Cross -fence, messy walking, running through red lights ... Harbin traffic police exposed the law of traffic violations of pedestrians

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.08.02

Recently, the traffic police department of the Harbin City continued to strengthen the governance of illegal acts such as the crosses of the pedestrian, the red light, and the chaotic walking, and exposed the typical illegal act. The governance operation on August 1st has banned more than 420 pedestrians.

Crossing the road across the fence and shocked

At 11 am on the 1st, the police of the Tongxiang Brigade of the Traffic Police came to Edmonton Road and along the urban and rural roads to rectify various illegal acts of pedestrians. On the guardrail on the advanced street section of the urban and rural roads, there were 4 pedestrians over the guardrail here in the past 10 minutes. One of the elderly said that if the bridge next to it, you need to bypass the two or 30 meters in two directions. From the distance, I chose to cross the guardrail in order to copy the road. Traffic police have severely criticized the wrongdoing of traffic safety and punished it with a fine of 20 yuan.

Walking around, the picture is cool and fast, regardless of safety

At 10:30, a man across the road along the road in the middle of the road under the bridge of Xinkang. Dozens of normally driving motor vehicles whistled around him, but the man was completely unknown to the surrounding danger. Seeing this, the traffic police immediately signaled the pedestrian to stop and guided it to the pedestrian crossway. After being taken to the safe area, the man said that because the weather was hot, he walked down under the bridge. The traffic police reminded the man: When crossing the road, pay attention to the vehicles that pass on the road, observe traffic signal lights, walk through the cross line, and pass quickly. Do not stay on the motor lanes, pedestrian crossways, and road isolation facilities, and consciously abide by traffic regulations.

It is too dangerous to break through the red light!

At about 10 o'clock, a woman rushed into the red light through Xinyang Road and Kang'an Road. She kept looking down at her mobile phone. The traffic police immediately guided him to a safe area and pointed out in detail the illegal hazards. The woman said that because she was in a hurry to see her family, she ran through the red light. Subsequently, the police force banned several pedestrians crossing the street, and education pedestrians should consciously abide by the instructions of the traffic signal lights.

According to the law, according to the law, pedestrians should walk cross travele or cross -street facilities when passing through the intersection or crossing the road. On the pedestrian crossway with signal lights, pedestrians need to be passed according to the instructions of the signal light. If a traffic accident occurs, the behavior of pedestrians through the red light will be judged in the accident.

Hao Shuxing reporter Sun Ying


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