Praise Labor Beauty Building Dream New Era | Zhengzhou Model Model Psycho theme Station unveiling

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.08.03

Elephant Journalist Mu Jiayu Correspondent Zhang Changfu

On August 2nd, the unveiling ceremony of the Zhengzhou model spirit theme station was held at the May 1st Park Metro Station. Wang Yuhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Workers, Ji Wenfu, member of the party group and second -level investigator, Zhang Jun, deputy secretary of the party committee of Zhengzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd., and Wang Shiwei, chairman of the union Wang Shiwei, and other stations. The May Day Labor Medal won awards to witness this historic moment.

Entering the theme station of the model worker, the promotional slogans such as "Light of Labor Lighting the City", "Glory Belongs Labor", "Labor Create the Future, Struggle and Achieve Dreams" can be seen everywhere. The display wall and light box of the deeds have become a beautiful landscape of the station, which ushered in many citizens to stop and watch. Bai Fengxiang, Chang Xiangyu, Ren Changxia and other model workers are dedicated to creating, being willing to be dedicated, courageous, and creating outstanding contributions to social construction and development. Equality workers have changed to knowledge -type, technical, and innovative transformations, and they have bloomed eye -catching in the history of the magnificent reform and opening up ... The majority of labor models created extraordinary performance with ordinary labor, and they concentrated on them. , Creating the spiritual connotation of the model workers of the first -class, hard work, courage to dedicate, indifferent fame and fortune, and dedication. The reporter saw that there are constant citizens who scan the two -dimensional code to learn more about the stories and spirit behind each model worker. A thoughtful education and politics education of the original intention, belief, and struggle silent.

It is reported that the Zhengzhou model workers' theme station is a subway station with the theme of promoting the theme of the "Modeling Spirit, Labor Spirit, and Craftsmanship" created by Zhengzhou Metro Group Trade Union with the strong support of Zhengzhou Federation of Trade Unions. The theme station covers the transfer station entrance, station hall layer, and passenger's main channel, covering an area of ​​more than 4,000 square meters. It perfectly combines the main position of Zhengzhou workers' cultural propaganda and the spiritual connotation of the model workers to create a glorious social style and the dedication of excellence. atmosphere.

Wang Yuhong, secretary of the party group and executive vice chairman of the Zhengzhou Federation of Working, said that the subway is the city window, carrying the spiritual style and image of a city. Through the demonstration of the labor model, the spiritual learning of the labor model, the spirit of labor, and the spirit of the craftsmanship, it provides visitors to learn the spirit of the model, understand the spirit of labor, and practice the spirit of craftsmanship. All of them advocate model workers, learn models, and strive for modeling, consolidate hard work, rejuvenate the enthusiasm of labor, lead the fashion of the times, and paint the "concentric circle" of labor and creating a happy.

"May Day is the holiday of the workers. Choosing to create a model worker theme station at the May 1st Park Station is particularly meaningful and shocked in our hearts. As a struggler in the new era, we must actively participate in the great practice of the new era for the great practice of the new era. The Chinese dream of building a socialist modern country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has made new contributions. "Mr. Ma, a citizen of Zhengzhou who came to visit, told reporters emotionally.

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