Give money "It's so delicious"!Test the shop: Behind the traffic is business

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.06

At present, many anchors enter the catering store industry, and many consumers will also use video promotion of store anchors to "plant grass" or "lightning protection". This model was once regarded as a "traffic monetization" channel by some catering merchants. However, due to the lack of norms and the uneven anchors, false recommendations, and data fraud have also occurred. Some anchors "exploration shops" change "exploring money", "really delicious" for giving money, and "not recommended" without giving money, which also makes merchants suffer from "being explored".

Head Exploration Store anchor promotion fee starts with 10,000 yuan

"Boiled meat slices, crocks, chicken soup, returned pot meat, Mapo tofu, four dishes only cost 49 yuan ..." On July 11, "Workers' Daily" reporter saw the same discoveable store blogger on multiple online platforms in Chongqing A Sichuan restaurant in Jiulongpo District "plant grass".

The person in charge of the restaurant Yuan Hai (pseudonym) introduced that the restaurant was officially opened in March this year. There are more than a dozen restaurants in the surrounding restaurants. After the opening of the new store, in order to win the guests, he also used the leaflets and coupons. Well, with the reminder of a friend, he turned his attention to the "Discovery Internet Red".

"There are more fans, the price is expensive, and there are fewer fans and no effect." When Yuan Haisi "spent small money to do big things", two explore -store anchors walked into the restaurant. They have accounts on major platforms, with a total of 200,000 fans. They do both free explore stores and paid promotion business. One promotion price ranges from 2,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan. Yuan Hai reached an agreement with them: Shooting a one -and -a -half -and -a -half -and -a -half visit video, the price is 2,000 yuan. If there is a diner who come to the store to buy a package or coupon on the promotion of the video, the anchor is made at 5%.

A store anchor transformed by traditional media people in Chongqing revealed that at present, the city's detective anchor has exceeded 1,000, and the essence of the explore store is the traffic "business". The number of fans and clicks of anchors is the bargaining chip of the price. The "head anchor" with a number of more than one million fans starts at a start of 10,000 yuan.

This "traffic business" mainly includes three models: resource exchange, paid promotion and platform group purchase. Among them, resource interchange is to provide food and beverage services for the anchor for free, and anchors release experience feelings on the platform; and platform group purchase refers to the online platform to launch a group purchase package after the online platform is invited to settle in. After using the package, the anchor obtained a certain proportion of commission.

Try to eat "Cloud Experience" true and false difficult to distinguish

Online drainage and offline monetization methods have allowed merchants and shop anchors to taste "sweet". Chen Dan, a self -media person in Chongqing, told reporters that the contents of the shops are recommended or bad reviews of "minesweeper". They seem to be standing from the perspective of consumer. Many consumers have also changed from the beginning to videos.

However, due to the low threshold and lack of standards, the chaos of the explore store also exists. Some anchors' "watching money and speaking" approach not only made many merchants "explore the store" for a long time, but also made consumers unsightly authenticity. Step on the thunder. "

In a restaurant that has been in the main business selling beef in Dadukou District, Chongqing, the operator Zhang Dong (pseudonym) mentioned the shop and shook his head. He told reporters that starting in the first half of last year, there have been 4 groups of anchors in the store.

What he did not expect was that the two -rejected anchor began to pierce the restaurants, the environment was not good, the service was poor, and the bad reviews such as bad reviews. "The reputation that was hard to accumulate was almost destroyed on a few videos." Helplessly, Zhang Dong had to spend a lot of money to invite two "net celebrities" to rectify the name of the store.

Consumer Liu Bing also told reporters about the experience of "stepping on the pit". He saw several anchors on a social platform to recommend a restaurant, and posted a 99 yuan group to buy a 5 -person meal link. After he arrived at the store, he found that the set meal contained paper towels, dining costs, etc., and even kimchi was counted. In order to make his family full, he had to spend additional money and spent a meal of nearly 300 yuan.

Online "grass" offline "stepped on mine" is not an example. Chen Dan revealed that low -priced means that merchants must "lose money and make money", which is difficult to maintain for a long time, and merchants are also bitter water. Some anchors have charged high -priced promotion fees, but they have not brought much orders. Three -party company is brushing.

"Pay -paid stores" need to be standardized

In the face of the shop, some legal workers believe that the relevant parties should implement supervision responsibilities, and the exploration store accounts suspected of speculation and false propaganda should establish an effective mechanism to restrict them. There are standards.

Logovy, a legal worker and a self -media French blogger, believes that "paid stores" are equivalent to promoting the store and received the money or benefits of the store. Therefore, Luo Wei believes that visiting shops are another form of advertising behavior. In order to protect the audience's right to know and protect the interests of consumers, paid videos of stored shops should be marked with the word "advertising". In this way, the audience reminds the audience that "exploring shops" are advertisements, so don't believe it easily. "'Paid stores' If it is an advertising behavior, it must follow the" Advertising Law ". On the one hand, the anchor should be objectively evaluated to check the consumers and cannot carry out false propaganda. On the other hand The department also has a law. "Luo Wei said.

Li Jian, a lawyer of Beijing Deheng (Chongqing) Law Firm, believes that the anchor of the "Paid Store" is not only the publisher of the advertisement, but in some cases, it can also be regarded as an advertising spokesperson. In practice, in order to avoid controversy, some anchors will directly indicate "no wide trial eating" when publishing general store videos; if the fee is charged, the fans are directly told in the video introduction or video. This is an advertising containing advertising. Try or try. Therefore, under normal circumstances, customers feel fooled after being attracted by videos, and it is difficult to find an anchor to defend their rights. Li Jian said that the shop is different from the traditional propaganda. Due to the great subjectivity of the store, it is difficult for some false propaganda and malicious evaluation to determine. Due to the blankness of the current relevant regulations, the legal attributes and responsibilities of the shop behavior are not clear enough, and the opportunities for some anchors or businesses for some anchors or businesses for "fishing" and "cut leeks" are provided with the opportunity to wipe the ball.

"In the short term, you can use the" Advertising "and" Advertising Law "to standardize the behavior of paid stores. In the long run, the relevant mechanism should be further improved and the legal attributes of the shop behavior should be refined." Li Jian said.

(Source: Workers Daily)

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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