Painting Civilization Haidian | District Women's Federation to build a "small incision" with family tutoring and family style to promote the "big actions" of ecological civilization

Author:Beijing Haidian Time:2022.08.10

District Women's Federation/Picture

On August 7, the "Co -Building Green Home, Sharing Beautiful Life", hosted by the Women's Federation of Haidian District (hereinafter referred to as the Women's Federation of the District) and 310 of the 310 Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry —— Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Exhibition Center. The event is "yesterday, today, tomorrow," the time line runs through the audience. The first generation of the New China broadcasting artist Gelan, the most beautiful family representative of Haidian District Zhao Wei, Li Chunyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Qiaoxi Community of the Haidian District, Zhou Wu The teacher shared the story of green life from different perspectives and imagined the future of green technology.

"This comrade, what kind of garbage are you?" "Ah?" "What garbage did you carry?" "Oh, comrade, what kind of garbage is the bone?" The form of stage dramas vividly shows the spiritual style of Haidian family keeping up with the pulse of the times and actively practicing green life.

In order to further enhance the residents' awareness of environmental protection and guide families to consciously practice the green and low -carbon lifestyle in daily life, the women's federations at all levels of Haidian District organize their family work as the lead and participate in the grassroots social governance work through family tutoring. , I have issued initiatives such as the "garbage classification action" and "CD -ROM action" to families in the region, leading the Haidian people to carry out the most beautiful family "Ten", "walking with happiness", "small family holding scientists -garbage classification 'family' 'family' Act of "a series of in -depth work and activities such as" actions, and paint a new chapter for the construction of green civilization Haidian.

It is understood that in the past two years, the women's federations at all levels have carried out more than 10,000 green environmental protection "home" action activities under the guidance of the Women's Federation of the District Women's Federation, participating in more than 16,000 families. Driven by the demonstration of the most beautiful families in Haidian, more than 120,000 households in Haidian families participated in the "prestige of the garbage classification barrel".

The women's federations at all levels in Haidian District actively explore the innovation work path. Taking the Suzhou Qiaoxi Community as the pilot, we must grasp the classification of family kitchen waste waste, implement the most beautiful family "One Building of One Building" project. And through this work, the family volunteer service mechanism has been established, forming a community autonomous "Haidian Model" for the family guidance of the red party members, the persuasion of the blue mass family, and the green children advocated. Promotion reports in Beijing.

Cherish the environment, guard the green, and build a homeland. The women's federations at all levels in the Haidian District organize the "green oxygen bar" and the "green mountains" in life for the Haidian family through actual measures and actions.

Haidian Women's Federation and China Aerospace Science and Industry Group 310 Aerospace Media jointly launched the "New Era of Aerospace, Building Feihang Dreams" children's painting art collection activities in 2021. Some award -winning representatives also came to the scene and showed paintings with paintings. Their thoughts. On the day of the event, the collection of art works in 2022 also officially opened.

Among the starlight flashed on the large screen, the guests at the scene started the "time compartment" to imagine "2050" together, and passed the desire to build a green Haidian and a beautiful China to all directions.

Wu Hongrong, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the District Women's Federation, introduced that the Women's Federation hopes to promote the "big work" of the women's federation to lead the majority of families in the construction of Haidian ecological civilization through the "small incision" of family tutoring Lead the green life "to do full articles and practice in -depth practice. In the next step, the District Women's Federation will continue to adhere to the leadership of party building, and continuously strengthen the role of families in environmental protection, green sustainable development and social grassroots governance work, so that the good family style of the "small family" will become the new fashion of "everyone", for the purpose of being a "everyone". The "14th Five -Year Plan" family civilization construction has a green road, road of civilization, and happiness of happiness.

Reporter's note

Make the good family style of "Xiaojia" a new fashion of "everyone"

Family is the cell of society. The construction of green civilized sea stroke requires each family to start from small things. The beautiful vision cannot only stay in the expectations, but also requires each family to actively participate in the construction of green life and beautiful China, and use action to change the world. In the future, in the hands of each of our families, let us work together, start with the bit of life, practice the concept of green life, build green homes together, and share a better life! (Reporter Wu Yanying)

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