a cattle and horses, I ran to the field to sprinkle the wild, go to the mud pond to roll, go to the heavy rain to run a few miles, go to the river ditch to catch a few pieces to catch a few pieces in the river ditch Fish, go to the mountain to pick a basket of mushrooms in the mountains, and cook a few dishes for your brother and sister. In this way, you will not be afraid, let alone depression, loneliness, and depression.

Garden is a school that cultivates love, understanding, morality and artistic perception. The garden taught me kindness, enthusiasm, conforming to nature, advocating science and rationality. The garden also taught me with hope and hard work. These are good values. It is an essential nutrient for a person to grow.

Garden can appreciate beauty, spread beauty, and create beauty. The garden is another classroom for children.

Children's childhood needs sunlight, play, friendship, and nature.

The ability to perceive nature is vitality. Children with strong vitality will be full of sunlight and sunny heart, which is particularly powerful, extraordinarily true, will not be easily knocked down by difficulties, and will not easily admit failure.

Later, I left my hometown and I lost a big garden.

For a long time, I was sad.

Later, I spent four years to write this set of plant novels. In four years, I read a lot of plant knowledge and plant stories. I created an elf boy who can dialogue with nature, dialogue with plants, and green fingers. Xu Lulu, I love him, I like his story, I want to create a dream garden for children. In this garden, there are Flower flowers and plants of the deer, the sweat and magic of Xu Deer, and the tears and laughter of Xu Lulu. I like him and hope that children like him too.

I seem to have a new garden myself, so I no longer sad.

Xu Lulu has his own dream garden. He is happy. His puzzle is closely related to the world. He is not a hollow person hanging in the air. He is a person who stepped on the earth with nature and the four seasons. Such a child is a healthy and happy child.

Give a friend with Xu Lulu, you will find a brand new world, you will walk into a charming garden.

I hope that all children have a garden, there is a powerful and rich spiritual world, and there is a natural growth, healthy and happy childhood.

Li Muyu

September 25, 2021

Li Muyu

Sichuan Provincial Literary Federation national first -level writer, famous children's literary writer, president of "Music World" magazine. The novels and children's literature works such as "Bailima's Starry Sky", the campus tree elves series, the invincible twin series, and "The Great Panda Baby" are more than 50 units. He has won the Outstanding Works Award of Xiayan Film Literature of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television in 2013, the Outstanding Works Award of Outstanding Children's Literature Publishing Engineering of the Central Propaganda Department in 2016, the "Five One Project" Award of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Literature Award, Sichuan Good Book Award, Sichuan Literature Award, Sichuan Literature Award Wenxuan Good Book Award, Bashu Literature and Art Award, etc.

Meeting the child's garden dream

Throughout the year, there is a gathering of plants and plants at any time

Plant knowledge is soft and popular

Respect nature, love nature, and protect nature

Small story contains big philosophy

Pass the true meaning of life

Title: "Li Muyu Children's Plant Companion Novels"

Author: Li Muyu

Press: Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House

Publishing time: June 2022

Open: 32 Open


Price: 108.00 yuan (4 volumes)

Scan the code to enter the official micro-shop to buy-the

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