Jinchuan District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau: Do a good job of supporting the college e

Author:Today Jinchuan Time:2022.06.08

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination in our city in 2022, to create a safe, comfortable, and neat examination environment for teachers and students, the Jinchuan District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau has deployed and acted early, and the environmental order service guarantee work during the college entrance examination is carried out in advance. Construction noise, cultural and entertainment venues in operations, noise generated in business activities, and mobile stalls around the campus, selling along the street, occupation operations, random stickers, advertising, illegal construction, etc. to ensure The environment is neat and smooth.

Strengthen the control of flow stalls around the campus. Arrange law enforcement teams to inspect all the weather, and conduct advance intervention in advance for Zhan Dao operations, flow stalls, off -street operations, selling, treble horn noise pollution, etc. Together, clean up together to ensure no noise such as stalls and small speakers around the test site during the college entrance examination.

Strengthen the construction of construction sites and road construction. The construction site, road renovation, and old community reconstruction projects around each test site will issue notifications one week in advance, requiring the construction unit to prohibit construction operations during the test period, and no noise shall be generated. Actively coordinate the construction party of the project to do a good job of safety protection measures for road traffic to ensure the safety of students. At the same time, construction is required during the college entrance examination to ensure smooth roads and create a quiet and orderly examination atmosphere for candidates.

Strengthen the efficiency of publicity persuasion and noise. Strengthen publicity and persuasion. Law enforcement team members carry out the promotion of the middle and college entrance examinations for the middle and college entrance examinations, and create the atmosphere of the whole society to pay attention to the college entrance examination. Use the digital urban management platform to take real -time capture of various urban management issues around the test sites, file a case, dispatch, and dispose of the problem. Strengthen night law enforcement work, increase cases of noise disturbances in night construction noise, residential district noise disturbances, etc., and quickly deal with it and report the situation in a timely manner.

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