How does Guo Jing become a hero?Save this lecture to share

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.08.07

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Gao Yan Correspondent Zhang Jiachang Picture/Correspondent Pictures

On the morning of August 6, the Library of Zhongshan Library in Guangdong Province held the 300th lecture on the "Zhongshan Lecture Hall "-" Yue Reading the Best, Talking about Heroes "Cultural Coffee Talking about the Biography of Heroes of the Condor.

In this lecture, Li Min, an associate professor of the Chinese School of Chinese University of Jinan University, attracted and explained in a simple way. Take the Biography of the Heroes of Shooting Eagle as an example, systematically explained the value of Jin Yong's novels. The protagonist Guo Jing thoroughly analyzed the hero's growth path, which led to the thinking of "what is a hero" and led the audience to further explore the spirit and traditional cultural heritage in Jin Yong's martial arts world.

According to the organizer of the event, in addition to the offline lectures in this issue, the WeChat video number and Langsheng book video number of the Library of China Library in Guangdong Province also live broadcast live, attracting many netizens to watch online.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Zou Lizhen

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