Hong Kong approves the minimum vaccination age of the Koxing vaccine from 3 to 6 months.

Author:Medical community Time:2022.08.02

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Hong Kong approves to take the minimum vaccination of the Koxing vaccine

Age from 3 years old to 6 months

On August 2nd, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced that after considering the opinions of experts, the director of the Medical and Health Bureau had approved the minimum vaccination age of the Kerlfukia vaccine from 3 years to 6 months, and the specific vaccination arrangement will be will be arranged by the specific vaccination arrangements. It will be announced separately this week. (CCTV News)

Posted by the two departments: Resolutely crack down on right

Employment discrimination of new crown recovers

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Health Commission issued the "Emergency Notice on Resolutely Campaign of Employment Disclosure of New Crown Pneumoniaee Rehabilitation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The positive of pneumonia virus nucleic acid testing, refused to recharge (hire) with new crown pneumonia. Employers are strictly forbidden to implement employment discrimination against new crown pneumonia rehabilitation during the employment and employment of workers. The employer is strictly prohibited to dismiss and dismiss new crown pneumonia recovery at will.

In order to ensure the equal employment rights of the new crown pneumonia, the "Notice" requires the standardization and query of the new coronary virus nucleic acid. Except for the need for the prevention and control of the epidemic and the scientific and reasonable setting up the new crown virus nucleic acid detection information query period, no unit or individual may illegally query the relevant relevant inquiries without authorization. Test results. (Xinhua News Agency client)

Huaxi Hospital, Sichuan University August

Retrans the clinic from the 2nd

"Health Sichuan" announced on the evening of August 1st to the epidemic disposal of Huaxi Hospital of Sichuan University: On July 31, the West China Hospital of Sichuan University found the new crown virus infection in a routine nucleic acid screening of inpatient patients. The gene sequencing was caused by the mutant strain of Omikon BA.2.38, and 100%homologous in a case of a case of a associated epidemic in the "7.20" related epidemic in Sichuan Province, the source of the virus was clear, and the spread chain was clear. At present, the investigation and ending of risk personnel such as secrets and sub -intercourse have been completed. After joint evaluation of the national, provincial, municipal, and district expert groups, the epidemic risk is controllable and environmental safety. Huaxi Hospital has gradually resumed the outpatient business in an orderly manner from August 2. (Health Sichuan)

Anhui Hospital was accused of not buying provident funds for employees

On June 14, some netizens left a message on the "People's Daily Leadership Message Board" and complained that the Third People's Hospital of Suzhou City, Anhui Province did not give a housing provident fund at the staff.

The Office of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee replied on August 1st that after investigation by the Qiaoqiao District, the Third People's Hospital of Suzhou City applied for a differential institution to suspend the business in August 2017. It was put into use in early 2020. Essence Since the epidemic in 2020, the hospital has been designated as a designated treatment hospital for New Crown Pneumonia in Suzhou City. Five rounds of patients with new crown pneumonia have been treated in 5 rounds. For this reason, the Qiaoqiao District has made funds many times to ensure the basic salary of medical staff and the basic salary of medical staff and the basic salary of medical staff and Necessary expenditures, but due to the sharp decline in business income, the hospital has no financial resources to purchase housing provident funds for employees. In response to this situation, Laqiao District will increase the protection of the hospital according to the actual situation. At the same time, the hospital plans to buy and make up the housing provident fund for employees after normal medical business and stable income. (Surging News)

Folming! Guangzhou No. 1 Hospital opened monkey acne ward

On August 1st, the Eighth Hospital of the City of Guangzhou Medical University (Guangzhou No. 8 People's Hospital) said that the hospital has established a dedicated monkey acne ward (preparation) to provide corresponding diagnosis and treatment services. Li Linghua, director of the hospital's infection disease center, said that although my country has not reported the case of monkey acne, the hospital opened a specialized ward to further improve the ability and speed of response to emergencies in the concept of "preparation and no need". (Southern+Client)

Liaoning: Third -level comprehensive hospitals should be all

Set up the Chinese Medicine Clinical Department

On August 1st, the "Further Strengthening the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Coordinated Development of Chinese and Western Medical and Western Medical Cooperation" issued by the Liaoning Provincial Health and Health Commission was clearly proposed:

The third -level comprehensive hospital shall set up the Chinese medicine clinical department as required, set up traditional Chinese medicine clinics and traditional Chinese medicine beds. Conditional can establish a traditional Chinese medicine ward and comprehensive traditional Chinese medicine treatment area. Encourage conditional three -level comprehensive hospitals to set up secondary disciplines or professional groups of traditional Chinese medicine, and set up secondary subjects in Chinese medicine in the diagnosis and treatment subjects, support the three -level comprehensive hospitals of the Chinese Medicine Department of the Chinese Medicine Department to promote the work of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Associations, and play a leading role in demonstration. Encourage and support the second -level public comprehensive hospitals to set up a Chinese medicine clinical department. (Liaoning Provincial Health and Health Commission)

my country's total population will enter the negative growth stage

The "Seeking" magazine published on August 1 published an article entitled "Puk of the New Era Population Work" and signed the "Party Group of the National Health and Health Commission of the Communist Party of China". The article pointed out that the "aging aging" under the negative growth of the population will become the norm. With the further release of the long -term accumulated population growth, the growth rate of the total population has slowed significantly, and the "14th Five -Year Plan" period will enter the negative growth stage; the level of fertility has continued to decline. In recent years The most important risk of China's balanced development.

At the same time, the population development situation has been improved. The seventh national census data shows that the population of children aged 0 to 14 increased from 16.60%in 2010 to 17.95%in 2020. The proportion of two children in the birth population has increased from about 35%before the policy adjustment to more than 55%in recent years. The gender ratio of birth population has gradually decreased from 118 in 2010 to 111 in 2020, and gradually tends to normal. (Seeking it)

Data-nickName = "medical community" data-alias = "yixuejiezazhi" data-size = "hi, finally wait for you with a good quality, level, love!, Useful and valuable content is our way of existence. "Data-from =" 2 " /> Source: Comprehensive collation in the medical community

Responsible editor: Zheng Huaju

School pair: Zang Hengjia

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