Who said that the Rizhao people are not romantic enough?Look at them

Author:Rizhao Daily Time:2022.08.05

Seventh day of the lunar calendar

It is Chinese traditional holiday Tanabata

It is said that on this day, the cowherd and weaver girl meets in the bridge

People like to beg for ingenuity and pray for marriage on this day

Is a romantic festival

what is love?

Is the paper short and long, and you are all in the words?

Still facing bumps, still relying on each other?

Or is it in love for a lifetime, or is it short?


It is said that the sun is sincere, and sometimes it is not romantic enough

Let's take a look at the love story of the people around us

Maybe you will from ordinary and hot love

Find the answer you want ~~~

Can't take the previous month, then walk alongside

Army, teacher, wife, daughter, mother

No matter what role you are in

Marry a soldier

Just marry his career

"Army" Ma Yanhong said

Can't take the previous month, then walk along the shoulders side by side

In 2007, Ma Yanhong and Yin Lei registered to get married. Because of the heavy training task of Yin Lei, it was pushed to January 2008.

"There was no ceremony for the wedding. The two gathered together and ate a meal and became 'a family'." In retrospect, Ma Yanhong, an English teacher Ma Yanhong, Beijing Road Middle School, Rizhao City said with a smile.

In order to support her husband's work, Ma Yanhong holidays spent on the barracks: talking with Si Xiangxin soldiers, warriors who prepared for military schools, set up lectures such as English, and gang soldiers to make up for the warrior ...

Marry a soldier to be a good help. When the three children were born, the husband failed to be with him. It will be a little lost in her heart, but she also deeply understands that it is a trivial matter that the family is bigger. As a military sister, you cannot drag the hind legs of her husband. In the past two years, the mother -in -law's body has gradually become bad. Sometimes she needs to be hospitalized. The husband is not at home. For this reason, she has no regrets.

With the support of his wife, her husband Yin Lei has been honored three times, and was commended by the Shandong Military Region as a cadre of outstanding political organs. He was repeatedly commended by the Rizhao Military Division as a training migrant and awarded the award.

"His spirit of hard work and enterprising has also deeply infected and inspired me." In the past 17 years, Ma Yanhong has won outstanding tutors of the National Middle School English Proficiency Contest, Advanced Individual in High School Teaching, and Outstanding Counseling of English Speaking Competition for Municipal Municipal Students in Municipal Municipal Students. Teachers, district English high -quality classes first prize, district teaching experts and many honors.

On July 29, the 13th "Top Ten Good Army" Awards Conference in Shandong Province was held in Jinan. Ma Yanhong won the title of "Top Ten Good Army".

"Marry a soldier, and marry his career

no matter when,

I have to walk side by side with him. "

Everyone is looking forward to the beauty in the first month of the flower

But the silent guardian of soldiers

Where is the time calm?

Who said that the Rizhao people are not romantic enough?

Sincere love is understanding and tolerance

With a smile

Support each other with those who love each other and achieve together

Love, let a family hold tightly together


During her husband's assistance to Xinjiang

The wife is the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family alone

Wife with breast cancer hospitalization

Husband does not give up, it is meticulous

Help his wife to defeat the disease

Husband and wife join hands

Use love, filial piety, and responsibility

Build a harmonious and happy family

In May 2022, Ding Lixiu and Zhang Liangyou's family in Lanshan District, Rizhao City stood out from 997 families, and won the title of "National Five Good Families" commended by the Women's Federation.

Since then, Zhang Liangyou and Ding Lixiu's husband and wife have been sung by respecting each other, filial piety to the elderly, cared for children, and enthusiastic help.

As a teacher of An Dongwei Street Experimental School, while Ding Lixiu did his job well, while his husband was aid in Xinjiang, he took the responsibility of taking care of the family alone -while honoring his old mother and mother -in -law, he took care of the daughter of school and worked hard.

People have a good blessing. In January 2016, Ding Lixiu unfortunately found breast cancer. During the hospitalization, Zhang Liangyou accompanied her in front of her bed day and night, took the medicine and prescribed the order, took a drink, washed, and took care of it. It was really sleepy at night, and Zhang Liangyou narrowed his eyes on the open chair, and never dared to sleep deeply. Under the careful care of Zhang Liangyou, Ding Lixiu defeated the disease and returned to health.

Ding Lixiu's mother is 94 years old, and her mother -in -law is 88 years old. Every weekend, the couple will watch the two old people with large bags and small bags, pack their housework, bask in bedding, and Lala family. The couple always said, "Parents grow up with us, we should accompany them to grow old. The loved ones are here, the family is complete and happy."

Over the years, the couple have long insisted on donating clothes, donations, donations, and care for children left -behind and out of school. In order to help students in difficulties, Ding Lixiu actively contacted the social caring people and funded five difficult students to complete college studies.

Ding Lixiu has been elected as a representative of the Rizhao City People's Congress for five consecutive sessions, and has won a number of honorary titles such as "Outstanding Teacher of Rizhao City" and "The Most Beautiful Teacher of Rizhao City". Zhang Liangyou has also won honors such as "Rizhao Teaching Experts" and modeling teachers in Xinjiang. During his daughter college, he won the title of "Excellent Branch Education College Student".

Life is not easy

But with the person who loves each other

But can be stormy

Who said that the Rizhao people are not romantic enough?

Love is a family holding tightly together

Fearless and fearless, move forward

The 78 -year -old man is obliged to be a "guy"

Pull your wife to help the kitchen

78 -year -old Yuan Defu

A retired teacher in Wulian County, Rizhao City

He should have enjoyed his old age

Take the initiative to find the "two committees" in the village lies in the happy cafeteria of Douguanzhuang Village, Lixian

Become a "guy"

And pull your wife to help him chef

"Children are in Rizhao, their bodies are okay, and nothing happened at home. They don't dislike my craftsmanship. It is really good to do something meaningful." Yuan Defu said with a smile.

There are more than 30 elderly people who eat in the Xingfu House of Douguanzhuang Village, Doujiazhuang, purchased, stir -fried, cooking, and washing ... Starting at 8 am every day, Yuan Defu kept busy.

"The old people often eat steamed rice rice. Can they improve the food for everyone and make some buns, fire and the like?" Yuan Defu had the idea of ​​dragging his wife Liu Chunlan to help.

"This is a good thing to do good for virtue!" Yuan Defu went home with a mentality of trying to try. I did not expect that his wife Liu Chunlan agreed quickly!

"He wants to do it, I support him! He needs help, what else can I say!" Liu Chunlan said seriously.

Liu Chunlan's legs and feet were not good, and Yuan Defu rode a tricycle every day, and the two elderly people were busy at home and the happy home.

"You're so old, what is the picture?"

"Don't try anything. When no one can move old, you can do something for them, indicating that we are okay and happy." Yuan Defu answered simply.

A pair of old couples were obliged to serve a group of elderly people, eating and enjoying the elderly, and watching their family in the neighborhood.

"What you recognize, I support you!

You need to help, what else can I say! "

After all, all love will be plain

Who said that the Rizhao people are not romantic enough?

There is no need to swipe the mountain alliance, the vow

Happiness in love

Maybe these tacit moments

Husband is a public welfare enthusiastic person

The wife "has been practiced long ago"

The 54 -year -old Xinben Group

Is the bus driver 10

26 years after driving a bus

He loves the job and dedicated

Enthusiastic social public welfare undertakings

Also pulling my wife to do public welfare

A four -wheeled car cart is welded at first glance; a large iron barrel can hold 300 kg of water; a section of rubber pipe, a high -pressure water gun; there is a pump in the large barrel, and there is a battery behind.

"This is what I do and buy it myself. Usually, put it in the parking lot, you can wash your car for free!"

For a period of time from the spring to the summer, Rizhao almost did not have a rainy underground rain, and many green seedlings were facing drought problems. Xin Ben Tuan's heart is so anxious as in the summer.

After his efforts, the community helped coordinate the problem of water. Xinben spent 2,000 yuan to make this set of equipment. With the help of his wife, he pushed the waterwheel, opened the battery and pump, and watered the green seedlings to add green seedlings to add green to the community.


During the epidemic in 2020, Xin Ben Tuan and his wife had their own disinfection, and for free, more than 10 nearby residential area -free communities.

Xinben's group is not ambiguous, supports the elderly with the young, and has obliged the road, laying a warm heart cushion for the bus, and actively helping the citizens to save fire ... The praise of the family and Jinqi have a thick cricket. He has won a number of honorary titles such as the May 1st Labor Medal of Rizhao City, "Rizhao Model Model".

For these good deeds, my wife has long been practiced.

"He usually doesn't go home from get off work, and he will do it wherever you see! You can't do it alone, and then go home and ask me to do it!" The wife said with a smile. One year, in order to go to Huayi Building to make up for the road, Xinben Tuan has been busy with his wife until 12 o'clock in the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival!

"I have been having a long time ago"

It is not difficult to do good deeds, what is difficult is to persist in doing good deeds

Behind the long -term volunteer service

There is always the understanding and support of the family

Who said that the Rizhao people are not romantic enough?

The most comfortable and romantic thing in life

Isn't it the same as the people you love

Do what you like together?

what is love?

It's still over eighty years old

Hold hands in the morning light and walk in the morning light

I am used to the wrinkles on your face

Fall in love with your white hair

It is the happiness of becoming older to feel together

After reading these love stories,

Did you find the answer from it?


May there be one person at the end of the years

Together with you, stay up, share white heads

(Source: Rizhao Daily)

- END -

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