Emergency collection!Panyu District recruiting epidemic prevention and controlling volunteers for the whole society

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.08.07

On August 6, the Panyu League District Committee issued an epidemic prevention and controlling volunteer convening order: According to the arrangement of the Panyu epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the Panyu League District Party Committee called on the majority of volunteers to gather during the critical period, emergency collection, recruiting the whole society for the whole society Epidemic volunteers participate in prevention and control services.

Volunteer service hours starting from August 6, 2022. This recruitment is a reserve volunteer. After signing up and joining group chat, the specific time period will be made in overall arrangements according to actual needs and volunteer wishes.

According to the report of the new coronary virus pneumonia in Panyu District: On August 5th, Panyu District found an abnormal nucleic acid detection abnormal person in the screening of key personnel in conventional nucleic acid. Due to the need for the prevention and control of the epidemic, according to a unified arrangement, Panyu District will be scheduled to carry out a new round of large -scale nucleic acid testing on August 6th in the district's 16 towns and streets.

The CDC Center of Guangzhou Panyu District Reminder: Persons from key places such as Panyu District Central Hospital, Chenyong Road Photo Museum of Chenyong Road, Qiaonan Street, and Chenyong Road, Chenyong Road, Qiaonan Street, please report and detect nucleic acids immediately.

[Calling Order] Recruitment of Volunteers in Panyu District Epidemic Prevention and Control Volunteer


At present, the development of the epidemic shows a complex situation. According to the arrangement of the Panyu District Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, the Panyu Mission District Committee called on the majority of volunteers to gather during the critical period, emergency exemption, and recruiting epidemic prevention volunteers to participate in prevention and control services for the whole society. Intersection

service hours

From August 6, 2022

(This recruitment is a reserve volunteer. After signing up and joining the group chat, the specific time period will make overall arrangements according to actual needs and volunteer wishes)

service point

In the Panyu District of Guangzhou, according to the needs of each town and streets, it is deployed to the corresponding epidemic prevention and control point.

Volunteer security

1. Provide volunteer officer protection equipment;

2. Buy personal accident insurance for volunteers;

3. Provide volunteer, drink water, meals.

Service Content

Based on the need to assist voluntary service such as large -scale nucleic acid testing and flow tone according to the streets of Panyu District.

Instructions for registration

1. Concern the unified deployment of the Youth League District Committee, the District Youth Volunteer Association and the towns and streets;

2. At the age of 18 years, volunteers of party members are preferred, men and women are unlimited, and young and middle -aged groups are preferred. Welcome to sign up for the majority of volunteers;

3. Learn more about the current epidemic prevention policies and situations, and have the basic knowledge of epidemic protection. In principle, you will not register across town and streets;

4. The health code is a green code, living in a low -risk area, in Guangzhou within 7 days, without leaving the ears; the history of high risk regions in high -risk areas in the recent epidemic, no history of contact with patients, close contacts or suspected patients;

5. Have the enthusiasm for voluntary service, clear spoken expression, good health, vaccination records and complete the new crown vaccine in vaccination personnel;

6. Nucleic acid testing must be performed after the volunteer activity.

Note: The volunteers and their families could not go to Panyu District Central Hospital in Qiaonan from July 29th to August 6th.

Please choose the nearest town street entry group according to your own situation, please confirm that participating in the scanning code into the corresponding group.

Do not enter the advertisement, please do not occupy resources! Thank you for your cooperation!

Source: Panyu Communist Youth League WeChat public account

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