Where is the leap key in this \"people\" park in Rizhao?

Author:Internet message Rizhao Time:2022.06.08

The resource service industry chain provides new employment services to the country. By the first quarter of this year, the industrial park's entry into enterprises has achieved a total of more than 17 billion yuan in revenue.

The platform operates long -sleeved good dance
Among the 81 human resources service agencies settled in, there are both global Fortune 500 human resources companies China Zhizhi Group and Shanghai Outer Services, as well There are also a number of well -known human resources professional institutions such as Youlan International. Why can a industrial park located in a small third -tier city release such a powerful magnetic power and let the head human resources service agency willing to gather here?
The operating model of '\"government -led, association -led, and market -oriented operations\" has set up a solid and vast platform for the entry into the enterprise. \"Many entry -level companies have given the same answer.
At the beginning of the establishment of the Industrial Park, Zhejiang Yigao Group, which has advanced experience and resource advantages of more than 260 industrial parks across the country, established a joint venture operation company with local enterprises Shandong Outstanding Human Resources Group. Brand promotion, corporate services, financing docking, foreign exchanges and other work. At the same time, the Human Resources Service Industry Association of Rizhao City is used as a bridge, and in order to host large -scale human resources summit forums and other forms, it will guide the entry into enterprises to establish cooperative relationships with well -known institutions, research organizations and associations in the national human resources industry.
\"This model can bring the impact of modern management concepts and operating thinking to local enterprises, solve problems such as scattered human resources service industry, single form, and poor strength. The \"water and water dissatisfaction\" question brought; not only linked the talents and market resources of first -tier cities, but also used the geographical advantages and industry resources of the local enterprise to meet the actual needs of local human resources service enterprises. \" , An Baosheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.
This model brought this new industrial park into a novel and vast world. In 4 years, the industrial park has held a total of three China (Rizhao) Human Resources Services Cooperation and Exchange Conference. A Human Resources Industrial Park Innovation and Development Forum. More than 5,000 people in the city attended the meeting at Rizhao, and more than 70,000 people watched online.
Industrial Park itself is a platform for recruitment and attracting investment. Links to the industrial park of leading enterprises and leading talents, and give full play to the role of \"building nests to attract phoenixes\", and in the form of garden garden, to build a \"doctoral entrepreneurial park\" platform carrier for high -level talents to Rizhao settled in entrepreneurship, attract excellent projects, excellent projects, excellent projects Talents have taken root in Rizhao. Since opening the park, a total of 14 doctoral teams have been introduced to the doctoral team, and 6 consultants have introduced high -level talents.
Internet+Human Resources Services
Innovation is an enterprise's bigger and stronger endogenous power. With policy support, with a platform support, if you are self -proclaimed, you still cannot go further.
On the 17th floor of Rizhao Human Resources Services Industrial Park, there are two large screens across a corridor, one shows wisdom RizhaoTalent service platform, the other is the single matching platform of the daily gain flexible employment. These two platforms, the previous one focuses on the realization of \"personnel matching\", and the latter is aiming at the \"single match\".
Listing talents, online people with accurate matching; job recruitment, high -efficiency matching online personnel; AI knowledge, interviews on local online, 24 -hour people and enterprises do connection; intelligent testing, intelligent analysis and identification of high -end high -end, high -end high -end and high -end high -end, high -end high -end identification and identification Talent, start the high -end headhunting business ... Smart Rizhao Talent Service Platform has established 3 databases such as job search talents, job needs, and professional intermediaries. Online recruitment, online interviews, and online evaluation can be achieved. Talent employment and data analysis online operation.
\"In the early days of the epidemic, as a protection material company in the epidemic, the task of producing masks and protective clothing was very heavy, the pressure of recruitment was very high, and the smart Rizhao Talent service platform solved us urgent.\" Rizhao Sanqi Medical and Health Products Zhao Shanrong, director of the Co., Ltd., told reporters that when the enterprise has a shortage of labor, the Rizhao Human Resources Service Industrial Park will match and settle services through the online position of the smart platform, and it will recruit 514 people in the company in only three days.
Data show that by May 18, the Wisdom Rizhao Talent Service Platform has achieved 55037 talents and 1603 in the service enterprise, with 26,735 posts, and has provided recruitment employment consulting and matching services for 10,592 people. Among them, more than 300 people were attracted through the list to attract the shortage of talents, and they successfully recovered the employment of hundreds of students from the AI \u200b\u200bknowledge. Through the wisdom test, they accumulated a total of 300 high -end talents.
\"Flexible employment\" has become the emerging vocabulary of \"Internet+Human Resources\" nowadays, providing more possibilities for broadening employment channels. The Single Employee Single Matching Platform is an industrial park as an empowerment enterprise. It uses a digital management model to promote the \"people and order\" accurate matching online service platforms developed by multi -channel flexible employment through new productivity organizations.
The staff introduced that the two layers of \"Nikki\": one is that there are orders every day, and it is easy to pick up orders. Since the platform is launched, it has helped more than 1,400 companies to achieve \"single matching\" each year, helping nearly 200,000 people flexibly employment.
Liu Guowei believes that \"Internet+human resources services\" laid a solid foundation for Rizhao Human Resources Services Industrial Park to achieve differentiation and complementary development in the provincial industrial park.
The \"overflow effect\" of talent services
The service is also productive forces.
Outside the Industrial Park, there are the Government Service Halls of Donggang District. In the industrial park, four functional areas such as public services, entrepreneurial incubation, talent services, and enterprise supporting services have been planned to provide enterprises with one -stop services such as social security, recruitment, training, and incubation. The industrial park also organizes high standards and high -frequency organizations to carry out the \"Three Halls and Four Associations\" activities such as HR Talent Personal Hall, Labor Legal Lecture Hall, Tax Lecture Hall and job fair, Youth Creation, Reading Club, and Qiaoqiao Club to emphasize talents. develop.
High -quality business environment,Eat \"Xinxin Wan\" for the development of the enterprise.
Human resources service industry one industry chain and hundred industries are the \"four new economies\" of linking policy chain, capital chain, talent chain, technology chain, and information chain to achieve the development of \"five chains\". How to do a \"chain article\" for human resources services, empower the enterprise and give wisdom for the city? Xiao Zengjie, president of the Human Resources Service Industry Association and the chairman of Shandong Outstanding Human Resources Group, established a \"star chain\" project to gradually take shape.
\"A training company links 500 companies to train in the service. In the entire big galaxy of the industrial park, through its star, it has connected 500 real economy companies. These 500 companies are in the park, except for except for the park, except for except There are training services, and there may be human resources services such as recruitment, service outsourcing, and talent evaluation services. The park operators get the first -hand real data, grab, analyze, upload the information, and push these needs to these needs to these needs to these needs to these needs to Other companies entering the park realize the extension, strong chain, and supplementation. What kind of talents are the enterprises all over and what kind of talents are needed. \"Xiao Zengjie said.

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