Helping the problem of helping the company to relieve the difficulties to gather forces to promote development

Author:Dongchu Evening News Time:2022.06.17

From the 15th to 16th, Zhou Weifen, chairman of the CPPCC, went deep into the investigation and investigated the investigation to carry out the practical activities of "lower grassroots, inspecting the people, relieving the people's concerns, and warming the people's hearts" to help enterprises solve their problems steadily.

Zhou Weifen went to Huangshigang Wanda Plaza, Hubei Netan Technology Co., Ltd., Daye Special Steel Co., Ltd., Jingxin Semiconductor (Huangshi) Co., Ltd. and other places. In terms of technology research and development, talent introduction, production and operation, policy implementation, etc., and recorded corporate demands in detail, coordinated on -site solving relevant issues, encouraged enterprises Economic and social development has made greater contributions.

Zhou Weifen pointed out that in the context of the current economic downward pressure, all localities and departments should take the opportunity to carry out the "lower grassroots, inspect the people's sentiment, relieve the people's concerns, and warm the people" as an opportunity to establish a normalized government -enterprise docking mechanism, and efficiently implement each efficient implementation of each. Xianghui Enterprise Policies will do everything possible to help market players through difficulties and promote the high -quality development of yellow stones.

Zhou Weifen emphasized that it is necessary to further implement the requirements of practical activities to help enterprises as the starting point of the practical activity, and make friends with entrepreneurs sincerely, and to fully solve the problems encountered by the enterprise in the development process, create a "departmental officer, enterprise, enterprise, enterprise The good atmosphere of "less worry" continuously enhances the sense of acquisition of enterprises, creates a good development environment, and welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

Wan Jianxin, Secretary -General of the CPPCC, participated in the event.

Reporter Zhu Da intern Xu Zhaorui

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