Accelerate the establishment of a natural protection place system with the national park as the main body to promote the construction of Tibet's ecological civilization in the forefront of the country

Author:Tibetan Daily Time:2022.08.10

Establishing a natural protection place with national parks as the main body is an important part of implementing the idea of ​​inconsistent ecological civilization, a major measure to promote the construction of beautiful China, and a major reform task proposed by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the protection and systematic governance of landscapes, forests, lakes and grass ice. The Tenth Party Congress of the Autonomous Region pointed out that adhering to ecological protection first, the most contributed to the protection of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau ecology as the survival and development of the Chinese nation, with the creation of the national ecological civilization highland as the starting point, and strive to achieve the construction of ecological civilization in the construction of ecological civilization. The forefront of the country.

1. Tibet Nature Protection covers the area with the highest value of ecological protection in the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau. It is the core carrier of implementing the first ecological protection

Tibet Nature Protection is one of the most complete areas of the world's natural ecosystem.

According to incomplete statistics, the range of natural protection areas at all levels covers 20%of the Tibetan forest area, 73.58%of the grassland area, and 40%of the glacial area, and also protects 68.75%of the wetland area. The rare and endangered wild and plant species in the protective area are effectively protected, and the number of populations and individuals continues to grow.

Tibet Nature Protection is one of the most unique areas of natural landscapes in the world.

The Tibet Nature Protection Land covers the world's highest Mount Everest, the largest and deepest Yarlung Tibetan Grand Canyon in the world, the third largest Iceland Putang Day on the planet, the second largest saltwater lake in my country, and the largest and most concentrated black The neck cranes, earth forests, and many Sichuan, lakes, rivers, grasslands, etc.

Tibet Nature Protection is one of the most essential areas of the world's natural ruins.

The Tibet Nature Protection contains mountains and main peaks such as Himalayas, Ganglis Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Coco Sille Mountains, Tang Gula Mountain, Hengduan Mountain, and the Yarlung Zangbu River, Nu River, Lancang River, the Peacock River, Xiangquan River, Shiquan River and other sources. It is the most essential area such as Glacier Snow Mountain, River Basin, Lake Wetland, Prairm meadow, and desert Gobi with the most authenticity and integrity in the country and even the world.

The Tibet Nature Protection Place is one of the richest areas in the world in the world.

The number of Tibetan antelopes, wild yaks, and black -necked cranes that are distributed and inhabited within the scope of Tibet's natural protection areas accounted for approximately 80%, 90%, and 80%of the total number of global numbers, respectively. In addition, the natural protection areas also protect the core distribution areas of many rare endangered and unique plants such as Tibet Berry and Equipment.

Second, Tibet's nature protection place has made important contributions to ecological protection from weak to strong, from weak to strong

The first is to effectively protect the natural resources and ecological environment.

The second is to effectively maintain the diversity and ecological balance of the plateau.

Third, the ecological protection and restoration project of nature protection is achieved.

The fourth is to help rural revitalization and make important contributions to the protection of people's livelihood.

3. Speed ​​up and improve the natural protection land system with national parks as the main body, and strive to achieve the construction of ecological civilization at the forefront of the country.

(1) Strive to be at the forefront of the country in the construction and protection of the protection of the land system.

The first is to accelerate the construction of a natural protection land system with national parks.

The second is to vigorously promote the integration and optimization of Tibet nature protection.

(2) Strive for the construction and demonstration of regional ecosystem governance projects at the forefront of the country.

The first is to scientifically delineate and strictly adhere to the ecological protection red line.

The second is to strengthen ecological environmental protection and repair.

The third is to establish a natural protection system for monitoring, evaluation and management.

(3) Strive for the reform of institutional mechanism reform and institutional innovation.

The first is to improve the system of natural protection.

The second is to establish and improve the funding for financial investment.

(4) Strive for the protection and utilization of biological resources to the forefront of the country's biological safety.

The first is to strengthen the protection and utilization of biological resources.

The second is to effectively maintain national biological safety.

It is necessary to adhere to ecological priority, protect the first, strengthen the governance of the system, and actively promote the integration protection and system governance of landscapes, forests, lakes, and grass ice, and accelerate the establishment Protect the land system. The natural protection land system that uses the national park as the main body is built into a demonstration area for the overall protection of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau ecosystem and systematic restoration. The district has made greater contributions to the establishment of a national ecological civilization highland and strive to achieve the construction of ecological civilization at the forefront of the country.

(The author is the Deputy Director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Tibet Autonomous Region)

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Editor: Zhang Tao

Editor: Gao Yueming

Edit: Sorang Yangzong

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