"Peng" power "New" fires listened to the "Shangxin" story of Shuangliu Pengzhen

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.17

"Peng" power, "New" fire. On the afternoon of June 16, the third "Community BBKING" series of "Community BBKING" series of Chengdu Shuangliu District kicked off in Pengzhen. As the "host" of the first battle this season, Pengzhen selected three community cadres to participate in the competition PK. They closely followed the theme of "New, Community", and vividly shared the new living genes that grew in the Pengzhen community.

"Create the new Pengzhen of Cultural Tourism and start a new journey of social governance." At the event, Tang Xiaoyi, a member of the Pengzhen Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Shuangliu District, said that in the theme of the theme, Pengzhen in 2022, with the comprehensive construction and practice of new development concepts, The park urban demonstration zone is guided by the talents, scenes, brands, communities, and governance paths. New window in the park.

In the theme competition, Zhang Heng, secretary of the party branch of the Pengzhen Zhoudu Village, Chen Yong, full -time secretary of the Xingfu Community, and Shi Xianfu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Onti -Zi Community, came to the stage to participate in the PK.

Zhang Heng shared the "new" path of the transformation of Zhoudu Village. The village takes more than a hundred years of history of Chinese herbal medicine tulips as the starting point, tap the cultural connotation of "tulips", reshapes the "tulip" spirit. The pace of community development and governance of a beautiful environment, bridge, and economy ". Today's Bauchu Village, the public environment is beautiful, the tulip industry has improved the quality, and the living standards of villagers have been upgraded.

Chen Yong told the "new" experience of the happy scene of Xingfu people. The community can be seen everywhere in the past everywhere, and the problem of dirty environment is prominent. With the establishment of new mechanisms and exploring new services in recent years, it not only attracted local college students to return to their hometowns and start a business, but also "turning waste into treasure into treasures into treasures into treasures. ", 90 acres of idle open spaces have changed, becoming the most popular Internet celebrity mulberry picking garden, which is the most popular among citizens of Chengdu, and has become a" happy garden "for the blessing people.

Shi Xianfu shared the story of the lion dance culture inheritance of the Onti -Zi community. He said that the lion dance culture has a long history. With the inheritance and protection of the lion dance culture in recent years, the "lion dance inheritance" team has continued to grow, which has enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the residents of the mandarin. At the same time, the community has extensively carried out publicity and education by the community. Not only is the community more civilized, but residents have a stronger sense of identity and belonging.

In the theme competition, the community cadres distributed by other town and streets showed the style of grassroots social governance, and won applause from the judges. After the final scoring of the judges, Shi Xianfu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Onti -Zi Community, won the "Best Lord Lector. In the finals, the impact on the annual championship.

It is worth mentioning that the annual championship of the first "Community BBKING" in Shuangliu District in 2020 came from Pengzhen, and was won by Liu Jian, the party secretary of the Pengzhen Bayu Community.

Huaxi Community Media Reporter Li Sijia Zhu Jiahui Photography Lai Hao

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