Activate the good governance forces Longquanyi District to provide a smart plan for community development governance

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.16

On June 15th, the roadshow event of the "Yishara Society Relief · Touyan Leading" community growth plan and 2022 "Yichen Society Relief · Chu Eagle Plan" launching ceremony was held in the Weijia Street community in Longquan Street. At the scene, the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Longquan District Party Committee, the university professor, the outstanding social work, the deputy secretary of the party work committee of various streets, and the community secretary gathered together to provide smart solutions and innovative paths for community development governance.

At the scene, the community brand project of the "Inheritance Culture · Keep Nostalgia Memory" community brand project for Baihe Street community, the Longhua community in Da Nian Street "Residents Live and Happiness Diverse Participation Promoting Integration" The project was awarded and some community secretaries were invited to share the project experience.

This year, Longquan District will adopt the "1+1" pairing method to carry out one -year companion tracking training for 10 outstanding community secretaries selected by the street and towns. Cultivate the secretary's ability to grasp the team and bring the team, the party building strong leadership, and the service to benefit people's livelihood.

In the salon session, Zhang Li, secretary of the Ningjiang Community Party Committee, shared the gains and future planning of the community growth plan. Zhang Ping, secretary of the Party Committee of Yuelong Community, shared the community plan, and the relevant experts subsequently reviewed it.

The relevant person in charge of the Longquan District Party Committee Social Governance Committee said that last year, the district launched the "Yixi Society Governance · Touyan Leading" community secretary growth plan brand project, and implemented a number of operability and high resource integration "combining combination" s project. Injecting the power of community development governance, but also improve everyone's ability and level. At present, it is planned to systematically cultivate the 123 community secretaries in 5 years. Through centralized training, project implementation, practical exercise and other means and methods, the project is used as the carrier to participate in the promotion of the whole process. Team of high -quality professional village (community) secretary of good governance.

Figures of the Governance Committee of Shenyue Longquanyi District Committee of Huaxi Community Media

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