It's about primary and secondary school students!The latest deployment of the five departments!【959 diffusion】

Author:Ankang Traffic Broadcast Time:2022.08.03

Summer vacation every year

we will see

"Children's drowning accident occurred in a certain place"

The word "drowning"

It has also become a high -frequency word for this season

According to "China Emergency Management"

According to incomplete statistics

More than 20 drowning incidents have been sent in July

39 people were killed, lost contact

More than 30 of them are minors

Tragedy is distressed

But the reason behind it requires us to pay more attention!

One is

Children to catch fish in the waters and fish, causing water to fall into the water

Improper rescue leads to drowning

two is

Children with age meet in the water to play

Parents do not fulfill their responsibility for guardianship, leading to drowning incident

Three is

The dangers in the water are more and complex

Even if you can swim, if you are not careful


The current summer vacation

Children's drowning unexpectedly entered a high incidence period

Please be sure to ring the drowning police bell


Do not let your child go to swimming after vacation!


Don't let your child go out to play alone!


Do not let your children go to the water to play swimming!

The five departments of the Ministry of Education and other departments have deployed to do a good job in preventing drowning in primary and secondary school students

In order to minimize the occurrence of students 'drowning incidents, and effectively protect the safety of students' lives. Recently, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on Doing a good job in preventing the drowning of primary and secondary school students, ", Deploy and do related work.

The notice pointed out that all localities should strengthen their ideological understanding, fully understand the severe situation facing the current prevention of students' drowning work, take the protection of students' lives and safety as the top priority, strictly, and to do a good job in preventing students' drowning work, resolutely prevent and curb them Student drowning incident occurred.

Investigate hidden dangers of the risk investigation of open waters one by one

The notice requires that education, public security, water conservancy, and agricultural and rural departments must work together with relevant departments, focusing on schools, villages around the villages, and students along the way to school. , Water depth and warning signs, rescue facilities, etc., draw a map of dangerous waters, evaluate the risk level, establish a work ledger, promote the clear responsible unit and responsible person, and implement the hidden danger investigation and management one by one.

Carry out normalized inspections of dangerous waters

The notice emphasizes that localities should strengthen inspections and prevention and control, and give full play to the role of the river and lake system platform. Water conservancy, public security, civil affairs, agricultural and rural areas and other departments shall organize village (community) party members and cadres, village (community) auxiliary police, student parents, volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, and volunteers The waters and the responsible persons, the responsible person, etc., carry out normalized inspections, focusing on strengthening the management of dangerous waters during the afternoon and evening in the afternoon, evening, etc., and resolutely stop the students from entering the water without permission. Public security organs at all levels should pay close attention to the key periods and parts of students' water -related activities, strengthen dynamic inspections and controls for targeting, increase the inspection of shoreline in key waters, carry out professional training drills, and effectively improve the ability of water rescue response and application Save the level.

Set the protection facilities to ensure full coverage of key waters

通知要求,各地公安、水利、农业农村部门要推动基层党委和政府督促水域责任单位因地制宜,在水域周边设置安全隔离带、防护栏等,推进落实一个警示牌、一个救生圈、一根救生绳、一The "four -one" construction of the root -lifting rod can ensure the full coverage of the shoreline of key waters through the "defense+technical defense+physical defense+physical defense". For conditions, you can install video surveillance and alarm systems in multiple water areas for all -weather monitoring and prevention.

Dredging and blocking combined with skills training

The notice also requires that localities should strengthen publicity and education, analyze typical accident cases, explain the prevention of drowning and rescue knowledge, and carry out high -frequency and full coverage to prevent drowning publicity and education. It is necessary to strengthen care and care, focus on rural left -behind children and dilemma children, strengthen the cooperation with families, schools, and society, and timely make safety reminders and care assistance. It is necessary to strengthen the combination of dredging and plugging, carry out extensive training and self -rescue, and mutual rescue skills training for primary and secondary school students, build appropriate swimming, water places and corresponding facilities in the regional area, and provide comprehensive quality training for rural students on weekends and holidays. Love companionship, psychological comfort and other services to meet the needs of learning leisure and entertainment. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and assessment, compact responsibilities, and ensure that various measures are implemented.

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Source: CCTV News

Edit: Xiaoshan

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