Science of Epidemic Prevention | Why does the elderly vaccinate the new crown vaccine?Listen to the doctor

Author:Report Time:2022.08.01


At present, the cumulative vaccination of the new crown vaccine in the city of 60 and above has exceeded 10 million doses, covering more than 4 million people, of which more than 3.8 million people were vaccinated throughout the process, and the vaccination rate exceeded 66%. Combined with the current situation at home and abroad, the vaccination rate of new crown vaccines over the age of 60 or above in the city still needs to be improved. Medical experts said: The elderly inoculate the new crown vaccine as soon as possible.

"We find that the elderly have a new crown vaccine, which can significantly reduce the severe disease rate and even mortality. And, the elderly have inoculated the new crown vaccine, even after infection, the nucleic acid turns the time to the yin." Zhang Jiming, deputy director of the Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University In an interview with reporters, I called on again: I hope that more elderly friends in this city will act as soon as possible to complete the new crown vaccine and inoculate.

In the first half of this year, Professor Zhang Jiming successively served as the executive deputy dean of the medical team of Huashan Hospital to assist the Shanghai Senior Medical Center and the new crown collection hospital in Baoshan Hospital in Huashan Hospital. The situation of the infection of Omikon in the age of 60 analyzes the impact of vaccine on the clinical ending of vaccines on the clinical ending of elderly patients.

"Among the 1029 patients with a 60 -year -old and above new crown patients in the Baoshan Hospital of Huashan Hospital, the proportion of non -vaccine was as high as 62.49%, most of which were patients with 75 years or above, or at least one chronic basic disease. New crown pneumonia progresses to one of the risk factors of severe or death. In addition, the laboratory indicators suggest that the absolute value of lymphocytes of lymphocytes that have not been vaccinated patients are significantly lower than those who vaccinate vaccine, and the D ditromy and C reaction protein of patients with vaccine patients have not vaccinated vaccine patients A significant elevation. And the decrease in lymphocytes, the elevation of C -reactive protein, and the increase of D di gymnosaurus are the early warning indicators of the heavy type and death of new crown pneumonia. "Zhang Jiming said that these results reminded that there is a foundation for elderly patients who have not vaccinated vaccines There are many risk factors that have many diseases and high inflammatory indicators to advance to heavy types. It is a fragile crowd that is easily heavy after infection of the new crown Omikon.

"Among the new crowded patients we have treated, there are three characteristics: old age, no new crown vaccine, and basic diseases." Talking about this, he emphasized that it once again reminded that elderly people over 60 years old, especially basic diseases, have basic diseases. Old people, hurry up to complete the vaccination.

Zhang Jiming also talked about it. In clinical observation research, they found that although there were research and reported that the risk of severe diseases and deaths caused by Omikon mutations was lower than that of other known mutation strains, elderly patients were still risk factors that were progressing to severe illnesses. Essence In the popularity of Shanghai Omikon mutation, vaccination can effectively reduce the risk of breathing support or death in elderly patients, promote the risk of nucleic acid to the yin, and the clinical transition of the new crown vaccine to the elderly Omikon infected people with protection. The vaccination of the new crown vaccine in the age of 60 and above should attract attention, especially for elderly patients who combine chronic basic diseases. Improve the vaccination strategy of the new crown vaccine, and promote the vaccination of vaccines in high -risk populations, especially the elderly over 60 years old, which has positive significance for delaying the progress of diseases and reducing the severe disease rate and mortality of the new crown infection.

For elderly friends' concerns about vaccine safety or inducing other diseases, Zhang Jiming said that if the vaccination was delayed because of these concerns, there was no basis and unnecessary. At present, my country's new crown vaccine has exceeded 3.4 billion doses, and according to data released by the National Health and Health Commission, the reporting rate of domestic new crown vaccines is lower than the conventional vaccine.

On July 23, a press conference held a press conference on the safety effectiveness of the new crown virus vaccine vaccine. At the meeting, it was also specially mentioned that chronic diseases were not contraindications of the new crown virus vaccination. Once the new coronal virus is infected, if there is no vaccination or no vaccination, the risk of severe or even death will be higher.

"In the world, vaccines are recognized as the most effective preventive means. Given that the new crown epidemic is still spreading globally, elderly friends have completed vaccination as soon as possible to protect themselves." Zhang Jiming said.

Author: Tang Wenjia

Edit: Tang Wenjia

Editor in charge: Fan Liping

Figure: The information map of this newspaper

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting.

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