Under the "Restricted Tour Order", many children drill loopholes to play online games

Author:Qinghai Public Security Time:2022.08.08

Skydiving, landing, ambush, positive confrontation ... On July 30th, an unusual afternoon in the summer, Li Yangyang (pseudonym) stared at the screen of the mobile phone, operated with both hands, and thought of words in the online game. Essence According to relevant regulations, this time period should not be the online game time for Beijing boys to be promoted in the second grade of junior high school.

On August 30 last year, at the end of the summer, the National Press and Publication Department issued the "Notice on Further Strict Management and Effectively Preventing Minors to Influence Online Games" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). 5. Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays provide 1 hour service to minors daily to 21:00.

After the first summer vacation of the "Restriction Order", a reporter from the "rule of law" recently investigated and interviewed that the online game platform's anti -induction system review has become tight. Minors are addicted to online games; at the same time, some minors still break through the anti -addiction system or face authentication through social platform rents, buying numbers, etc., and cannot extricate themselves in the world of online games.

Zheng Ning, director of the Department of Law, School of Culture Management, Chinese University of Communication University, believes that although the competent authorities have continuously issued policies to restrict the duration of minors to use games, there are still insufficient use of parents, schools, society, etc. The problem of minors obsessed with games has not been fundamentally solved. The online black and gray production sees this part of the demand and provides related services to seek economic benefits and urgently need to rectify.

(Comic: Li Xiaojun)

E -commerce platform transaction control

The rental number is no longer easy

From 2020 to 2021, the reporter repeatedly reported that minors were addicted to online games and found that some e -commerce platforms sold, rented out game accounts, and even sold ID numbers, becoming one of the important ways for minors to avoid the online game anti -indulgence system. In the summer of this year, the reporter's investigation found that the situation of the e -commerce platform sold and renting the game account still exists in large quantities, but because the platform has strengthened supervision, minors want to use this "breakthrough" anti -addiction system.

The reporter tried to rent a game account on a single e -commerce platform, but placing a product on the platform needs to fill in the real -name authentication information first, which is in line with "users over 18 years old". On another e -commerce platform, if you search for the "rent number" directly, the "Protecting the Underworld Green Network Plan" will be jumped above the page, which stipulates that for users who are ≤18 years old with real -name authentication, the purchase of an online game account is prohibited.

Many related stores entering the e -commerce platform, the reporter found that the "baby details" page of the store has the "consumer reminder" automatically generated by the platform: according to relevant national laws and regulations and platform rules, buying online game products must be over 18 years old.

Multiple related stores show that the rental process is as follows: Players choose different prices and different rental hours according to mobile phone systems and operators; players download the "number instrument", that is, "game box" software, and uses the password given by customer service to "unlock to unlock the password" unlocking After the account "starts the game.

However, the above process has "intercepted" minors -the use of the "upper" must pass the independent name and ID number real -name authentication. When the reporter consults the customer service how to skip the real -name authentication, the platform automatically pops up the reminder of "prohibiting minors from buying", and some customer service clearly states that such services are not sold to minors.

Even if the adult identity authentication uses the "upper instrument" to jump into the game, the reporter found that during the game, the online game platform will jump out of the anti -addiction system for interception and require face recognition certification.

In addition, the reporter's investigation found that in the past, the "overnight ID card" and "stolen" ID number to "break through" the "breakthrough" anti -addiction system did not seem to work.

In the online post bar, a studio posted a document saying that "it can solve the face authentication." After contacting the reporter, the cracking plan given by the other party was to make an overnight information coverage. That is, the identity information used by the user in the game is changed to an overnight ID card information, "it is 150 yuan if it is changed."

After the reporter paid 150 yuan, the other party was strictly reviewed by the online game platform. The false ID card failed to pass the certification. It was necessary to use a live ID card, and the other party thought that the price was too low to ask for money. The reporter asked for a refund, and the other party directly pulled the reporter.

Some people in the industry say that the so -called "cracking" is actually switching to adult ID information instead of directly cracking the game system itself. "Those who say that it can crack the system may be fraud."

The so -called "stealing" ID card provides a large number of ID card numbers, or a virtual ID number that can generate a virtual ID number for game use. However, the reporter selected multiple ID numbers provided by 3 websites, and it was impossible to pass real -name authentication after entering online games.

Hidden Mystery on Social Platform

Play games in the name of practice

Although the road to buying game accounts on some large e -commerce platforms is gradually blocked, it is not difficult for minors to have a game account with an adult. The reporter's investigation found that on social platforms, many of the time online games have channels for players to trade themselves. Users can rent the number and buy the number without identity authentication. Face verification.

Compared with the purchase and leasing of the e -commerce platform, the "1V1" communication method needs to pass the "test" to make the transactions of both parties more "direct". A user posted in a game superior saying that there were two accounts that could be rented. After the reporter added his contact information, the other party claimed that he could rent it as hour, one day, and one week. 66 yuan a week, direct transfers and "intermediary" are available. Regarding the real -name authentication of reporters' concerns, the other party stated that no rental party does not require any certification: just click the "scan code login" in the lower left corner in the lower left corner, select the social account authorization to log in, and send the pop -up screenshot of the pop -up code to send the screenshot of the two -dimensional code. You can enter the game to enter the game.

The reporter rented for two hours and did not be restricted during the login and use process.

During the interview, many parents and minors told reporters that some minors provide repayment services for others, and spend a lot of time and energy for online game characters upgrade. , Proud of this.

The reporter found a minor training on a social platform, and his personal information column showed that he was 17 years old this year. The practice claims that in school, you can only receive orders at night, and you can receive orders throughout the day during the holiday. The charge depends on the needs of "boss". A section ranges from 20 yuan to 40 yuan. It can "take the platform", that is, to complete the transaction through a third -party trading platform.

According to industry insiders, there is a relatively mature operating system on behalf of the practice and accompaniment, that is, the "club" -n people with a number of people with their own characteristics and a good service attitude and the same games. Social groups composed of corresponding managers, administrators are called "directors", and players who purchase or play services are called "boss". The "Director" will find players who need to practice and play on the dating platform that provides the game accompanying.

The reporter downloaded two dating software that provided the game accompaniment, and found that there were no age restrictions when registering these two software. The above -mentioned industry insiders told reporters that their "clubs" generally only allow adults to practice and play with each other, and they clearly require orders for minor players, otherwise they will be kicked out of the "club", "but there are indeed many ' The club has no such regulations. "

Some parents are in the drum

The hazard is obviously obvious

Li Yangyang told reporters that he and his classmates have their own "tricks" without restrictions. His method is simple and direct -registering a game with his father's ID card, and let his father look at it (face recognition) when he played. " My dad may not know why he wants to look at him. "

The son of Beijing citizen Liu Min (a pseudonym) was in the sixth grade at the beginning of school, and was also addicted to online games this summer. "The mobile phone he eliminated before his grandpa was taken by him, downloaded several online games, and played with his classmates online." What was puzzled by Liu Min was that the child did not even have an ID card. "Isn't it all to authenticate the real name? Is there a loophole in these game platforms?"

After careful observation, Liu Min found the answer -looking for Grandpa, the way was exactly the same as Li Yangyang.

The reporter's interview found that using parents' ID card registration games are the most commonly used, most convenient and lowest methods for minor players. Among them, some parents do not care about it, while others are not known and are covered in the drums.

Some parents said that children are rare to relax in summer, and it is not necessary to play more games. Some children are taken care of by the elderly, just eat and wear warm, regardless of the Internet. Some parents shouted "wrongdoing" and said that children's learning needs to let face certification, but did not expect to play games. Some parents said they did not know the regulations of adolescents' precautions.

The "Progress Progress of the Protection of the Protection of Minors in the Chinese Game Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") released on November 5, 2021 shows that after the "Notice" landed, 85.8% Essence Among them, 42.8%of the minors directly asked for the parents to overdo the identity card, and even 11.3%of the parents did not understand the purpose of the minor for their identity card.

Earlier, there were media reports that Mr. Yu, who lives in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, said that he was 75,000 yuan less in his card. After checking the consumption record, he found that more than 200 games were recharged. Once questioned, he had only consumed the 13 -year -old son for recharge. Before, every time his son asked him to sweep his face.

The harm of adding online games is obvious.

The Deputy Secretary -General of the Shanghai Law Society, the Deputy Secretary -General of the Law Research Association, conducted an in -depth investigation of the reasons for the minor's indulging online games. He told reporters that some gamers will set the addiction mechanism in the game when developing online games, such as designing good -looking game skin and interactive mechanisms to allow players to fight and enhance stickiness; If you want to stop the game, they can exchange the content of the game every day, and they cannot integrate into the collective without participating in the game.

"Minors are addicted to online games, which will not only lead to a decline in academic performance, but also have a huge impact on their minds and emotions. For example, minors will imitate violence and blood in the game." A case that once came into contact, a 17 -year -old child played a 3 -day CS (counter -terrorist elite) game in the Internet cafe, and conflicted with others when he went out to eat. And repeatedly beat each other. Afterwards, he said that he thought he was still in the game at that time. In this regard, Liu is sensitive to the same body. After his son is obsessed with online games, not only has his academic performance turn sharply, but also has a rapid decline in vision, and his response and understanding ability also drops straight. "I just want to play games every day. I usually take him out to play. Receive, unwilling to communicate with others. " Li Yangyang's sister found, "Li Yangyang's summer life seems to only play games, and he does not watch time at all, and people become more and more introverted."

Governing the network black and gray chain

Home -school linkage strengthen supervision

How to solve the problem of minors addicted to online games?

According to the "Report" statistics, 54.8%of parents hope to directly monitor the duration of minors or develop mobile phone management software to understand and control the child's game status. In fact, many game companies have established parental monitoring platforms, but relevant data show that only about 20 % of parents have joined the guardianship platform. A large number of parents have not joined or have not heard of this type of platform. Completely played.

Zheng Ning proposed that black -gray products such as game account leasing, trading and other online black and gray products were strengthened. "Whether it is the game account lease, trading and other services on the e -commerce platform, or the account lease or sales business between individuals on social platforms, there are actually different degrees of illegal law."

He analyzed that the Cyber ​​Security Law stipulated that my country implemented a real -name system, and network operators handle services for network access and domain name registration for users. When signing agreements with users or confirming services, users should be required to provide real identity information. At the same time, avoiding real -name authentication and anti -addiction systems violate the cyber security law and minor protection law, and may also cause illegal criminal acts such as personal information leakage and cyber fraud.

"In addition to policy guidance and legal regulations, in order to truly prevent minors from being obsessed with online games, parents and schools need to pay attention to and work together. Parents must do their best to monitor their duties and control the time and authority of minors. Jointly formulate a family Internet convention and strengthen effective companionship for minors. "Zheng Ning said that schools and parents must also link to strengthen the education of network literacy of minors, and guide young people to reasonably allocate time; government, school, society, society, society Public welfare organizations should increase investment, provide high -quality public resources, let children embrace nature, enhance their aesthetics, and broaden their horizons.

"Family is the first line of network security. The time for children to use the Internet is mainly at home. The protection of minors is a social governance issue. It is not just a technical issue. Solving this problem. Technology is the basis, but education is the key. "郗 上 上 said.

In addition to the necessary supervision, some experts remind that some children will be pulled out from the state of online games in the past. The transitional stage may cause psychological and behavioral discomfort, and parents need corresponding enlightenment and prevention.

It is worth noting that from the previously released "Research Report on the Internet Usage of the National Underworld in 2020", there are some differences in the content selection and duration of urban and rural areas in the content selection and duration of cities and rural areas. Urban minor netizens use more search engines, social networking sites, news, shopping and other applications, while rural minor netizens use short videos, animations or comics and other leisure and entertainment ratio than cities and towns.

In this regard, the proposal of 植 对 should strengthen the education and guidance of rural minors and their parents, and schools in rural areas should also take more measures to prevent minors from adding to online games.

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