Weihai: The upgrade of the old community "wear new clothes" happy homeland

Author:Weihai News Network Time:2022.08.03

The transformation of the old community has closed the well -being of the people's livelihood. In recent years, Weihai has continued to promote the transformation of the old community. The old communities have replaced the worn -out "shirt". Happy life is constantly upgrading.

After a slight rain, the Guzhai area of ​​the high -tech zone was filled with fresh atmosphere: the laying asphalt pavement was flat and clean, and swept the bumps from the previous potholes; the new road along the stone and the sidewalk panels provided comfort for residents to travel; paintings were painted; A new building wall skirt has made the old resident Lou Huan glowing with young people; and the newly installed street lights, guardrails, and fitness facilities in the community make the lives of residents more convenient and rich ...

Speaking of the ancient village area, the old district is the first impression of people. Indeed, the ancient village area consisting of three communities, including the old district of Guzhai, the Yilong District, and the Old District of Wanjiayu, most of the residential buildings were built in the 1980s and 1990s. It has a history of more than 30 years. There are 110 residential buildings and 2,785 residential buildings in the area, which are typical residents with densely old communities.

After years of baptism, the "stubborn illness" of the community is becoming more and more obvious: old infrastructure, severe roads, severe rain and dirt pipes, lack of lighting lighting, and messy lines ... These problems have brought many inconvenience to residents' daily lives. Essence Reform is the common wish of residents in the community.

In the spring of this year, the renovation of the old community in the ancient village area was officially started. A construction vehicle entered and exited in the community, excavated ditch, replaced underground pipe networks, flat venues, asphalt cover ... residents of the community followed construction every day and day. Progress also witnessed the appearance of the community every day.

In mid -July, the transformation was successfully completed, and a new community surprised residents. The potholes were gone, the broken sidewalk disappeared, the new street lights were on, the high -definition camera was running. Essence

According to the staff of the Weihai Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau, this year, according to the municipal key livelihood practical list, Weihai plans to transform 51 old communities projects with a total of 82 communities and benefit 36,700 residents. As of now, a total of 89 old communities in the city have been transformed.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the transformation of the old community, the Weihai Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau issued a series of policy measures such as the "Notice on Comprehensively Strengthening the Supervision of the Reconstruction of the Old Community in 2022", which is low, quality supervision and post -later stage of renovation standards for old communities. The property services are not in place to strengthen supervision, and incorporate electric vehicle charging piles, closure of communities, rainfall diversion, and garbage classification into old communities.

"This year's old community reconstruction plan will be closely integrated with the city's update, exquisite cities, sponge cities, smart communities, red properties, etc. Smart transformation will also be overall into the content of the old community. After the transformation Star -level smart standards and dock with the smart property management platform. "The staff of the Weihai Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau said that for old communities without property services, all districts and cities can choose property service companies in advance, according to the" early intervention, take -up take -off take care of the takeover, take over to take over, take care of them before taking over. The method of providing first -service service, cooperate with the implementation of old communities.

In addition, during the reconstruction process of Weihai Old Community, it is necessary to strengthen quality and safety supervision and inspection. The housing and construction departments of each district and municipalities must take the lead in implementing the management requirements of safety, quality, and civilized construction. Supervisory inspections, notice shall be reported to the inadequate responsibilities, the measures are not in place, the implementation progress is lagging, and the quality of the project shall be notified.

On the afternoon of July 27, Song Xiemo, a resident of Guzhai District, walked out of the house with a musical instrument box and passed through the new fitness square in the community -he was going to go to class. For many years in the community, Song Xiemo praised the results of this transformation.

"The change is good, and it is good." Song Xiemo said with a smile. In the past, the community was very old, the pipeline was aging, the road was potholes, and the environment was dirty. Clean, neatly, look comfortable when looking at it.

Under a large pine tree on the east side of the Guzhai area, the original idle open space became a children's playground. The newly set children's amusement facilities filled this corner full of childlike interest. The residents nearby told reporters that this open space was shrouded in the coolness of the big tree. The child would not show up here and it was very comfortable. "In this way, the idle open space has been made full use, and the child has a place where entertainment is entertaining." The resident said. (Hi Weihai client reporter Li Lin/Wen Wang Xiao/Picture)

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