"What I can tell you is that there should be everything,"

Author:Jiangsu News Time:2022.08.03

On August 3, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying presided over a regular press conference.

How the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds how China will counter

There should be, there should be, the measures are resolute, powerful and effective

Some reporters ask questions on how China will counter -sanction in Taiwan or Pelosi himself and other US officials.

Hua Chunying (Data Map)

Hua Chunying said that the Speaker of the Perosi regardless of the strong opposition and serious negotiations of the Chinese side, insisted on visiting Taiwan, China, and seriously violated the three joint communiqué regulations of a Chinese principle and China and the United States. The integrity of sovereignty and territory, severely damaged the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and sent a serious error signal to the "Taiwan independence" division forces. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Central Taiwan Office, and the Ministry of Defense issued a statement or conversation last night to condemn it. Qin Gang proposed to the National Security Council and the State Council for the first time. This morning, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of Wang Yi also gave a conversation.

China will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All the consequences of this will be responsible for the division of the United States and "Taiwan independence". We said that. As for the specific countermeasures, what I can tell you is that there will be, and the relevant measures will be resolute, powerful, effective, and the US and "Taiwan independence" forces will continue to feel.

What I also want to emphasize is that every time the United States takes the initiative to provoke the provocation of the Chinese side, all of them have been humiliated and eaten their fruits. The latest example is Pelosi and others inciting Hong Kong's black storm forces and advocating the so -called "beautiful landscape", but it exactly accelerates the reasons and governance of Hong Kong, governing, and rejuvenating. This time, it is no exception. Perosi's attempt to linked to Taiwan with the "Taiwan independence" forces, infringing on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is a praying arms that cannot be blocked. It will only accelerate China's unified historical process.

As the member and foreign minister of Wang Yi pointed out, the United States has rejected his faith on the Taiwan issue and plays the fire. He will be the enemy of 1.4 billion Chinese people and will never have a good end.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to US officials cunning

"People who are people do not read history"

Some reporters asked US officials to ask Perosi to visit Taiwan in Taiwan.

Hua Chunying said that US officials are trying to quibble, even fighting, and still shouting to catch thieves. It reflects that the current US government lacks integrity, lacks historical knowledge and reflect on reflection. There is an old saying in China: the trouble of man lies in not reading history. U.S. officials should really make up classes on the Taiwan issue.

Hua Chunying said that the position of the Chinese government and the Chinese people on the issue of Taiwan has always been consistent, and resolutely maintaining national territorial sovereignty is the firm will of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. To realize the full unity of the motherland is the common wish and sacred duty of all Chinese children. Public opinion cannot be violated, and the general trend is irreversible. No country, any forces, or anyone should not estimate the strong determination, determination, and strong ability of the Chinese government and the people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, realize the national unity and national rejuvenation.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: I believe the Chinese people are rational and patriotic

At the press conference, Hua Chunying also said that I noticed that indeed many people may have a sleeping night last night, watching and following Peross's military planes. It successfully caused the global onlookers and track. China has used action and declaration to show our solemn position. I believe that our Chinese people are rational and patriotic. We are full of confidence in our country and our government to firmly maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity. As for some specific practices, I suggest that you can also study the century -old struggle history of the Communist Party of China. We have not experienced any storms, but we have come all the way to the present and have achieved attention to the world. We are full of confidence in the future.

Source/ People's Daily


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