"Bake" is here!In the last three days, the temperature can reach 35 ° C or more

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.06.16

Shanxi Evening News (Reporter Guo Weiyan) Shanxi Meteorological Observatory changed at 16:43 on June 15th and released high -temperature orange warnings. Early warning areas: Taiyuan, Linfen, Yuncheng, Xinzhou, Lu Liang, Jinzhong, Jincheng, Changzhi, Yangquan. It is expected that the highest temperature in the early warning area for three consecutive days will rise to above 35 ° C. Most of the Yuncheng and some counties and cities in Linfen will rise above 37 ° C.

The meteorological department reminds that relevant departments and units implement the protection measures for heatstroke prevention and cooling in accordance with their duties. Citizens try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature hours, personnel who work under high temperature conditions should shorten the continuous working hours; provide heat prevention and cooling guidance to the old, weak, sick, and young people, and take necessary protection measures; relevant departments and units should pay attention to preventive prevention prevention Fires caused by excessive power consumption, as well as fire loads such as wires and transformers.

How to deal with high temperature weather? Please collect these protection knowledge

Meteorology defines the maximum temperature of the day as "high temperature day" by 35 ° C. "High temperature Day" for more than 5 consecutive days is called "continuous high temperature". What should we pay attention to in the next 3 days? What should I do?

What are the protection matters?

1. Dodge the scorching sun: It is best not to walk under the scorching sun from 10 to 16, because the sunlight during this time is the strongest. If you have to go out, you must do a good job of protecting, such as a parasol, wearing a sun hat, preparing sufficient water and drinks, and you can also carry the heatstroke and cooling medicines such as Ren Dan, wind oil essence to prevent emergency use. Elderly people, pregnant women, and chronic diseases, especially those with cardiovascular diseases, should be reduced as much as possible in the high temperature season.

2. Don't wait for the thirst before drinking water: thirst means that the body is short of water. The ideal thing is to drink 1.5 liters to 2 liters of water every day according to the temperature of the temperature. When sweating more, some salt water can be appropriately added to make up for the salt that the human body loses due to sweating. In addition, the human body is prone to potassium in summer, which will cause fatigue and fatigue, and potassium -containing tea is an excellent summer drink. Summer seasonal vegetables, such as lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, etc., have high moisture content; fresh fruits, such as peaches, apricots, watermelons, melon, etc. 80%to 90%, can be used to supplement moisture. In addition, drinking dairy products can not only replenish water, but also meet the nutritional needs of the body.

3. Maintain adequate sleep: long summer and night, high temperature, strong human metabolism, large consumption, and easy to feel fatigue. Successive sleep can relax the brain and the system of the body, which is good for work and study, but also to prevent heat stroke. Be careful not to lie down under the air outlet and electric fan of the air conditioner during sleep to avoid air conditioning and fever.

What should I do?

High -temperature heat strokes are often: high -temperature operators, summer open -air workers, summer tourists, elderly people in the family, and people, maternal and babies who can't afford to bed for a long time. If there is a heat stroke, its ambulance method is:

1. Immediately move the patient to a ventilated, cool, and dry place, such as the corridor and the trees.

2. Let the patient lie on your back, unbutton the buckle, take it off or loosen your clothes. If the clothes are soaked in sweat, you should change the dry clothes and turn on the fan or turn on the air conditioner to heat the heat as soon as possible.

3. Cool your body temperature as soon as possible to below 38 ° C. The specific methods are: use a cool and wet towel to apply cold head, underarms, and groin, wipe the whole body with warm water or alcohol, and bath cold water for 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

4. Sober conscious patients or patients who have been cooled and sober can drink mung bean soup and fresh salt water to relieve heat.

5. You can also take Rendan and Huoxiang Zhengqi. In addition, for patients with severe heat stroke, 120 calls should be called immediately to ask medical staff for emergency treatment.

How to avoid air conditioning?

Frequent windows to change the air, the air conditioner is best to turn off after 1 hour to 3 hours, and use natural wind to reduce the indoor temperature. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not exceed 7 ° C. Otherwise, after sweating, it will add the burden on the center of temperature adjustment, causing neurological regulatory disorders. If you sit in the office for a long time, you should add clothes appropriately and cover the towel on the knee to protect it.

Do not adjust the temperature too low when using the car air conditioner. The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car is best within 10 ° C; it is best not to use the air conditioner immediately in the car that stops in the scorching sun. You should open the car window to discharge the heat. Turn off the window to turn on the air conditioner.


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