Three cases of new native symptoms of new local diagnosis cases in Chongqing

Author:Colorful Time:2022.08.08

China News Service, August 8th. According to the website of the Chongqing Health Commission, at 0-24 on August 7, 1 case of new local diagnosis (Kowloon Po) in Chongqing, 3 cases of new native non -symptoms ( 1 case in Jiulongpo District and 2 cases of south banks) were found in isolation and control personnel; 7 cases were cured (6 cases of 6 cases in Jiangjin District and 1 case of Wan Sheng Economic Development Zone), and medical observations were relieved. 1 case (Jiangjin District).

As of 24:00 on August 7, there are 18 cases of local confirmed cases in Chongqing (3 cases in Jiangjin District, 2 cases of Changshou District, 6 cases of Hechuan District, 4 cases of Shapingba District, 2 cases of Kowloon Po District, and 1 case of South Bank). There are 16 cases of no symptoms of local infections (1 case of 1 Wan Sheng Economic Development Zone, 8 cases of Hechuan District, 2 cases of Shapingba District, 3 cases of Jiulongpo District, and 2 cases of Nan'an District).

At 0-24 on August 7th, there were no new overseas input diagnostic cases in Chongqing, and one asymptomatic infected with an overseas input was added (Thailand).

As of 24:00 on August 7, there were 6 cases of confirmed in the existing overseas input (1 case of 1 case of Hong Kong and 5 cases in Singapore), and 2 cases of non -symptoms were entered overseas (1 case of 1 Singapore and 1 case in Thailand).

The basic situation of local confirmed cases and symptoms of local infections on August 7th is as follows:

1. Jiulongpo District

Confracted cases in Jiulongpo District 2, are personnel in the management and control area of ​​Jiulongpo District. On August 7, according to laboratory examination results, imaging characteristics, and clinical symptoms, the consultation was diagnosed with a new crown pneumonia diagnosis case (light type).

Anymal -infected infection in Jiulongpo District 3 is the returning personnel from key areas outside the city. On August 7, according to laboratory examination results, imaging characteristics, and clinical symptoms, the expert group was determined as asymptomatic infection.

2. South Bank District

Symptoms of infections from the South Bank District 1. Anymal -free infection 2 are close contact with the confirmed cases of the South Bank District. On August 7, according to the results of the laboratory examination, imaging characteristics, and clinical symptoms, the consultation after consultation was judged as asymptomatic infected

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